Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1609 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 42

Su Yan looked at him quietly and looked away first.

The young man's sparse eyelashes drooped lightly, and he quietly stepped forward and knelt down, "My son has seen the father and the emperor."

"What are you doing here?" Emperor Jing squinted his eyes, and it took a long time to rummage out Shen Li's name from a corner of his mind. This child he had never noticed had grown so big. But his existence reminded him of the mistakes he had made all the time, sleeping with a cheap maid, and letting her give birth to a child.

He stepped forward in three steps, and kicked Shen Li's heart with one kick.

With that kick, Shen Li, who was thin and thin, was kicked upside down, clutching his heart, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Su Yan rolled up her sleeves, and the smile on her beautiful face grew stronger and stronger.

Her eyes rolled around, and there seemed to be mist inside, like a ghost.

Shen Li's eyes turned black for a while, he covered his heart, and looked paranoidly at the smiling man standing beside the candlestick.

He stood there, covered in a layer of brilliance, like an exiled immortal aloof.

But she was laughing—

"Take it, don't let him appear in front of my eyes in the future!"

"Do not--"

Hearing this, Shen Li struggled to kneel down again, "Father, I want to ask you something."

"Oh? Why do you think that I will solve your puzzles for you? Don't call me the emperor! I feel disgusting!"


Su Yan stroked her sleeves, stepped forward gracefully, patted Emperor Jing's back lightly, and hooked her lips, "Why is the emperor so angry? If you are not happy, let someone take him back and lock him up, why bother staying there? An eyesore?"

Shen Li was shocked, even if he was kicked off half his life, his back was still straight, and he slowly bent down at an unknown time.

His thin lips curled into an arc that seemed to be crying instead of laughing.

The nails were clearly embedded in the flesh, but he still held on to it. Buried his head deeply, kowtow--


Another kick.

The hands in Su Yan's sleeves tightened suddenly, and then relaxed in an instant.

She closed her eyes, "Brother Huang, you know I don't like seeing this."

Displeased in the words, "Since you have to deal with family affairs, then the younger brother will retire first!"

After saying that, she flung her sleeves and wanted to leave, but Emperor Jing quickly grabbed her.

"If you want to leave, it's not for you to leave. Ayan, what the emperor just said to you is not a lie, you..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought that Shen Li was still here, and he waved, "Don't let him go. Drag it down! If you continue to entangle it, you will beat the board hard and throw it back!"

"My son really has something to do with the father, the father..."

"Cover his mouth!"

Shen Li's body was actually weaker than Shen Zuo, but Shen Zuo lost a few pounds just because he couldn't take the blow. But Shen Li was different. Since he was a child, he was unable to eat enough to eat, and he was not well-dressed, which caused his body and bones to not be well nourished since he was a child. How long has it been a good day? Emperor Jing's two feet are completely according to the point of death, wanting his life!

Even if Shen Li was entangled again, he was still dragged out.

Su Yan heard the sound of him fighting people, and lowered her eyes slightly.

Suddenly, a flash of thunder flashed outside the window, and the pale light split the beautiful face in half, one half was eerie, and the other half was dusty and romantic.

Emperor Jing's hand stroked up again, "Ayan, Brother Huang—"

"What the emperor said just now is true? Are you willing to give anything Ayan wants?"

Emperor Jing laughed, "You have no jokes!"

His heart was agitated, and he could hardly hold back any longer. He wanted to pull Su Yan's belt, but was lightly blocked by a hand that was as white as jade.

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