Male God, a Little Su

1076 Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 2

"Ouch!" The woman was so frightened by Su Yan that she stumbled back two steps, pointing at Su Yan, angry and scared, "Why are you like this! We are also kind, you—"

"Come on, a bunch of long-tongued women are not afraid of going to hell with their tongues out in the future." Su Yan rolled her eyes angrily. , "Then can I say that it's good intentions for me to advise you to sell your daughter? Everyone can't eat enough these days. If it's not enough, then sell your son too!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yan gave them a white look, and dragged Mother Wen towards the house.

"Mom, go back."

This is a dynasty that does not exist in history, the Moon Kingdom. Heaven is not beautiful, it is a famine. There was no fruit in the field, and the life of the people was tight.

Therefore, what Su Yan said was not a lie.

In these villages, many of them sold their sons and daughters because they could not afford to raise their children.

As for the original body, she was also bought back by Mother Wen.

It's just that the original body was not sold, but she sold herself. She happened to be bumped by Wen's mother, so she planned to buy the original body back and be her son Wen Shuyan's daughter-in-law.

Yuan Shi's father is a fortune teller, and he travels all over the world with his only daughter. In addition, Yuan Shi's father is capable, so he can also protect Yuan Shi. It's a pity that people who eat this line of rice have bad numerology.

The five evils are nothing more than "widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, and disability."

The original father lost his wife in his early years, had no wealth in his life, and could not die peacefully in his later years.

Just arrived in Taohua County and died suddenly. The original body is poor and white. Earlier, her father had the ability to protect her. She is also savage, and no one dares to bully her. But now when her father died, she became an orphan without a parent. Not only was there nowhere to go, but there was no money to bury his father.

In the end, I simply learned from others that they sold their bodies to bury their father, and happened to meet Wen's mother.

In Mother Wen's mind, she didn't want her son to marry a country girl who only knew how to work and was tanned by the sun. The original body is different. She is very well protected by her father. She looks beautiful and has a special temperament. Knowing that the original body can read and read, she is even more satisfied with her.

At first, Yuan Shen wanted to show her performance, for fear that the Wen family would drive her out. But Mother Wen treats people very well and has a gentle temperament. It didn't take long for her to return to her old ways, showing her sturdy personality.

Originally, Wen Shuyan devoted himself to studying and wanted to gain fame. He even ignored the original body that his mother bought to be his daughter-in-law.

But Yuan Shen fell in love with Wen Shuyan at first sight.

However, according to the original plot, the original body fell into the water this time and died directly. Never thought that the original body had just died, and Su Yan's soul entered her body.

"Yan'er, you just now, just now..." Mother Wen followed behind her, hesitating and not knowing how to speak.

"How was it? Mother, don't you think I shouldn't scold them like that?" Su Yan raised her eyebrows, and there was no smile in her eyes.

Seeing this, Mother Wen always felt that Su Yan had changed a bit after she fell into the water and was brought up.

As for the changes, she couldn't tell.

"It's all villagers. They didn't like you in the first place. Now you're like this. They're behind your back, so it's time to speak ill of you." s reason.

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