Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1526 Red Rose and the God of Light 57

He looked very serious, so serious that he was a little cute.

Su Yan waved at him, and summoned a mercury mirror to show him, "Look, Noah."

Noah looked in the direction she pointed, and the mirror reflected his face, with dirt on his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Against his extraordinarily serious face, it is extraordinarily funny.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and quickly performed a cleaning technique.

Body quickly refreshed.

"Hey - I haven't seen enough! How cute are you just now?" Su Yan smiled and hugged his neck, "It's not like now, when you are serious, like a little old man!"


Noah frowned, his tone sullen, but his earlobes were red, obviously shy.

Su Yan laughed even more happily.

He said insincerely, "Okay, okay, why don't I stop laughing?"

But after all, the laughter never stopped.

Noah blushed and let her laugh.

"Oh, Noah, are you really angry?" Su Yan bent down and held his face, "I really think that Noah just now is super cute! No, it's invincibly cute! What should I do, I feel that I'm getting more and more cute I love you more."

Noah's eyelids trembled, he pursed his thin lips, and said softly for a long time: "Me too."

"What is what?" Su Yan persisted.

Noah used the levitation technique to bring Su Yan's dress and undergarment left in his room, and bent down to put it on for her.

Wen Yan slowly raised his eyelids, stared at her with serious and firm eyes, "I love you."

Su Yan swears, she was really teased!

Especially the boy's eyes, when he looked at you, there was only you in his eyes, clean, as if you were his whole world.

"Noah, do you think I love you more, or do you love me more?"

Hearing this, Noah was squatting on the ground to put on shoes for Su Yan.

He thought about it seriously, and asked Su Yan: "Do you love me?"

Su Yan nodded, "Love."

The boy Zhanyan smiled at her, with rippling eyes, "That's enough, I just love you."

This guy is really—

When you are not enlightened, you can kill your anger, but after you are enlightened, you will exude charm all the time.

Su Yan didn't want such a Noah to disappear.

There was a look of disappointment in her eyes, and Noah was slightly startled, "Cecilia, your aura just now is telling me that you are a little sad."

"Perhaps so."

Su Yan turned his back to her, and then lay on his back.

Leaning her cheek on his shoulder, she asked, “Noah, will you disappear in the future?”

"Maybe, maybe not."

Su Yan asked Noah to look at the roses with her on her back, and Noah said they hadn't cultivated them yet.

"But I want to see it." Su Yan insisted.

Noah had no choice but to look behind her back. The wet, freshly watered land was dark.

It was no different from what Su Yan usually saw.

"Cecilia, you seem a little sentimental today, it's not like you." Noah tilted his head.

Su Yan turned his head back domineeringly, and said in a vicious voice, "What are you looking at! Don't spy on my emotions! Don't guess!"

Noah opened his mouth, his eyes flashed with amazement.

It seems to want to say: Are all women so unreasonable?

But he has always had a good temper, especially when facing Su Yan, who has a very bad temper and is unpredictable.

"You should go to class today."

"Oh, don't—" Su Yan yawned on his back, "Harold's class always makes me sleepy, it's too childish, I don't want to go to it at all."

"Isn't that why you came to the temple?"

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