Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1203 Uncle's little boy 48

"Also, if someone bullies you, you call me, you know?"

When the school arrived, Cheng Zeguang turned his head and squinted, "The most important thing is to keep your distance from those little boys!"

Thinking of how he felt when he saw the letter last month, Cheng Zeguang felt more and more that he must not back down on this point!

Not even crying!


Su Yan blinked and couldn't help laughing.

She raised her chin and looked arrogant, as if she was saying: Look at your performance.

"Okay, let's go in."

Cheng Zeguang got out of the car and went around to the side to open the car door for her, unfasten her seat belt, and hold her schoolbag in one hand.

Su Yan sat still, and tapped her cherry lips.

Silently remind the other party if he forgot any ceremony.

Cheng Zeguang let out a low laugh and looked left and right. There was no one around, the weather was foggy, and few people passed by outside.

Except for individual students, most senior high school students need to live on campus.

He lowered his head slightly and leaned in, quickly pecked her soft lips.

"Okay, be good at school, eh?"

He patted her head with his big hands, and half hugged her out of the car.

Su Yan raised her lips in satisfaction, and even her pace when entering the school was much brisk.

Looking at Cheng Zeguang, he laughed secretly. He leaned on the car and watched Su Yan go away.

As the Adam's apple rolled, the words escaped from thin lips, wrapped in endless pampering.

"Dishonest girl—"


Time passed quickly, and Su Yan and Cheng Zeguang had a peaceful and warm life.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yan finished the exam and took the winter vacation.

And got the first good grade in the whole school, making Cheng Zeguang happy, he waved his hand, and his words counted.

He directly packed a plane and took Su Yan's whole class to go to Switzerland to play.

Stay in the most luxurious hotel and eat the most delicious meal.

This incident was once posted on social platforms, and then topped a hot search.

#rich people's happiness you really can't imagine, as a wealthy classmate, you can imagine the happiness.

【Picture of Jiugongge】

#Our little classmate has a good personality, looks beautiful, and even got the first place in the whole school!

#It doesn't matter if you look good and get good grades, Guan Jian still has money! A good group of parents.

#This point I can testify, because I am in Switzerland now hehehe~ I can say that when the first time a little student transferred to our class, the local tyrant father invited the whole class to a seafood buffet, which included all the video game city. Coins, let's play all afternoon?

The people in these topics are all Su Yan's classmates without exception.

And they are very arrogant, constantly posting pictures, Swiss skiing, luxury hotels, high-end restaurants...

Every time I post a Weibo, I have to bring a location, which makes a group of netizens feel sour.

[The parents of other students have never let me down. 】

[May I know in advance which university this local tyrant will be admitted to in the future? I decided to give it a try, I also want to travel abroad! 】

[Woooooooo fuck, I'm really sour. 】

[What kind of fairy parent is this! Woohoo too! ! 】

[Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree. 】

【Today we are all lemons! Sisters are sour together! 】

[Excuse me, does this local tyrant father lack a daughter-in-law? I really can't be a lover, I don't want to work hard anymore]

[The one in front who wants to be classmates with local tyrants will take me with you! See you at university! ! 】

[Don't think about it, in order to travel abroad once every semester, the places for university students have been reserved by our own people, a little bit~~]

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