Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1093 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 19

She still grabbed the sole of her shoe when she took time, and slapped her daughter-in-law twice, scolding her teeth, "Waste, I didn't see anyone beating your mother-in-law, go and beat that little bitch to death for me!"

Wang Laifu's daughter-in-law's eyes flickered, and she shrank back, scared to death, how dare she do anything with Su Yan.

Didn't you hear what Su Yan said? She has seen dead people!

Wen Shuyan saw the noise at the entrance of the village from a distance.

He frowned, and vaguely saw a familiar figure. And now it was getting dark, and a few men with hoes on their shoulders passed by them and stopped.

"Mother, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

The eldest of the Wang family helped his mother up and asked in confusion.

Seeing her backing, the Queen Mother cried even more vigorously, "Da Zhuang! You don't know! I just said a few words, and this little bitch rushed up to beat me. Look at me, look at me. She hit her in the face!"

Wang Dazhuang took a look, but no, his face was swollen.

"It's you who beat my mother?!" Wang Dazhuang angered from his heart, turned around and glared at Su Yan.

"I called it, what? Since no one cares, I don't mind taking care of her, so as not to call her a cheapskate every day. Today is the boss, and tomorrow the boss is short."

"Then you are so cruel? She is also an elder, saying that you can die?!" Wang Dazhuang became impatient and rolled up his sleeves, "Aren't you arrogant? Come on, I'll fight you!"

Wen's mother panicked and rushed to block in front of Su Yan, "Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang, you are calm and calm. It's not what your mother said, she was humiliating Yan'er and scolding her as a vixen, and Yan'er could bear it. Keep hitting her!"

"What? Could it be that what I said was wrong? She is a little bitch and a fox spirit! She smells like a fox! Which girl is running around everywhere, and it is estimated that her body has already been played to rot! Only your family is willing to accept it. These broken shoes!" The Queen Mother spat and stood behind her son with her waist on, cursing more and more vigorously.

Wen Shuyan strode into the shooting star, and the chill all over his body could almost freeze people into ice sculptures.

He came back with the uncle who was driving the car from the same village. Naturally, he heard the Queen Mother's unpleasant words, shook his head and said annoyed: "It's this bitch again, her mouth is really dirty! You should wash her with dung water. wash!"

Wen Shuyan said nothing, walked quietly to Su Yan and Mother Wen's side, raised her eyes slowly, and the extremely cold and stern eyes crossed Wang Dazhuang and landed on the Queen Mother.

"What did you say? Say it again?"

Wen Shuyan was naturally different from the people in the village. In the past, the old scholars in the village once said that Brother Yan is a malleable talent, and he will definitely become a great player in the future. Besides, Mother Wen doesn't know where she came from. The mother of orphans and widows settled here, and her speech and manner are different from those of the women in the village.

The so-called non-my race must have a different heart. She never participated in the gossip between village women. Even if she was too poor to open the pot, she would let Wen Shuyan go to school.

These various actions are not understood by many people in the village. Is reading a thing only the rich people think about? Are you so poor, do you think that you can still grow up?

At this moment, the young man's back was straight, standing in the cold wind, his robes rattled by the wind. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes gleaming coldly. Standing there quietly, the powerful aura around him made people unable to lift their heads.

"Just say it, I..." The Queen Mother's throat was dry for some reason, and she stared at Wen Shuyan's eyes, and the rest of the curse couldn't be said.

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