Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1083 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 9

In fact, it's not without merit that Su Rou quarreled with Wen Shuyan this time. At least let him release the pressure in his heart, and it can be a lot easier.

Is it a decree--

Wen Shuyan pondered these two words in his mouth twice, and his face was slowly stained with a light smile.

That gentle, clear-headed, bookish young man is back.

He nodded heavily and said solemnly: "I will definitely do it! Let mother have a good life, and-" Let you live a good life.

The latter sentence, he finally swallowed back in his stomach, only his cheeks were slightly red.

Seeing that Su Yan didn't see it, his back turned to him to clean up the mess on the ground, guilt flashed in his eyes, he hurriedly bent over to pick it up with her, and said at the same time: "Don't do it, I'll do it, don't cut yours hand."

After he finished speaking, he could not help but steal Su Ro's job and let her wash her hands.

Su Rou didn't rob him either. She knew that if she didn't let Wen Shuyan do anything now, he would feel more guilty. After letting him do it, he also knew that Su Yan was not angry with him.

This thing is over.

When she went out, she saw Mother Wen sitting at the table outside, her eyes were red, she was crying at first sight.

She walked over and said, "Mother, Xianggong hasn't eaten yet. Is there any noodles in the house? I'll make him noodles to eat."

Wen's mother heard the words and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, why don't I do it!" She stood up and went to work.

Su Yan grabbed her and laughed, "Mother, why don't you let yourself rest when you should be enjoying yourself? My own husband, I will take care of it, so don't be too busy!"

After all, she walked into the kitchen, scooped out a scoop of noodles and poured in water to start mixing the noodles, then rolled them into pieces, and cut them into noodles with a kitchen knife.

She simply washed two small green vegetables, took an egg from her own hen, cooked a bowl of green vegetables and egg noodles together, and sent it to Wen Shuyan.

In the room, Wen Shuyan had wiped the floor clean and was sitting on the stool in a daze.

It wasn't until he smelled a seductive scent that he suddenly came back to his senses.

A bowl of egg noodles was placed in front of him, with green vegetables floating on it, which made people appetizing.

He was stunned for a while, and saw that Su Yan couldn't refuse to put the chopsticks into his hands, "Eat it quickly, it will be over after you finish eating, and it will be fine in the future."

When Wen Shuyan reacted, he had already lowered his head and put his face into his mouth.

The noodles are firm and the soup base is fragrant.

His eyes were sore from the steam, and in a trance, a tear fell into the bowl.

Seeing that he was willing to eat, Su Yan smiled and turned to go out.

Back at Mother Wen's house, Su Yan went to pack her things. She didn't bring much luggage, just a few sets of clothes and a small peach wood comb, which her original father made for her.

Mother Wen was taken aback for a moment, "Yan'er, where are you going?"

She was in a hurry, and quickly grabbed Su Yan, thinking that she was still hurt by Wen Shuyan and was about to leave Wen's house.

Mother Wen really likes Su Yan. No matter whether she can become a family in the end, she also wants Su Yan to stay.

"Mother, where do you want to go?"

Su Yan turned her head, and when she saw Mother Wen's expression, she knew that she must be thinking too much, and she immediately explained helplessly: "I am going to move in with the husband, but since I entered the door of Wen's house, I have no plans to leave. You can rest assured on this point, besides, where else can I go after leaving Wen's house?"


Mother Wen reacted at once and let go in embarrassment.

She pondered Su Yan's words, and finally understood what she meant, and suddenly said in astonishment: "But, but you want to live with Brother Yan, on his side..."

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