Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1071 1101 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 62

Although she has a bit of an eldest temperament and likes to use people, aren't those people willing to be called by her?

After all, being her valet also gained a lot of benefits from her.

"Hey, you two are fast enough? I wonder how many boys and girls' hearts will be shattered into scum after the news of your receipt of the certificate spreads!"

He Jinnian wanted to laugh when he saw his serious appearance, "Isn't it just a matter of saving you? Work hard, and I'll pass on the throne of the school grass to you."

Wen Hang rolled his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to him.

Is school grass what you want to do? Even if He Jinnian was legally married, those girls wouldn't give up.


After Su Yan finished class, a group of people surrounded her.

"Su Yan, are you really going to marry He Jinnian?"

"I heard that He Jinnian has sent out invitations."

"Really? But haven't you graduated yet? Getting married so soon..."

"It's a pity, isn't it?"

A group of people are real and fake, most of them are girls, and they all have a hypocritical tone to death.

Said it was a blessing, and the sourness in his eyes was about to overflow.

Su Yan listened nonchalantly, and after they finished speaking, she laughed and closed the textbook with a 'pa'. Nodding, "Well, we are indeed married. Do we need to see our marriage certificate? Huh?"

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Some people still can't believe it, their faces are embarrassed, "Really, really..."

"Otherwise? Since you meet the right one, why don't you tie it up?"

"But how long have you been in love? How do you know that each other is suitable? At least let's get along again... After all, your families are different. If the time comes..."

"Hey—is it over yet?" Su Yan interrupted the girl in front of her impatiently. She couldn't even remember her name. Don't you want to say, I don't match He Jinnian, you are the best match for him, or I'll go to apply for a divorce certificate with him now, how about letting you two be together, eh?"

"I... I don't mean that, I just care about you..."

The girl couldn't get off the stage because of her scolding, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes, but she couldn't get mad at Su Yan.

Su Yan took out an invitation card from her backpack, photographed it on Jiang Meng's table, stood up casually, glanced around the girls in front of her, and then retracted it with a look of disdain.

"I know what you're thinking, but stop dreaming, close your heart early, and don't stare at other people's husbands. Do you understand? I'm Su Yan's person, whether I want it or not is my business. I don't care what happened in the past, but from now on From now on, I hope you will remember who label He Jinnian is on, I think you don't want to see me getting angry, right?"

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and saw Su Yingyue standing at the door.

She sneered, lowered her eyes and sorted things out, ignoring her.

Jiang Meng was very excited. She held the only invitation card and was overjoyed: "Rouge, are you, are you inviting me to your engagement party?"

This was given by Su Yan himself, and it was the only one!

Everyone's eyes fell on her hands, and they were jealous and envious for a while, and they still complained about Su Yanqi in their hearts.

At this moment, Su Yan suddenly picked up her schoolbag and poured it on the table, and a bunch of invitation cards fell out.

She glanced at Jiang Meng, "Keep yours."

Then he casually clicked on the invitation and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm usually too busy to remember your names. If anyone wants to participate, you can fill in the names yourself."

Let’s write about farming in the next plane, and then a little bun~

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