Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1576 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 10

Su Yan didn't speak, and Emperor Jing held the tea and waited with a pleasing smile on his face.

As the king of a country, what he does is indeed low enough.


For Su Yan, this kind of person is cheap.

I'm afraid it doesn't have the jitter m attribute.

She sat in the armchair and reached out to take the tea, "How dare I be angry with the emperor? This whole world belongs to the emperor, how can there be a place where the emperor can't come? I just went out, the emperor I'm about to come to Yanhuan Palace to shout and kill, but I'm not happy that Ayan lives in the palace? That's the case—" She called out: "Xiaoxia, go get the car, we'll leave the palace!"


Emperor Jing hurriedly stopped him, and he smiled bitterly, "Thousands of mistakes are all my brother's fault, isn't my brother worried about you? You are good, but you are better than my brother? In the future, without your consent, brother, if you don't come!"

Only then did Su Yan show a slight smile, "Is this true?"

She took a sip of tea, and her lips became more attractive after being moisturised.

Emperor Jing was fascinated, staring at Su Ro's lips, his throat was dry.

Su Yan noticed his eyes and stared unhappily, "Brother Huang, what are you looking at?"

"Ah? I-I was thinking about some things in the government today. Sorry, I lost my mind because of my brother."

"Is that so?"

Su Yan squinted and asked with a half-smile.

"That's right, hey, as the ruler of a country, you need to do everything yourself. I don't know what I'm raising those ministers for!" Emperor Jing used sullen to cover up his embarrassment and said angrily.

"Brother Huang, let's calm down, don't let your anger hurt your body."

Su Yan comforted him softly, and this sentence made Emperor Jing's heart elated.

It's hard for him to force Su Yan, but if she also likes him? Wouldn't that be all joy?

He nodded again and again, very happy, "Yes, I listen to Ayan, I'm not angry, I'm not angry!"

Su Yan pursed her lips, "It's getting late. Since I'm already back, Brother Huang doesn't have to worry anymore. Let's hurry back and rest. In a few hours, it's going to be morning again, so be careful that you can't bear it."


Emperor Jing said, "Ayan, because my brother wants to be with you today, you and I, brother and I, can talk about your own words and sleep together. Wouldn't it be nice?"

"Brother Emperor!"


Su Yan's teacup suddenly fell on the table, and she glared displeasedly, "How did you promise me just now? It turns out that these are not counted? I don't like sleeping with people, and this imperial brother also knows that, Why are you saying this now?"

She suddenly lost her temper, which startled Emperor Jing.

As the monarch of a country, being slapped over and over again in public made a sullen look on his face.

"Su Yan!"

He narrowed his eyes, his voice sank, and he called out Su Ro's first name in displeasure.

As soon as these words came out, seeing the beauty who was still very irritable just now, her eyes suddenly turned red, "Brother Huang, is this angry with Ah Yan? What are you doing so fierce?!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Xiu rushed over to persuade him, "Your Majesty, please calm down. You know that Jiuwangye's character has always been like this, but don't be angry with Jiuwangye because of these little things. The servant thought, Wangye he It must have been wrong."

Emperor Jing's chest rose and fell, and he glanced at Su Yan with her lips tightly pursed, her eyes slightly red.

The anger in my heart dissipated in an instant, and only distress remained.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to apologize, he could only turn around and strode away.

Leaving a cold sentence: "In my opinion, I just dote on you too much! That's why I dote on you so much!"

Don't force yourself

Request for leave √

After eating two oranges, I can't suppress the nausea, am I poisoned? dizzy

Crazy vomiting! !

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