Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1606 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 39

Ling Xue was stunned, "But... His Royal Highness also..."

Shen Li was groggy on the desk, vaguely as if he heard someone calling his name.

He raised his head, blinked and looked at the person in the soft light, like a god, sitting high above the head.

Her appearance is so beautiful, and her temperament is out of the dust. Dressed in white, she is as beautiful as a lotus blooming proudly on a snowy mountain.

"Send him back, as for cleaning..." Su Yan pinched her brows and said irritably, "Tell him to come over tomorrow!"

Shen Li grinned, and before he had time to laugh, he saw a figure emerge from the 'man' and threw himself into his arms.

"Uncle Huang - nephew, nephew likes you so much!"

In the distance, the boy's bottomless black eyes completely condensed ice.

Chunsheng struggled to support him, "Your Highness, let's go back."

From start to finish, no one noticed him.

Before leaving, he turned his head and saw that she hooked her red lips lightly and stroked Shen Zuo's hair. The drooping black hair of the 'man' was like satin, emitting a satin glow under the light. One of the strands was gently held by a hand.

Her expression was unprecedentedly gentle, like a handful of hot springs melting on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

"Uncle also likes you-"



What about him?

Remember, you said you liked it too.

The last ray of light in Shen Li's eyes disappeared, and the beast in his heart could no longer be locked up, tearing open the cage and roaring out.

And he didn't want to restrain himself...

"Let's go." He murmured softly.

Chunsheng said with an 'hey', "Your Highness, watch your steps."


Time flies so fast, and it's New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

Everyone knew the news that the prince fell out of favor and was deprived of all rights, but the prince was like a normal person, and he ran to the Ninth Prince's mansion if he had something to do.

Those princes who wanted to take the opportunity to deal with him saw that Su Yan valued the prince so much, and for a while they couldn't figure out what she wanted to do.

So, while watching, Shen Zuo's life was quite peaceful.

Shen Zuo had never felt so relaxed before, he didn't have to go to court, and he didn't have to rack his brains to figure out how to complete the task assigned to him by his father. Do whatever you want, as long as it is not out of line, the uncle will agree to him.

But in the bottom of Shen Zuo's heart, what he wanted most was precisely what he had never dared to say in his entire life.

So be it, he thought.

New Year's Eve, Palace Banquet.

The palace banquet was very lively. For the first time, Su Yan saw the so-called Concubine Yan, the harem who favored the crown and was praised as a stunning woman.

Indeed, it is somewhat similar to her.

Su Yan and Crow Feather seemed to have low eyelashes, playing with the wine cup leisurely, not talking to others.

In fact, in my mind, I was communicating with 04.

[44, do you think Concubine Yan is good-looking or I am good-looking? 】

04: […]

[Hey, I originally thought she looked so good-looking, but now it looks like she's just average, just a vulgar fan. 】

04: […]

[44, why don't you speak? You were not like this before. 】

04 saw the data in his eyes, he smiled, [Of course, the host, you look good. 】

Su Yan: [Well said, I think so too! All right, you step back. 】

04: […]

What's the matter with this woman? !

"Concubine Yan... actually looks so similar to Uncle Huang..." Shen Zuo stared at the gorgeously dressed woman sitting under Emperor Jing in a daze.

Shen Li lowered his eyes, the wine cup covered the curvature of his lips.

"This is the first time His Royal Highness saw you?"

" always feels weird..."

The father loves the uncle so much, but there is a woman in the harem who looks like the uncle. Wouldn't he feel uncomfortable?

Good night

After Brin, I will try my best to update it stably.

There should still be three or four thousand a day. If you want to be lazy, I will tell you in the book review area.

Thank you, everyone, go to bed early

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