Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1084 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 10

The two of them made such a big noise just now, but now Su Yan said that he moved to live with Wen Shuyan. Mother Wen was really afraid that the two of them would make trouble again.

"Mother, don't worry, I will handle the matter with my husband. You should rest early and close the door at night."

After saying that, Su Yan hugged her luggage and turned to go to the side room.

Wen Shuyan made a fire just now and emptied all the pressure in his heart. I ate another bowl of hot egg noodles. At this time, a thin layer of sweat appeared on my body, and my pale complexion became a little more healthy.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.

If you don't look at his tall, swollen face, then the picture in front of you is really not a beautiful scene.

Hearing the footsteps, Wen Shuyan raised his eyes slightly, and saw Su Yan walked in with something in his arms.

Looking at Su Yan at this time, his expression was still a little embarrassed. He pursed his lips, stood up and said warmly, "I will clean up the tableware and chopsticks, you can go back to the room and rest."

He just thought that Su Yan was here to see if he had eaten well, and was about to take away the tableware and chopsticks, but he looked back at what Su Yan said just now.

"I'm here to rest now, Xianggong, you'll have to pack up the dishes~" Su Yan put down her luggage and turned to look at Wen Shuyan with a smile, "There are not many dishes at home, Xianggong should be careful not to break it again. "

Wen Shuyan was stunned for a moment, but without thinking about what Su Yan said, he watched Su Yan take off his shoes and climb onto his bed.


Wen Shuyan was stunned and stood up abruptly.

"You, what are you doing?"

A thin layer of blush appeared on his face, and his eyes flashed with embarrassment under the light. When she wanted to reach out and drag Su Rou, she saw her generously taking off her outer clothes, only wearing her underwear, lifted his quilt and got in.

Wen Shuyan: "..." He looked at it in disbelief, at a loss.

How can this man do this? Domineering and domineering, do not listen to others at all.

"Sleep, of course. Xianggong, you should pack up soon, wash and sleep."

Su Yan smiled and patted the pillow beside him. Wen Shuyan was a person who loved cleanliness very much. The quilt had a faint scent of pine wood, which smelled peaceful.

Wen Shuyan's lips were shaking with anger, "Su Yan, put on your clothes and go out quickly! You and I are not married yet, so what kind of decency is this? If it is seen by outsiders..."

"How about being seen by outsiders? Now, in the whole village, who doesn't know that I was bought by my mother to be your daughter-in-law. What? Could it be that you still think I'm ugly and not worthy of you?"

Su Yan hugged the quilt and sat up, squinting slightly, the smile faded from her face little by little.

It seemed that as long as Wen Shuyan dared to say "yes", she could mercilessly press him on the bed and beat him.

Wen Shuyan's face hurt, he gritted his teeth, "I don't dislike you, but even if you want to marry me, you have to get married and worship the world! Don't you feel wronged?"

Let me ask, which girl doesn't want to be beautiful when she gets married and get the attention of her husband's family?

Even if these years are difficult, whoever married a wife in the village would have to think about hosting a few tables of running water.

It was the first time for Wen Shuyan to see someone like Su Yan, but he didn't listen, he couldn't scold and scold, and he would act when he was in a hurry.

What should Wen Shuyan do? How to do? !

"Don't feel wronged. The so-called customs and traditions are all for others to see. Isn't the most important thing? People? When you marry a chicken, you can follow a chicken, and when you marry a dog, you can follow a dog. If the family is rich in the future, it will not be too late to hold another wedding. "Su Yan said lightly.

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