Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1183 Uncle's little boy 28

"Then, the cooperation is pleasant. For the next investment, our company will send someone to contact your school."

The two big hands were clasped together, and Principal Wu was shocked that he didn't look like a mountain or water, but in fact the strength in his hands was amazing.

"Oh, by the way, before I leave, I want to visit her class again, okay?"

Of course, Principal Wu would not refuse his father's request to invest.

"Yes! I will arrange for the teacher to take you there immediately."

"Who, you take them to Mr. Han's class. Mr. Han has a good personality and gets along well with the students. Let this student Su go to her class."

Hearing the door opening, Su Yan turned her head, just in time to see Cheng Zeguang come out.

Her eyes were bent, and Cheng Zeguang's heart softened.

"Okay, let's go, I'll accompany you to the classroom."

Su Yan paused in her footsteps, and suddenly felt a little flustered. She pursed her lips and seemed slightly at a loss.

"It's okay, in the new environment, everyone doesn't know you, right? Besides, you have to believe that Uncle can protect you."

He patted Su Yan's head and said warmly.

After a long time, Su Yan took a deep breath, prepared herself mentally, and nodded heavily.

She wanted to live, she wanted to start over.

In fact, she had seen the news at the beginning, and she was really relieved when she didn't see the video that followed her.

Wang Mengmeng and others have been sent to prison, and now, they just need to look forward.

It's very simple -

"Hold me if you're afraid."

As soon as Cheng Zeguang finished speaking, the corner of his clothes was gently pulled.

He curled his lips into a low smile, his eyes were full of joy, and the little girl's dependence was happy.

More than half of the students in the classroom were already seated. Cheng Zeguang walked in with Su Yan one after the other, and the noisy voice in the classroom suddenly disappeared.

Look at this weird combination in front of you.

The man headed by him has mature temperament and a handsome face. Wearing a black silk shirt and silver-gray trousers, he is domineering and elegant.

And behind him, the girl who was still dragging his clothes timidly lowered her head slightly. The half-length black hair fell down, making it difficult for people to see her appearance clearly, except for her white, almost glowing skin, which made people very envious.

"Cough, everyone be quiet, this is a new student in our class. In the last year of school, she will progress and study together with all of us. I hope everyone can get along well. Come on, the new classmate will introduce herself. ~”

The teacher Han was called out and said a few words, probably because he knew what happened to Su Yan. She looked at her with pity in her eyes, and spoke softly and with encouragement.

Su Yan raised her head and met Cheng Zeguang's eyes, Cheng Zeguang nodded slightly.

She suddenly had great courage, let go of her hand, and took a step forward.

In an untraceable voice, he introduced himself: "Hello everyone, my name is Su Yan, and in the future, please give me more advice-"



"Welcome new classmates! We can be friends!"

Hearing everyone's applause, Su Rou breathed a sigh of relief, and she quietly glanced at Cheng Zeguang. Seeing that his eyes were on her from beginning to end, she felt more at ease. She bent her eyes and looked up at the podium.

This also allowed everyone to see her face instantly.

The skin is as white as jade, the eyebrows are curved, and a pair of almond eyes seem to contain autumn waves, timid, but not annoying.

At this time, he smiled, pursed his lips slightly, and the small pear vortex on his cheek was deeply sunken, which was particularly beautiful.

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