Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1096 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 22

Su Yan lowered her eyes and sighed, "Look, I didn't do anything, you jumped down by yourself. By the way, if you are an officer, hurry up, but..." Su Yan curled her lips badly, "I'm not good-tempered. Well, if I am wronged, no one will think about it. From now on, you'd better stay away from me when you see me, and shut up if you can't avoid me! Otherwise, I will hit you once every time I see you!"

"Cough...cough, little, little bitch—"

The Queen Mother was carried ashore by Wang Dazhuang, and she lay on the ground and shivered with cold.

Su Yan's face turned black, and she was about to kick her down when she lifted her foot. But before he could, his wrist was grasped by a big cool hand.

A cold and flat voice sounded in my ears, "It's getting dark, go home."

Su Yan pursed her lips and turned to look at Wen Shuyan. The sky is getting darker and darker, and behind him is a large peach tree.

She suddenly lost her anger in her heart, snorted, and took his big hand seriously, "Okay, then go home."

Wen Shuyan was stunned for a moment, and noticed that there was a small soft hand holding his. Unlike his cold, Su Yan's hand was like her whole person, with endless vitality, hot and warm.

Seeing that he didn't move, Su Yan raised her eyes to meet his, and threatened to herself, "Dare you try to break free?"

Wen Shuyan: "..."

After all, he doesn't know women in general.

Seeing this, Mother Wen smiled happily. She walked in front happily. When passing by, everyone looked at her differently.

The figures of the three quickly disappeared, and night was approaching.

Everyone watched a big play, but they still haven't digested it completely. Looking at the Queen Mother and Wang Dazhuang who had just climbed out of the water, they couldn't help smacking their tongues.

"My darling, Brother Yan's daughter-in-law is really cool!"

"But it's really fun! It's been a long time since I looked at her, she's a bitch!"

"But that's all, Brother Yan keeps saying that his wife has a good temperament, is he blind?"

If Wen Shuyan heard these words, he would probably just silently say one sentence in his heart.

If you say anything against your heart, you will be punished by heaven, such as being ridden on the head by your nominal daughter-in-law.


After returning home, Mother Wen had a chance to look at the contents of the bag.

Seeing this, she was startled, "Yan'er, where did you get these things? You—"

"I made a bet with someone and won. Mother, you and Xianggong are weak, so you need to eat something good and make up for it."

Su Yan took the meat and prepared to fry some lean meat for them tonight. And her little man's body is not good, how can this be done?

You have to make up for it while you're young!

"Betting? With whom?"

Wen Shuyan frowned slightly, and looked at Su Yan sideways. The candlelight jumped in his eyes, making his eyes more and more threatening.

Su Yan told the truth, "I wrote a few talismans today and planned to sell them in the county town, but I met a gangster. I bet he will be jailed, he doesn't believe it."

Mother Wen was stunned, "Then what?"

"Then he was caught and lost a tael to me."

Su Yan spread her hands, very innocent.

"Where's the talisman?" Wen Shuyan coughed lowly, a little smile filling his eyes.

Su Yan sighed, "Giving it away, no one will buy it. Nowadays, people in the world would rather believe those liars with long beards and look at immortal spirits than those who are capable. It's too difficult for me!"

When she said this, she pouted, and her little face was as beautiful as a flower, and she seemed a little aggrieved.

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