Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1601 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 34

She twisted her waist, took Su Ro's arm, and Xiaoniao leaned on her shoulder.

"Master is so fierce~"

Su Yan squeezed her chin, pretending to be vicious and saying, "This king has more vicious people, I'll tell you later in the evening!"

Ling Xue shyly hid in Su Yan's arms.

The servants of the palace were accustomed to the scene of the master flirting with the concubine outside, all bowed their heads and did their own thing.

The two entered the room together, and soon, Ling Xue's coquettish smile came out with a light panting.

There are guards outside.

I don't know how long it took before it became quiet inside.

Su Roan sat quietly on the bed, neatly dressed.

Ling Xue's unruly smile had completely disappeared, she turned over and pressed a button.

At the same time, the bed on them sank immediately.

Su Yan rolled over and got out of bed, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold and damp.

She stepped on the cold floor tiles with an indifferent expression.

At the foot, there is a staircase leading to the bottom, only enough for one person to pass.

Ling Xue also came down and pressed the button again.

The big bed that was out of tune with the surroundings slowly rose and returned to its original state.

From the outside, you won't find the slightest clue.


The sound of the whip being driven into the flesh made the scalp numb, and a strong smell of blood permeated all around.

Su Yan played with Peiyu on her waist, and after descending the stairs, the surroundings became wider.

It looks like an underground house.

She walked into a humble room, and once inside, the smell intensified.


Ling Xue respectfully handed over the handkerchief, for fear that Su Yan would not be used to it.

"No need."

Su Yan's face was as usual, and she even stepped forward to check the prisoner's injuries.

The girl who was sweating hotly turned her head, and her small face with baby fat was like pink jade, as beautiful as flowers.

Wasn't it the Feitao who fluttered in Su Yan's arms and danced at the dinner party last night?

"Master, you're here!" Her voice was delicate, as if oozing honey.

"Still refuse to spit?"

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, not wanting to smile.

Gossip got discouraged, "Yeah, this person is really tough!"

"Oh? That's because you didn't use the right method."

Su Yan smiled faintly. She squinted and looked up and down at the man who was hanged. The man was beaten all over his skin, and it looked scary, but it was actually a skin injury.

The man was not afraid at first, until he saw the 'man' who came in and was called the master by the girl.

He is dressed in fancy clothes and looks indistinguishable between males and females, like an immortal who came out of a painting.

As soon as he came in, this dilapidated, smelly room seemed to be brightened by his presence.

But he clearly looked harmless, but that grin and peach blossom eyes raised the man's whole body with chills. As if being stared at by a poisonous snake, the hairs on his back stood up.

I just heard her say slowly, "Come on, this king will teach you—"


"Your Majesty, it's time to take medicine."

Luo Xiu was holding a beautiful small porcelain box. When he opened it, a reddish-brown pill was revealed inside.

When Emperor Jing heard the words, he put down the memorial in his hand and said, "Hurry up and present it!"

Originally, he was still a little vigilant, thinking that these Taoists were just making a mistake. Except after that time, he refused to let them get close. Fortunately, the treatment effect that time was very good, even if the headache broke out, it was still within the tolerable range.

Then, he searched for a few terminally ill patients from the people. First, the imperial physician of Mingtai Hospital diagnosed and treated them. In the end, everyone gave the answer that there is no medicine for stone.

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