Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1098 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 24

"Mother asked me to ask if you want to take a bath... She boiled hot water."

Wen Shuyan's Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was hoarse. If you listened carefully, you could hear the embarrassment in his voice that he was trying to suppress.

Su Yan hooked her lips and carefully admired Hui Wen Shuyan's beautiful face. She looked straight at it, Wen Shuyan felt that she had nowhere to hide in her hot gaze, pursed her lips and looked away, trying to make herself not care.

Unconsciously, the ear root burned.

"You ask mother to wait for me for a while, and I'll go out."

After all, she went out.

Seeing her back, Wen Shuyan squinted his eyes, thinking that Huang, who had caught a glimpse, was Fu Lu, right?

What does she want to do?

This doubt didn't last long, and Wen Shuyan knew it the next day.

Early in the morning, the Queen Mother's scolding came from the village. Wen Shuyan was sitting in the yard reading a book, and he was accustomed to hearing the sound.

But soon, he knew that this was not normal.

Mother Wen came back and told Wen Shuyan, "I don't know if God can't see her saying that about our rouge, so she was unlucky. She was picking vegetables in the vegetable garden early this morning. She didn't see the road clearly and fell into it. In people's cesspools..."

The whole person's head and face are covered with feces, that disgusting ah. It stinks all over, and I can't take it anymore.

Even her son didn't want to get close to her, pinching his nose to hide away, but it was disgusting enough.

The point is, she fell into the cesspit in the east, but her home is in the west. This man was covered in excrement and passed through most of the village, losing his face.

Now let her be arrogant again, I'm afraid she won't be able to raise her head when she goes out in the future!


Wen Shuyan coughed and said nothing.

Here, he thought it was just an accident until noon. He heard the Queen Mother scolding her daughter-in-law and her daughter-in-law's crying from the yard next door.

Crying and crying, the Queen Mother screamed, stepped on a piece of chicken shit under her feet, and fell down.

The fall broke his arm.

Then I hired a middle-aged man to set her bones. The bones were connected, but they were misplaced. Then she forced the Queen Mother to endure the pain and picked her up again.

It's been bad luck all day, and it's getting worse every time.

No matter how calm Wen Shuyan was, he couldn't help thinking about it.

What did Su Yan go out to do last night? Is she so smart?

She has seen Wen Shuyan with her careful eye, and if she offends her, she will either be scolded back by her or be beaten severely by her. It is impossible to seek benefits from her.

Yesterday, the Queen Mother climbed out of the water, scolded her again, and was finally called back by him. It turned out that she had always held grudges.

Only Mother Wen didn't think about anything, and she was a little unhappy when she came back, and said to Wen Shuyan: "Brother Yan, why do you think those people always dislike Rouge? She is obviously good-natured and diligent, but Dazhuang's mother is unlucky, What's the matter with our Yaner? Why do you say that Yaner cursed her and made her so unlucky? "

Wen Shuyan turned the book for a while, then fell silent: "..."

He thought to himself: Mother, maybe this thing was really told.

But it was impossible for him to say this. Mother Wen really likes Su Ro, and Su Ro is also good to Mother Wen. The two of them are actually pretty good.

At this moment, Su Yan stuck out her head from the kitchen and shouted, "Mother, I'm going to fry some small balls, come in and help me!" After speaking, she took it back, her calm and calm appearance made Wen Shuyan Lips twitched.

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