Male God, a Little Su

1077 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 3

She would never be able to gather with those people at the entrance of the village, or squat or sit on the ground, and then criticize the people coming and going. Speaking of the East, the East is short.


Hearing this, Su Yan smiled disdainfully.

She really wanted to knock on Mother Wen's head to see what was stuffed in her head. Haven't they all lived here for so many years? How can you be so naive? The customs in the village did not adapt at all, but instead they became weaker and weaker when they were oppressed.

No wonder the days are getting poorer.

"I'm not silver, so I can still make everyone like me? They say if they want to, can I still lose a piece of meat? They say whatever they want behind their back, but if someone dares to say it in front of me, mother, wouldn't you? Do you think that I just ripped their mouths apart because I was just joking?"

Su Yan speaks quickly, and works even more vigorously.

After hearing what Su Yan said, Mother Wen was stunned in place, looking at Su Yan's fast walking back, she felt that what she said was very reasonable.

At the same time, there is shame.

She, who has lived for such an old age, has not yet had a child to live fully.

It's only spring, and the weather is still cold. Su Rou's clothes were wet, and the wind blew from her head to her feet.

The wind poured in from her collar, Su Yan shivered and sneezed firmly.


In the blurry eyes of tears, she saw in the distance, a young man with a handsome face, dressed in a blue shirt, outlining his tall figure.

He looked young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a bookbag in his hand, and was walking towards her.

Wen Shuyan——

Almost instantly, the name popped into my mind.

Su Yan's originally stinky little face suddenly burst into a bright smile, and at the same time, she stepped up to meet her, and said, "Xiang Gong, you are back!"

Her own tone should belong to that kind of gentle and gentle little woman, but her personality is dictated, her voice is loud, and she speaks fast, which makes her a little bit more free and easy than the girl's family.

Wen Shuyan paused, frowning.

The words "Xianggong" were particularly harsh in his ears.

He didn't like Su Yan, and he didn't agree with his mother's move to buy him a daughter-in-law. But no matter how many shortcomings Wen's mother had, she was the one who worked hard to pull him up, and Wen Shuyan couldn't blame his mother.

"You can call me by my name."

As they got closer, Wen Shuyan saw that Su Rou's clothes were soaked through, and her face was frozen white. He frowned even tighter and pursed his lower lip, "What's going on?"

Su Yan looked down at her clothes, and said casually, "I accidentally fell into the river. Why did my husband come back so early today? It's cold outside, so go home quickly."

Saying that, she snatched the bag from Wen Shuyan's hand involuntarily, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and walked quickly towards the house.

"You—you let go!"

Wen Shuyan was stunned for a moment, and she walked forward passively with her, only then did she realize how strong Su Yan was.

His temperament followed Mother Wen's, and he was very particular about what he said and did, and his body was dyed with a faint scent of ink, showing a bookish air. This made him unable to toss with Su Yan in the village.

"What a formality! Su Yan! Let go of me quickly!" Wen Shuyan's face turned red, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed.

Su Yan turned her head to look at him, and couldn't help but smirk.

"You and I are both husband and wife. How can Xianggong still see outsiders like this? What if they are seen by outsiders? Is it possible that there are still people who dare to point out?"

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