Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1067 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 58

I saw the boy who came from not far away with a clear face and a dignified and cold temperament. Wearing a clean white shirt and suit trousers, his extra formal attire made him more and more wide-shouldered, narrow-buttocks, and straight-legged.

"Damn... what day is today? All these immortals descended into the world one by one?" Cunhua looked at the boy, walked towards her step by step, and blinked dully.

Eh? Wait a moment--

Why is he walking towards them?

Tutu tentatively stretched out his hand and said hello, "Great, great god?"

He Jinnian's thin lips curled slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"Hello, I'm a ten-year dream."

"I'm going!!" Bu Ji Nian jumped up suddenly, looked He Jinnian up and down, and widened his eyes.

Nanfeng is still calmer. He looks older than the few people present, and should have already worked. Seeing He Jinnian at this time, he smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Nanfeng."

"It looks handsome."

Several people exchanged a few words and took their seats.

Tutu's little face was flushed, and he didn't dare to look at He Jinnian. He just held the phone and quickly jumped with his fingers on the screen.

Tutu: Ah, ah, ah, I can't do it. God is so handsome?

Village Flower: [Life is unrequited] Why are we coming to this party? Everyone is immortal, and we are maids?

Bunny: [crying]

Tutu: But God is really handsome! !

Village Flower: Sisters, calm down! A person like the Great God is not something that mortals like us can imagine! You have to remember the purpose of God's special call for us!

Murahua: However, the god is really handsome!

Village Flower: While Rouge is not here, I'll quietly lick my face, right?

Tutu: No problem, sisters lick together!

So, the two put down their phones and stared straight at He Jinnian together.

He Jinnian raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

Then I heard a lazy and soft voice coming from behind, "Hello, is this a party for off-duty groups?"

Tutu and Muraka's eyes lit up and looked up.

Then there was a roaring sound in the heart, as if there were 10,000 drafts rushing past.

Isn't this the pretty sister they were praising about just now?

No, what about the cute and soft little rouge in their minds? Where did you go?

Village Flower shivered, thinking that in front of Su Yan, her image of the praised royal sister is a woolen thread?

She nodded, cowardly, "Yes, it's here, are you Rouge?"

Su Rouge's red lips twitched, "Hello, I'm Su Rouge, my screen name is Xiao Rouge."

Don't remember the year and feel that the world is magical, "But, aren't you a high school student? And your voice..." He looked at Su Yan with inexhaustible words, not knowing what to say.

Nan Feng was also surprised.

Although I know that when meeting netizens in reality, there will always be some discrepancies from what I imagined, but this discrepancy is too big, right?

"Cough... hello, I'm Nanfeng."

The others were so shocked that they could not speak for a long time, Nan Feng took the initiative to stand up and say hello.

Tutu and the others seemed to have reacted, and quickly said, "Hello, I'm Tutu."

"I'm a village flower!"

"I don't remember the year."

"Then this one is—" Su Yan looked down, looking at the only back who was sitting there without looking back, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Brother, why don't you say hello?"

She has long black hair like a waterfall, fluffy and slightly curly. With delicate make-up on her face, the end of her eyes was gently lifted up at this time, the water in her eyes was rippling, and she smiled enchantingly.

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