Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1527 Red Rose and the God of Light 58

"My goal is to stay young forever, which doesn't include learning magic." Su Yan took it for granted, "Especially those childish little tricks, levitation, cleaning, what should I learn?"

Noah: "..."

He could not refute.

The woman leaned on his back, her hands wrapped around his neck, and the seductive fragrance of roses wrapped around him tightly.

Like sometime.

He confessed, and asked gently: "Then what do you want to learn? Cecilia, I also learned from these."

"Then how long did it take you to learn these basics? Do you follow Harold in class every day?"

Noah: "..."

He blushed, "One day, I read a book..."


Su Yan tugged at his ears, "Noah, you've learned badly~ So, you actually hate their slow teaching methods, right?"


Noah shook his head, and walked slowly in the yard with her behind his back. Here, all kinds of flowers are blooming very well.

His personality has always been very weak, and after being found and picked up by the old bishop, he has lived here. According to the old bishop, his memory was also blank at that time, but now it is just emptied and returned to the original point again.

Noah didn't feel much about what Su Yan complained about. He just didn't think it was necessary, so he went to the library to find a book to read, and learned the spell by following the spell on it.

In the beginning, he went to class on time according to his daily habit.

Until everyone found out that he knows everything, those foundations are like a joke in his eyes.

Then, after the teacher who taught him asked about his situation, he was no longer ashamed to teach him.

Now, he is self-taught.


Su Yan smiled and did not hesitate to praise her, "The most important thing is that such an excellent Noah still belongs to me."

Noah blushed, and he gave a slight "um" as a response.

Su Yan was curious, "Noah, do you know how much magic you know now?"

Noah shook his head, "I...don't remember."

"Okay, okay, then I don't want to."

Su Yan immediately stopped him from thinking about it, she is not ready yet, what if she really remembered everything?

Noah thinks Su Yan is a bit strange today, but it doesn't prevent him from continuing to like Su Yan.

He felt that this kind of liking was very sudden, just—suddenly, and then it was out of control.

Thinking about it carefully, most of the bad things everyone said about her behind her back were actually true.

For example: vain and domineering, has a bad temper, and likes to order others with confidence.

It's amazing that he finds her cute like this.

Is it hopeless?

In the end, under Su Yan's half-coercion and half-coquetry, Noah promised that he would make it clear to Harold. From today onwards, he will teach Su Yan's magical skills, and Su Yan will not go to class.

And when he said this to Harold, the man with a big beard smiled at Noah knowingly.

He nodded, blinked at Noah, and said in a rare narrow way: "Of course, Mr. Noah's ability has been affirmed by the bishop. You can teach it. I believe that Miss Cecilia's grades will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. However, this It's better not to be discovered by Teacher Lilian."


Noah frowned slightly, and didn't understand why Lilian couldn't know that he was just learning magic.

Harold explained: "Because, Teacher Lilian, I hope that we will all maintain our loyalty to God and the purity of our bodies."

Brin is sleeping, good night~

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