Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1602 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 35

So Emperor Jing threw the patients to the Taoist priest.

As a result, within a day, the condition of those patients was brought under control.

The one with the mildest symptoms is only three pills, and you can walk on the ground.

Emperor Jing did not believe in evil, so he ordered an imperial physician to diagnose and treat them, and it turned out that their illness was really getting better!

This time, Emperor Jing couldn't believe it anymore.

In addition, Luo Xiu was beside him to comfort him, and he arranged for the medicine man to test the medicine, so Emperor Jing began to try it.

Just taking the medicine for the first time, Emperor Jing felt the magic.

That night, he came to the concubine and asked for water three times in one night.

Having tasted the sweetness, Emperor Jing was even more out of control. Since taking the medicine, he has never had a headache again.

"By the way, did the palace still send someone to watch?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I haven't fallen for a day."

Emperor Jing swallowed the medicine and took a sip of tea.

"What has he done recently? Report them one by one."


The next day in the courtroom, the Crown Prince Shen Zuo angered the emperor for some unknown reason, and was reprimanded by Emperor Jing in front of civil and military officials, and was banned for three days.

For a while, the news that the prince fell out of favor spread like wild wings.

Seizing the heirloom has already entered the white-hot stage, and now that the prince has fallen out of favor, all parties have immediately started to act.


The news that the prince's aptitude was mediocre and could not be of great use also spread to Emperor Jing's ears.

There are also those things that Emperor Jing ordered him to do, although there is no mistake, but there is really nothing outstanding.

Emperor Jing really began to think about whether the crown prince could really take on the great responsibility.

Late at night, in the bedroom.

Emperor Jing leaned against the soft collapse, and the palace servant knelt on the ground and quietly beat his legs.

"Luo Xiu..."

"The slave is here."

Emperor Jing looked into the distance, his voice was cold, "I don't want to bear it any longer."

Luo Xiu was surprised! Immediately fell to the ground.

He didn't answer. In fact, Emperor Jing didn't need anyone's answer.

After a period of time, Su Yan was called into the palace more and more frequently, and even stayed in the palace for several days.

Whenever she made an excuse to leave the palace, she would be stopped by Emperor Jing with various demands.

Su Yan knew that Emperor Jing couldn't bear it anymore.

But her layout has not been completed, the little brat is not yet mature, and Emperor Jing can't fall so quickly.

So, just when Emperor Jing was about to move, all kinds of things suddenly appeared from all over the place.

He was so busy that he forgot about Su Yan for a while.

The power in the hands of the prince has been emptied recently. He couldn't compete with his brothers, and he only relied on the position of the prince. Today, even that position is in jeopardy. For a month in a row, Shen Zuo lost nearly ten pounds, and his cheeks were sunken.

As soon as Su Yan saw Shen Zuo, she said in surprise, "Prince, are you ill?"


Shen Zuo's eyes turned red, and he almost burst into tears.

Fortunately, he also knew that he was worried about his own identity, and shook his head gently, "Thank you for your concern, my nephew is fine."


Su Yan patted his head and said distressedly: "You're so stupid, why did you make your father angry? He's been so busy these days, and it's not easy for me to trouble him. After the year, he will make time for it. Come on, I'm going to intercede for you again, eh?"

Shen Zuo was very grateful: "Thank you, Uncle, for being willing to help me."

"It's just a matter of a few words. You are my most beloved nephew. Who am I not helping you?"

Hearing this, Shen Zuo was even more moved. He seemed to have found the backbone and snuggled up beside Su Yan.

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