Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1184 Uncle's little boy 29

The male classmates cheered even more, and the female classmates also had a strong impression of this beautiful and well-behaved girl.

After all, girls prefer to see beautiful women than boys~

Not everyone is mentally dark and can't see the good of others. Most people still yearn for beauty and like beautiful things.

After Su Yan finished speaking, Teacher Han asked her to choose her own position.

The better positions have been selected. Only the middle of the first three rows, the place that is most easily noticed by the teacher, is the position.

Su Yan didn't choose much, found a seat in the second row and sat down.

"By the way, the new classmate is not in good health. You can't bully others, you have to take care of her!" Teacher Han urged with a smile.

She clasped her hands and looked at Cheng Zeguang, "Sir, are you Su's parent?"

Cheng Zeguang's eyelids twitched, and he met Su Yan's hopeful gaze.

He nodded reluctantly, "Well, that's it."

In fact, he wanted to say that he was a relative of Su Yan, so what happened to his parents? It always feels that there are many generations between him and the little girl.

"Then you say a word?"

Teacher Han is a woman, about thirty-five years old, dressed intelligently and elegantly. Looking at Cheng Zeguang at this time, there is a faint appreciation in his eyes.

"Okay," Cheng Zeguang refreshed, propping up his hands on the lecture table, as if he were in a company meeting, "As Su Yan's parent, she is also her guardian. Isn't there a saying that eating people's mouth is short, taking people's hands short? Today I will Treat, go to the best seafood restaurant in the neighborhood and eat whatever you want, how about?"

He threw out a sentence witty, and immediately caused a burst of screams from the audience.

"Ahhhh!! Of course you can!"

“Seafood Seafood Seafood!”

"Go to the legend of the deep sea! The seafood there is super delicious!"

"Uncle is super handsome! Refill! Love you!"

Hearing the confession to Cheng Zeguang mixed in with the screams, Su Yan frowned indiscernibly.

She frowned and glared at Cheng Zeguang.

Cheng Zeguang: "..."

He raised his eyebrows and asked silently, Su Yan had lowered his head again.

It's just that the mood seems to be not so happy.

Cheng Zeguang was helpless, what did he do to make the little ancestor unhappy?

"Okay, let's vote, the minority obeys the majority. If you are allergic to seafood, you can choose any restaurant in the city, and I will pay for it." Cheng Zeguang said cheerfully, but soon he narrowed his eyes and gave sweet dates. Knock knock?

"However, since you have eaten my big meal, you have to take good care of our rouge for me, right?"

The man's voice is low and hoarse, and his temperament is mature and noble.

From head to toe, even the strands of hair, reveal the powerful breath of the superior.

Looking at his whole body, he is definitely not an ordinary working class. Therefore, everyone heard that he treated guests and agreed without any pressure.

This is the first time a parent treats a guest, and it's still the best restaurant in the city.

Many girls looked at Su Yan enviously, and the people around them poked Su Yan's arm and asked in a low voice, "Su Yan, who is he from you? He's so handsome..."

Su Yan's eyes flashed when she heard the words, she glanced at Cheng Zeguang carefully, and saw that his eyes were not on her body. He pursed his lips, pinched his wrist and said in a low voice, "It's my guardian, and it's mine..."

Before she could finish speaking, her little face was dripping with blood, and her beautiful eyes shone with water, and she still wanted to speak.

The female classmate let out a long "Oh~", her eyes flashing with the light of gossip.

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