Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1570 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 4

Su Yan: [Oh, I'll talk about it. 44, you are getting less and less cute~]

04 did not answer again.

Su Yan turned her back to Emperor Jing, and slowly opened her eyes. A pair of dark eyes seemed to be flowing with mist, and something was violently surging under the mist.


At night, Su Rou directly rested in the apse.

Su Yan was the only one who could stay in the palace, such a favored favor.

But the palace servants and the concubines are used to it, if one day Emperor Jing drives her out because of this, it will be strange!

"Come on."

Su Yan sat up with her forehead resting, her blue silk draped behind her back, and under the flickering candlelight, her small white porcelain face became more and more beautiful, and her sex was indistinguishable.

"Ninth Prince, are you awake?"

The palace servant quickly and respectfully helped Su Yan up, knelt on the ground and put on shoes for her.

"Is the lord hungry? The emperor ordered before he left, saying that the lord didn't eat a few bites of food at the banquet, and he would definitely be hungry when he woke up. So he instructed the servants early in the morning to prepare meals in advance. It's warm! Wangye, would you like to add some?

The shoes are small deerskin boots with exquisite workmanship. They seem to be thin, but they are actually covered with a thin layer of velvet.

Not only beautiful, but also warm.

Su Yan nodded lazily, "Alright."

Hearing the words, the eunuch hurriedly got up and told the palace maid, "Hurry up! The prince wants to eat, so hurry up and bring the prepared meals! Be quicker with your hands and feet!"

Su Yan moved to the outer hall, and the table was already filled with hot dishes.

At a glance, I roughly estimate that there are twenty or thirty dishes.

This is the luxury belonging to the royal family, and of course, there are some hidden thoughts in Emperor Jing's heart.

Su Yan sneered and sat down at the table lazily.

I dialed it with chopsticks and took a few bites.

She smiled here, and the palace servants who were serving her immediately tightened their scalps, and the atmosphere in the entire palace was suddenly different.

The nine princes have a volatile personality, I don't know what to think of this, and the laughing one is scary.

The palace servant who served Su Zhibucai's waist was even more bent, and even his breathing was deliberately controlled to the lightest.

But Rao is so, the other party is still angry——


Su Yan threw the chopsticks on the table and walked out.

"Oh my lord, you haven't eaten two bites yet..."

"No appetite, this king goes out for a walk!"

"But the lord... the emperor ordered you to eat two more bites, so that the servants can make a mission to the emperor!"

The night sky was foggy, and the wind rolled up the branches and leaves, making a clattering sound.

"Dog slave!"

Su Yan looked at the palace servant standing in front of her coldly, "When does this king need you to make irresponsible remarks? Hurry up! Otherwise, watch your head!"

After all, she bypassed the palace servants and left the palace.

The palace servant got up, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly sent someone to give Su Yan a cape.

"Then...then where do you want to go now, my lord? The servant will hold the lamp for you."

"No need," Su Yan took the palace lantern in the hand of a palace maid, "I slept too much during the day, and I am not sleepy now. Don't follow me, I want to walk alone!"

"My lord, it's very dewy in the middle of the night. What if someone with no eyes collided with you! You'd better let the minions follow. The minions promise to be quiet and never disturb your night tour."

Su Yan hummed and stepped out of the scarlet gate, "There are those who don't have long eyes now, but isn't it just a few of you? Just stay with me, and no one is allowed to follow!"

I'm tired, take a break

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