Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1610 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 43

He was stunned for a moment, and raised his eyes to meet her face that made people amazed no matter how many times he looked at it.

His eyes flashed, "Ayan?"

"Ayan wants one thing right now, I don't know if the emperor is willing to give it?"

"What, what? Good Ayan, the emperor is very uncomfortable, you first—"

"No, I want it now." Su Yan also got angry and shook her head stubbornly.

A smile filled her eyes.

Emperor Jing sighed, "Okay, then tell me, what do you want?"


The thunder was getting louder and louder, and Su Yan heard the sound of hitting the board.

But the boy's voice could not be heard at all.

She looked deeply into Emperor Jing's eyes and curled her lips abruptly.

It was as captivating as a fairy, "I want—the position of the emperor, is the emperor willing to give it?"

Emperor Jing was startled, and then became furious.



Su Yan raised her hand and gave him a slap in the face. She looked weak, slender and slender. But Jingdi, who was slapped directly in the face, stepped back a few steps and staggered into the chair.

"You—you are so brave!"

Emperor Jing was furious. No matter how much he doted on Su Yan, he would not let the other party trample on his dignity.

Even, do it to him!

"Come on!"

He shouted, "Luo Xiu!!"

But in the past, Luo Xiu, who was smarter than a dog, seemed to be dead this time.

There was hail outside, crackling on the tiles, making a noise.

Sounds from outside could not get in.

Su Yan tilted her head and approached with a smile, "Brother Huang didn't say just now that Ayan can do whatever he wants? Why doesn't Ayan say it now, but Brother Huang doesn't give it? Huh?"

"You are! This is outrageous!" Emperor Jing was furious.

"No matter how rebellious it is, it can't compare to the emperor's disregard for human relations, right?" Su Yan bowed his head, looking at Emperor Jing's eyes as if he was looking at a dead thing, "To be honest, the emperor's brother's eyes really make me feel sick— "

"You are bold! Aren't you afraid that I will put you to death?!"

"Ah..." Su Yan laughed and murmured nervously, "I'm really scared~"

Emperor Jing finally realized that something was wrong. The people outside seemed to be dead. No matter what he called, no one came in.

And Su Yan's eyes were like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"I wanted to let Brother Huang sit in this position for a while, but ah... Brother Huang really annoyed me..."

Emperor Jing's eyes turned quickly, and he suddenly took out a dagger from his hand and stabbed at Su Yan.

Su Yan's face did not change, she stood there smiling.

One hit is sure to hit—

However, Emperor Jing was horrified to discover that there was no blood coming out of the place where he was stabbed.

"you you……"

When he looked up, he found that Su Rou who had been stabbed in front of him had disappeared and was standing on the other side, looking at him with a smile on his chest.

Emperor Jing shook his head, and an increasingly strong sense of dizziness came.

He stabbed a dagger into his thigh with his backhand, but to no avail.

No, don't pass out-


He fell to the ground, and in a trance, he saw a pair of golden-colored boots.

"What the emperor promised, he has to do what he says. Ayan will laugh at this throne."


Emperor Jing spurted out a mouthful of blood, he gasped violently, his face turned purple, "Come on, come..."

Soon, he found that his limbs began to be out of control, his face became stiff, and the words he wanted to say turned into slurred words.

Saliva overflows from the corners of the mouth...

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity..."

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