Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1070 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 61

"Well, all right."

He Jinnian's eyes filled with a smile, he dropped his backpack, pulled out the stool and sat in.

This was a smile in the true sense, and it spread to the bottom of his eyes, and his entire facial features softened. When it came to Su Yan, the tenderness in his eyebrows couldn't be concealed at all.

Wen Hang looked at his rippling appearance, sour, "What? Seeing how happy you are, you are getting along well with Miss Su?"


He Jinnian raised his eyebrows, slowly took out a stack of invitations from his backpack, and threw them in front of Wen Hang.

"Let me introduce, now my relationship with Su Yan has been officially upgraded to husband and wife."

The thick stack of invitations should be available to the whole class.

Wen Zheng's eyelids twitched, unable to control his gaze, he looked at the invitation card on the table.

The dark blue bronzing style, with a dried flower on each cover, is low-key and elegant.

With He Jinnian's character, there is no need to joke around, let alone today is not April Fool's Day.

That is--

He really got the certificate from Su Yan.

Wen Zheng couldn't tell his inner feelings for a while, but except for him, the whole class was boiling.

"Damn it! Is it true?!"

"He Shao is awesome!"

"Ah ah ah, I'm so jealous! Miss Su is going to have her life so soon?!"

"Woooooo, I'm lost in love."

Wen Hang took a deep breath, "Brother, you didn't lie to me, did you?" As he asked, he shook his hands to open the invitation.

The invitation card was opened, and inside was a photo of the two people snuggling together. The two looked at the camera and laughed, with a bright and dazzling smile.

At least, Wen Hang had never seen He Jinnian smile so happily.

It can be seen that he really likes Su Yan. It's just that he couldn't help but slap himself, why does it feel like he's in a dream?

"Fuck... Really, really..."

Wen Hang took a long time to react, suddenly stood up and hugged He Jinnian, slammed his fist on his back, and patted him happily, "Brother is awesome! I have reserved the position of your best man at your wedding!"

This is really a lifetime series, the enemies who have always been tit-for-tat, finally turned war into jade and silk, and are together? !

This shit is even stranger than the end of the world.


He Jinnian was almost out of breath by Wen Hang's punch, he coughed twice and pushed him away angrily.

"Go away, stay away from Lao Tzu."

His tone was as polite as ever, but everyone could hear the smile in his voice.

Wen Hang glared at him angrily, and raised his orchid finger, "Dead ghost~ once you have a new person, forget the old one. Could it be that you forgot how they used to accompany you through the ups and downs?"


He Jinnian glanced at him, and was disgusted by Wen Hang.

"From today onwards, I'm a family man, understand? Don't do anything to me casually."

"Hey - married people are different!" Wen Hang stretched out his fist with a smile, touched He Jinnian, his expression suddenly became serious, "Brother, congratulations! Miss Su is a good girl, you should treat him well. people."

"My wife, do you need to tell me?"

He Jinnian smiled proudly.

What Feng Yang lacks the most is the rich second generation, and of course not everyone is crazy and crazy. But someone like Su Yan who has an excellent family background and belongs to the top existence in Fengyang really has no other shortcomings except for a pampered personality.

You'd say she's domineering, but she hasn't done school bullying either.

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