Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1577 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 11

Emperor Jing lost his temper in Yan Huan Palace, and the incident quickly spread throughout the palace.

It snowed again in the middle of the night.

Emperor Jing couldn't sleep in his palace, he tossed and turned, then sat up suddenly, and said coldly, "Luo Xiu!"

Luo Xiu rushed in, "The servant is here."

Emperor Jing's expression stiffened, "What about him?"

Luo Xing immediately knew who he was referring to, sighed in his heart, and said: "This... Ninth Prince, he has already left the palace overnight, and now, he has already returned to the palace. Your Majesty, have a drink. Tea to calm down."


Emperor Jing raised his hand and overturned the tea cup.

Fortunately, the tea can be smelled, otherwise, if it hits Luo Xiu's face, wouldn't it burn a piece of skin off his face?

"The Emperor's Atonement! The Emperor's Atonement!"

Luo Xiu hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed on the ground.

Emperor Jing's faint candlelight, his voice was deep and gloomy, "I should have..."

Those words were only half said, but they were enough to make Luo Xiu feel cold all over.

He opened his mouth and buried his head deeper.

It is said that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, and in recent years, the emperor has become more and more tyrant potential.

He got angry without saying a word, except when he seemed to have infinite patience with the Ninth Prince, at other times, it was really a little unsatisfactory, and he had to lose a few lives before he was willing to give up.

Luo Xiu didn't know how long she could live.

Every day with the king, he ties his head to the waistband of his trousers.

With today no tomorrow.


Time flies, Su Yan has been back home for more than half a month.

During this period, she did not go to court or go out to hang out.

I stay in the mansion every day, play with birds when I have nothing to do, and watch the beauties sing and dance.

That's called a happy life.

Every time Emperor Jing asked, he got this kind of news.

"There is another beauty in the palace, and the Ninth Prince is very fond of him recently."

"The palace is filled with music every night, it's so lively."

"My lord, he has a big banquet, and he invites the talented people from all over the world to his mansion, and asks them to write poems for the beauties in the mansion!"

It's okay if you don't listen, the more you listen, the more you get angry.

But over time, Emperor Jing developed a perverted desire for voyeurism. One day he didn't know what Su Yan was doing, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

While being abused, he was proud of everything about Su Ro, which could not escape his eyes.


Late at night.

"My lord, let the slave family serve you tonight?"

The woman with the fluttering robe fell into Su Yan's arms, winking like silk. Her hands were like white jade, weak and boneless, and they vaguely drew circles on Su Yan's heart.

Su Yan curled her lips, took her into her arms, and frivolously held her little hand.

"Oh? How is Xue'er going to serve this king?"

"My lord hates it~"

The beauty glared at her angrily, but she seemed to be seducing her, her eyes seemed to turn into a pool of spring water.

How to raise a pink fist and slap her lightly.

"But don't you like this set? Huh?"

At night, candles were lit in the room.

The swaying brilliance cast a soft light on Su Yan's face. She is extremely long, more than a head taller than the woman in her arms. The eyebrows are picturesque, more and more charming.

The woman who was watching was agitated for a while, and her cheeks were slightly red.

She took Su Yan's hand and couldn't wait to go to the room.

"My lord, come quickly~ The slave family has learned a lot of good things recently, and I can't wait to share it with the lord!"


Su Rou let her pull, her tone was narrow.

"Then the king - you must experience it carefully!"

After realizing the two words, she deliberately increased the volume.

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