Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1099 The Sturdy Wife and Pretty Scholar 25

Naturally, he wouldn't think that Su Yan had done too much, but because of this, he had a true definition of Su Yan's ability.

It turned out that she really knew these things, instead of saying it casually.

and also--

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. Su Yan has such ability, but he doesn't know how to hide it. He is afraid that he will not be able to keep her in the future.

"Mother, I'll be 18 after the new year. According to the agreement, I can go to take the exam. Don't worry, just wait and I'll take you out of here." Wen Shuyan said solemnly.

Mother Wen's thoughts moved, and she felt calm when she met her son's heavy gaze.

She patted Wen Shuyan on the shoulder lovingly, "Okay, mother will wait."

After that, she turned around and went to the kitchen to help Su Yan.

Mother Wen walked on the front foot, and there was a knock on the courtyard door of Wen's house on the back foot.

The two in the kitchen didn't seem to hear anything, Wen Shuyan moved his eyes, put down the book and walked to open the door.

Outside the door, Wang Dazhuang rubbed his hands and stood outside the door embarrassed.

Seeing that it was Wen Shuyan who opened the door, he was stunned for a moment, his aura became even weaker, and he asked in a low voice, "Brother Yan, is your wife here?"

Wen Shuyan smiled slowly, his facial features were originally good-looking, but at this time, he smiled like the breeze and the moon, like a fairy.

Wang Dazhuang was stunned when he saw Wen Shuyan pacing out and closed the door.

Wang Dazhuang: "..."

He hesitantly looked at Wen Shuyan standing in front of him, and asked tentatively, "Brother Yan, what do you want to say to me?"

"No," Wen Shuyan smiled, "I want to ask you, are you planning to come to settle accounts with my wife? Although I'm not as strong as you, I'm also a man. If you have any dissatisfaction, just rush at me. bring it on."

He stood where he was, with a refined and gentle temperament.

Wang Dazhuang swallowed his saliva, rubbed his hands together and smirked, "How can you! Brother Yan, how dare I trouble your wife. My mother knows that she is wrong. Look, can you ask your wife if she can? Raise your hand high and spare my mother once?"

At first he thought it was an accident, but it happened one after another, and he almost choked to death while eating dinner.

Wang Dazhuang didn't dare to delay for a moment, and hurried to find someone to beg for mercy.

Even if the Queen Mother's mouth is damaged again, it is his mother. And he also has a little thought in his heart. Now it's his mother who is unlucky. What if Su Yan remembers and curses him later?

Thinking of how his mother was covered in feces and was pulled out of the cesspool, he felt nauseated in his throat.

The Queen Mother flushed more than a dozen buckets of water in the yard, and took two baths before she could barely see.

Wen Shuyan looked at Wang Dazhuang's low-pitched appearance, and suddenly felt ironic.

Everyone in the world is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, and he can understand this best. When he was young, his mother hugged him and cried in the house, and from time to time there were vulgar jokes from the gangster outside.

At that time, he clenched his small fists and wished to raise the kitchen knife to hack to death those who bullied his mother, but was stopped by Mother Wen.

Later, as he grew up, he did not interact with the people in the village, and the relationship became more and more alienated. But these things, he still can not let go.

"Huh? What did you say? Did my wife do anything?"

He raised his face with doubts on his face, "But my wife hasn't stepped out of the house since she came back yesterday. What can she do?"

"But—" Wang Dazhuang's eyes flashed with fear, and he grimaced, "Brother Yan, you can see how unlucky my mother is today, she almost choked to death at dinner, I'm really afraid she has something Misunderstanding! My mother is really afraid and knows it's wrong, please forgive us!"

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