Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1600 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 33

She clearly knew she was just saying something casually.

She also knew that in her heart, the one she valued and loved the most was Crown Prince Shen Zuo.

But Shen Li was still moved by this sentence——

For the first time, someone told him that there was a place that would always open its doors for him.

He no longer has to worry about going nowhere.

Shen Li squeezed the spoon tightly and lowered his eyes, "Thank you, Uncle Huang."

"Nothing. If you get bored in the palace in the future, you can come to the palace with the prince and stay for two days."

This sentence completely extinguished the enthusiasm that had just ignited in Shen Xin's heart.

Prince, Prince again—

How much does she like the prince?

Shen Zuo slept until it was bright, and got up quickly when he learned that Su Yan had been waiting for him early in the morning.

His footsteps are still a bit vain, obviously the stamina of the wine has not yet passed.

"Greet your uncle."

He shook his body, and Su Yan smiled softly. The originally indifferent expression bloomed in an instant when he saw Shen Zuo.

Brighter than Begonia.

"No need to be polite, come and sit down."

Su Yan beckoned and let him sit down.

Shen Zuo blushed, did not dare to look at Su Yan's smiling face, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Come on, bring a bowl of porridge and snacks. Prince, do you want to eat anything else?"

Shen Zuo was flattered and shook his head hurriedly, "That's enough! Thank you, Uncle!"


Su Yan propped her forehead and sighed softly, "Don't be greedy for cups in the future. Drinking too much will hurt your body. This king will also feel distressed when he sees it."


Shen Li's eyes flickered, and his long eyelashes drooped low. As if he hadn't heard the conversation between Su Yan and Shen Zuo, he had breakfast quietly.

If anyone pays attention, they can see that the other hand hanging on his thigh has been clenched into a fist.

Shen Zuo spread a red glow from the base of his ears, he nodded lightly, "Listen to Uncle Huang."

"Hey wait-"

The porridge came up soon, and Shen Zuo was about to drink it.

Suddenly I smelled a faint fragrance, and what caught my eye was the other party's picturesque eyebrows, which were indistinguishable between males and females. As the distance was close, I could still see her thick and slender eyelashes with distinct roots.

"There is a leaf on the hair, maybe it was accidentally stuck somewhere while passing by."

Su Yan threw the small piece of dead leaf on the table and smiled.

Shen Zuo blushed even more, and he forced a few deep breaths before he settled down.

Desperately tell yourself, don't think too much, don't think too much!

Uncle Huang just treats me as a nephew, don't have such thoughts!

After breakfast, Shen Zuo said goodbye.

When he leaves, Shen Li will naturally leave.

Su Yan didn't hold back, she sent Shen Zuo to the door, tidied up his collar for him, and said with a chuckle, "Go back, be careful on the road."

Her tone was gentle, and when she faced Shen Zuo, she could not see the slightest bit of arrogance in her normal life.

Only full of tenderness and patience.

Shen Zuo had already got into the carriage, Shen Li was a step behind, suddenly turned his head, and couldn't help but say something.

"Uncle Huang, it's very windy outside, hurry up and go back."

Su Yan stood with her hands behind her back and nodded slightly.

"You've got your mind, come back."

That tone, that expression, was somewhat indifferent.

Shen Li's eyes dimmed a little, and he whispered softly, "Yes..."

The carriage drove away quickly.

Su Yan squinted, Ling Xue stood behind her, watching her not move for a long time.

He asked softly, "Master, are you looking at the prince's carriage?"

Su Yan retracted her gaze and glanced at her with a half-smile, "Just talk too much."

After all, he turned around and walked back to the palace.

Ling Xue is not afraid, as long as it doesn't involve Su Yan's bottom line, she is a very good master.

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