Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1202 Uncle's little boy 47

Su Yan caressed her lips, which were slightly hot and smelled of alcohol.


Her little face was suddenly red with blood, and she lowered her head in a panic.

Cheng Zeguang looked at it with leisurely attention, his Adam's apple rolled, and a smile filled his eyes.

"You believe it now? Girl, I didn't expect that you are quite bold." He lifted her chin to admire her little face full of red glow.

The eyes are moist and empty.

"I know I'm shy now? Where is the courage to kiss me in front of so many people just now? Huh?" Cheng Zeguang hooked his lips, "I remember all your words, don't want to go back on it in the future, um—"

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was tightly covered by a pair of small hands.

Su Yan was so ashamed that she almost cried, she stared, "Don't say it!"


Cheng Zeguang's eyes were full of smiles, and he reluctantly swallowed the smile that was about to overflow his lips and raised his hands in surrender.

"You are the ancestor, you have the final say."

Do not say do not say.

It's just that tonight's unexpected surprise was like a depth bomb, and Cheng Zeguang was still in a daze.

"elder brother--"

Xu Xiaowu's Ai Ai stepped forward, "Can we go back in your car? It's too late, it's not easy to take a taxi..."

Cheng Zeguang sneered, glanced at her, thin lips, "Go away—"

He hasn't settled with her about tonight's matter!

If the little ancestor is not good at coaxing, she will wait to be punished!

God knows, when he pushed the woman away and looked up to see the little girl standing not far away looking at him, his heart almost stopped beating.

Oh shit.

He slammed the car door shut, preventing Su Yan from begging for her.

He turned indifferently to the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and left.

He sprayed the exhaust of Xu Xiaowu's three-person car.

Abin: "Xiao Wu, why are you doing this?"

Xu Xiaowu gritted his teeth and stared at the car that was getting further and further away, wishing to burn two holes in the car body.

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge! It's too much! If I knew I shouldn't have come to him with a rouge! Oh, damn old man..."

Old cows eat young grass!

It should have made him suffer to death!


After the showdown between the two, in fact, not much has changed in life.

They still slept in their own rooms, but when they got along, there was a little more intimacy that they didn't have before.

If Cheng Zeguang in the past was calm and restrained, now he is a 'wild dog' that may run away at any time.

"Don't worry, it's okay to be late, take your time."

Cheng Zeguang poured her a glass of milk and coaxed in a low voice.

Su Yan pursed her lips, took the last bite of the fried egg, and glanced at the milk unhappily.

"No, it must be finished."

Cheng Zeguang tapped the table and raised his eyebrows, hiding a threat, "If you don't finish drinking, you won't go to class today."

Su Yan's eyes lit up, and she looked at Cheng Zeguang, her eyes twinkling.

Cheng Zeguang, who was familiar with Su Yan's little habits, paused and couldn't help coughing.

"Cough—girl, your thoughts are getting more and more evil now, eh?"

Su Yan's face was slightly red, and she picked up the milk and drank it unhappily.

Then he picked up his schoolbag with a bitter face and glared at him resentfully.


Seeing Su Yan walking towards the door, Cheng Zeguang rubbed his chin happily, "You dare to stare at me, your temper is rising."

It's just that Uncle Cheng seems to have forgotten that Su Yan's small temper, but he personally spoiled it little by little.

All the way to the school, Cheng Zeguang asked him every day.

"Pay attention to safety at school. It's cold, and outdoor activities can be avoided. I'll contact your teacher about this."

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