Male God, a Little Su

1094 The sturdy wife and pretty scholar 20

Mother Wen was so excited that she grabbed Wen Shuyan and complained, wanting to cry angrily.

"Brother Yan, she scolded Yan'er as a vixen. She was ruining Yan'er's reputation and wanted to kill Yan'er!!"

Su Yan bent her lips, and her eyes fell on the back of the young man standing in front of her. Obviously he has not grown to be absolutely tall, and his stature is much thinner than Wang Dazhuang. However, when he kept in front of her and defended her, the whole person was like a mountain.

Wang Dazhuang was a little cowardly in front of Wen Shuyan. He clenched his fists and said in a stern voice: "Brother Yan, go away, this matter has nothing to do with you! She beat my mother, this matter is not over!"

"Aunt Wang is telling the truth? Did she really scold my wife like that?"

Wen Shuyan ignored him, kept his body still, and stood quietly in place.

He was calm and calm when he spoke, and he was not afraid of Wang Dazhuang who pretended to be stronger than him.

"This..." Wang Dazhuang was a little untenable when asked, and he turned to look at the Queen Mother.

To be honest, he knew that his mother's character was not good, and her mouth was not forgiving. Who hasn't been scolded by her for the little daughter-in-law in the village? He was used to arguing with people often.

But if her mother really scolded her, it would be really ugly.

The Queen Mother pouted and said with a guilty conscience, "What's wrong with scolding her? She owes her scolding!" She muttered.

Wen Shuyan heard the laughter, her eyes were like cold stars, "Aunt Wang, if you have anything to say to me, it's just that my wife is docile, and it's a last resort to beat someone. She lost her parents and entered my Wen family's door, then No matter what she was like, I wouldn't mind. Besides, ruining a person's reputation is like taking a person's life. Aunt Wang said so, but have you considered the consequences? I have no intention of arguing with you. Since you think you are right, then we will simply Report it, how about it?"

His tone was casual, and he said the word reporter lightly.

"The newspaper, the newspaper officer...?"

The Queen Mother's legs suddenly softened. Although all kinds of targets were directed at Mother Wen, why wouldn't she be envious? Wen Shuyan is handsome, but it is said that he is good at reading, and that is the person who has been said by the old scholars in the village that he will definitely have a bright future. That is, someone who has read the book and is knowledgeable. He is now saying that he is reporting to the official, which makes the queen mother who has never seen the official in her life panic naturally.

Su Yan couldn't help but chuckle, she loved Wen Shuyan's short-guarding temperament. I don't like you, and I don't want to marry you. Now I keep saying a lady, it's really cute.

"Yes, reporter. Let's go together while it's still dark."

After that, Wen Shuyan said to the uncle who was driving the car: "Uncle Xu, please take another trip and take us to the government."

When Old Man Xu heard this, he smiled and said, "Sure! Then let's go?"

He pulled the ox cart and looked at the pale face of the Queen Mother, and was overjoyed. This old lady doesn't do serious things all day, and she has scolded his daughter-in-law and cried before. If she is unlucky, Uncle Xu will be happy!

Wang Dazhuang was also a little confused. He didn't understand how it finally evolved to the point where he wanted to report to an official.

"Wait, wait for Brother Yan, it's just a quarrel, there's no need to report to the officials, right?" He grabbed Wen Shuyan and said anxiously.

Wen Shuyan lowered his eyes lightly, swept his eyes on his black hand, and hooked his lips, "No, she wants my wife's life, it's not a big deal? If my wife can't think about it because of her, you may pay me. Such a beautiful lady?"

"This..." Wang Dazhuang was dumbfounded.

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