Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1607 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 40

Shen Li smiled playfully, his eyes were pitch black, as if no light could penetrate.

"His Royal Highness, there are some things that can't be seen only on the surface—"


Shen Zuo looked away from Concubine Yan, a little stunned, "What does the seventh brother mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense, I just said it casually."

Shen Li took a sip of wine and chatted happily with the ministers beside him.


Shen Zuo nodded and looked at Concubine Yan again, the more he looked, the more uncomfortable he felt. But soon, he noticed something was wrong.

Everyone said that Emperor Jing favored Concubine Yan the most, and she was the first choice if he wanted to stand up.

However, what Shen Zuo saw was that Emperor Jing did not have the slightest affection for Concubine Yan, and his eyes never stayed on her, instead he frequently went to—

Look at the uncle!

Shen Zuo was stunned. He was afraid that he was wrong, so he hurriedly looked at Concubine Yan again.

I found the slight stiffness under her decent smile, and the strong unnatural feeling when her eyes touched Su Rou.

It turned out that he was not the only one who felt that way.

Shen Zuo's hands that were hanging under the table creaked, so... Father Huang, he also treated Huang Shu...

Do you have that kind of mind?

Shen Zuo wanted to vomit. He had never felt so dirty before. Uncle Huang treated him so well, protected him, and left him a piece of pure land. However, he had such ulterior motives for the uncle, and now, he actually found out that even Emperor Jing had——

No wonder!

Everything seems to be explained.

Why did he dote on Concubine Yan so much, yet he never even gave her a look at the banquet. Concubine Yan, Su Yan—

Anyone who has a heart can think of the uncle. And the father was so fond of his uncle, and everyone didn't understand why. Now, Shen Zuo knows.

After Shen Li finished speaking, he turned his eyes and saw Shen Zuo's pale and ugly face, he raised his eyebrows, "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"


Shen Zuo took a deep breath and forced a smile: "I, nothing."


Shen Li nodded lightly, "Then His Royal Highness, you should pay attention to your body, it has been reduced a lot recently."

"Thank you seventh brother for your concern."

Shen Zuo hardly knew where to look, he didn't dare to look at Su Yan, for fear that he couldn't suppress his disgusting thoughts. He didn't dare to look at Emperor Jing and Concubine Yan. He was afraid of being discovered and hated his father's equally disgusting thoughts.

Uncle Huang's parents died in order to save the emperor. He clearly promised that he would keep Su Yan safe and secure for the rest of his life.

Now, what are you doing?

To humiliate her like this, and let Concubine Yan come out, everyone present is a human being, I'm afraid everyone can guess it.

The banquet is over.

Su Rou propped her forehead lightly, her eyes flushed red.

The wind brushed the broken hair on her forehead, making her appear more gentle and romantic.

Luo Xiu's eyes flashed, and she bowed and said softly, "My lord, the emperor asked you to go to the Taiji Hall to talk."


Su Yan let out a low laugh, a watery color on her lips, slightly raised.

"Then... let's go."

Her eyes rolled and she stood up casually.

Luo Xiu hurriedly supported her respectfully, "My lord, be careful of your steps."


Su Yan was noncommittal, she nodded slightly, and her gaze passed lightly over the princes not far away.

The eyes of those people looking at her were very strange. As soon as they met her eyes, they immediately avoided it.

Doesn't look like a fool...


Su Yan lowered her eyes and walked away.

Shen Zuo couldn't help chasing after two steps, then stopped abruptly.

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