Male God, a Little Su

1569 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 3

After the imperial doctor asked for a pulse, he prescribed some sobering prescriptions and left.

Su Yan squinted and saw that the bed tent was put down, and the palace people also filed out.

She rubbed her brows and said to 04: [Okay, pass on the memory of this body to me. 】

【Please wait. 】

After a while, a lot of memories emerged in Su Yan's mind.

Su Yan seemed to be in her mind, watching a person's life.

The owner of this body is named Su Yan, because the woman disguised herself as a man, in order to change her rouge. But outsiders generally call her the Ninth Prince, the righteous brother of the emperor.

That's right, the original body is not a brother of Emperor Jing, and he doesn't even have any blood relationship.

When Emperor Jing was an adult, the original body was just born. But when he was born, there was a vision, and the begonia flowers in the city were in full bloom. In order to keep her status, the original mother lied that she gave birth to a son.

In such an environment, she grew up little by little. The older he grows, the more colourful his face becomes.

When Yuanshen was ten years old, rebels forced the palace, and Yuanshen's parents were killed to escort him.

In order to thank the original parents, Emperor Jing recognized the original as his righteous brother and loved him very much.

But in fact, he wanted to cover up his ulterior motives. If Su Yan was a woman, he could have called her directly into the palace. But she was a man, and her parents died to save him.

Therefore, not only can he not do anything to Su Yan, but he has to treat her well!

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, no one did not know that the Nine Lords was Emperor Jing's favorite person. The three thousand concubines in the harem, including his sons, were all less than a finger of the Nine Lords.

However, under such favor, the original body became more and more eccentric, uncertain, and romantic.

Who in the world doesn't know that the Ninth Prince loves beautiful women? Even those beauties dedicated to the emperor, Emperor Jing can send them to the Nine Princes to choose first. In the whole house, there are not only women, but also men raised in the backyard of the Nine Princes.

As long as it is good-looking, comers are welcome!

Drinking and having fun in the palace every day is really enjoyable.

However, who knows the bitterness in the original body?

There were footsteps outside, and there was a faint sound of clattering and kneeling. Su Yan's eyelids moved, but she didn't open her eyes.

I heard the footsteps getting closer, and a middle-aged man's voice that was deliberately lowered, "You all step back, I want to stay with Ayan for a while."


The curtain was lifted, Su Yan turned over, buried in the quilt and continued to pretend to sleep.

"Ayan? Are you asleep?"


Su Yan grunted, rubbed her head against the pillow, her jet-black hair scattered on the pillow.

The little face that was smudged by the smell of alcohol became more and more stunning, the white inside was red, and it was as clear as pink jade.

"Heh... I really can't do anything about you. If you didn't pay attention for a while, you secretly drank so much wine."

His slightly rough hands touched Su Ro's face, causing a sting.

Su Yan frowned and ducked back.

"Ayan, Ayan, you know that I..."

A slightly heavy snort squeaked in Su Yan's ears.

Su Yan lowered her eyes, made an uncomfortable appearance, and rolled into the bed.

The disgusting breath also disappeared.

The person beside the bed was sitting all the time, and Su Rou could feel the gaze locked on her tightly, with an uncomfortable aggression.

Yes, this is where the original body feels disgusting.

Emperor Jing seemed to have such disgusting thoughts towards her.

However, what she showed to the outside world was always a man!

And her true identity, only her wet nurse and personal maid know.

Su Yan couldn't sleep with her eyes closed, and communicated with 04 in her mind: [44, can I kill someone? 】

04: [What do you want to do, host? 】

Su Yan smiled: [I want to kill the king. 】

04: […]

04: [Sir, I advise you not to. Emperor Jing is in power, if you kill him now, you will definitely die. 】

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