Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1097 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 23


Wen Shuyan couldn't help tilting her head, and suddenly felt that she was not completely sturdy, and would act like a normal girl.

Thinking about it, if her temper was not stronger, how would she walk outside with his father.

But thinking of making a bet with the gangster, Wen Shuyan restrained his smile, "I will accompany you to sell in the future, and I will try to come back as soon as possible." He did not say to stop Su Yan and interfere with her decision.

Some people feel that when a daughter-in-law is married into their own home, showing her face is a disgrace to her husband. Wen Shuyan had no such idea at all. Su Yan had the ability and ability, and he was happy for her.

But one more thing-

He frowned, "Also, if you reveal your destiny like this, will it have any effect on you..."

"Xiang Gong is caring about me?"

Su Yan was delighted, she sat down opposite Wen Shuyan, holding her small face and staring at him.

That look was wrong, and with a smile, Wen Shuyan felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.

He pursed his thin lips and said lightly, "You think too much."

"Oh~ is that so?"

Su Yan gave him a narrow glance, "But don't worry, every time I earn half of the money I make, I will give half of the money to the beggars in the city, and I only calculate one hexagram a month and sell three talismans, is that alright?"

Seeing her say this, Wen Shuyan nodded, "Okay."

It was funny when she reacted. In doing this business, the previous talismans could not be sold. She even thought that she would only sell three pieces a month.

It seems that he has to think of other ways to earn more money to support his family.

Su Yan made fried pork at dinner. In today's dynasties, fat meat is expensive, and lean meat is half as cheap. But Su Yan didn't save it, and cut half a catty of fat to make lard.

Dinner is made with lard, and the whole courtyard is fragrant.

In addition, she also used the residue to fry a few pancakes. After the oil and gas had passed through, the surface was golden, which made people appetite.

Even Mother Wen ate an extra cake for dinner, but Wen Shuyan was reserved at first, until Su Yan pushed all the leftovers in front of him, threatening: "Eat all, don't allow any leftovers!"

Wen Shuyan glared at her disapprovingly, "Why are you like this?"

Su Yan stood up and walked into the house, without turning her head back when she heard the words: "I'm thinking of myself, how can a man be in bad health?"


Wen Shuyan was immediately choked to tears by her words. Fortunately, Mother Wen went to the kitchen to pack up, otherwise, she would not be embarrassed to hear this.

"Su, Rouge!!"

Wen Shuyan was in a panic, and sure enough, in front of Su Yan, don't think about being graceful!

Su Yan was not mad at him, but his psychological endurance was strong enough.

When the door of the house was closed, Wen Shuyan could still hear Su Roy's silver bell-like laughter.

He gritted his teeth angrily, turned grief and anger into appetite, and ate all the meals.

After eating, he was a little annoyed, why did he follow Su Yan's wishes?

However, the craftsmanship is really good-

Mother Wen has learned to do housework over the years. That is, cooking can only be considered edible, not so delicious. Wen Shuyan is also used to it. For him, food is just something to fill his stomach, as long as he doesn't starve to death.

But now, he actually started to despise his mother's cooking skills, which is really ashamed.


Su Yanguan fiddled in the house for a long time, and when Wen Shuyan knocked on the door to enter, he saw Su Yanshen secretly stuffing something into his arms, and inadvertently, he saw a yellow corner.

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