Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1638 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 71

The smile in Su Yan's eyes deepened.

She stroked Shen Zuo's hair lightly, "You're fine—"

This sentence made Shen Zuo smile with satisfaction.

He raised his head and looked admiringly at the person in front of him who seemed to be exiled. This is the only light in his life, and when he is by his side, he knows what it means to be arbitrary and what it means to be free and easy.

If possible, he is willing to accompany his uncle for a lifetime.

"Uncle, I am so happy."

This kid is too satisfied.

Su Yan rested her elbow on the armrest, "What do you want?"

Shen Zuo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were dodged, not daring to look into Su Yan's eyes.

He is not a saint, and he will not be without desires.

But the person who wanted it, he dared not speak.

"My nephew, I wish Uncle Huang a safe and happy life, healthy and smooth."

After a long time, he said the answer softly, and there seemed to be stars twinkling in the dark and moist eyes.

"Then the king also sends this blessing to you-"

Su Yan lowered her eyes and hugged Shen Zuo gently.

Her facial features are exquisite, her eyes are lowered, and her expression is sympathetic.

04 Anxious: [Master Host——]

What exactly does she want to do? Such an abnormal behavior is not like what she would have done before.

Su Yan didn't answer.

Because a handsome little eunuch rolled and crawled and stumbled in.

"His Royal Highness—"

Prince, Your Highness?

Shen Zuo was helpless, "I've told you many times, don't call me the prince, if others hear it, how can I keep you now?"

"I-I...I'm sorry too...Master..."

The delicate-looking little eunuch had red eyes and stammered an apology.

Su Yan looked over, and the little eunuch seemed to have a look of sadness in her eyes when she saw her.

Su Yan pursed her lips silently, as if she understood something.

Is this the heroine?

It was too late to appear, but since she appeared here, it was fate.

Then, be a good person for once.


The door was pushed open, and the howling cold wind mixed with snowflakes poured into the house, making the room that was not warm by the fire basin even colder.

There was a rapid but orderly sound of footsteps.

Outside the curtain, several eunuchs stood respectfully on both sides.

Chunsheng gently opened the curtain, and the young emperor walked in slowly.

He seemed to have just left court, and after hearing the news, he hurried over. The black court clothes embroidered with golden dragons will also be replaced in the future. At this time, looking at the two of them hugging each other, no matter how restrained they are, they can't help but set off a stormy sea.


Shen Li paused for a word, staring at Su Yan's hands.

Shen Zuo's body trembled, and he left Su Yan's arms very wisely.

He seemed to no longer have the arrogance and arrogance of the past, and he respectfully knelt down and kowtowed.

"The sinner greets the emperor."

Su Yan sat firmly in the Taishi chair, watching with cold eyes.

Shen Li ignored Shen Zuo and stubbornly looked at Su Yan. He was like a child who was injured but was not taken seriously. His eyes were filled with grievances that would be ignored if he didn't look closely.

"Uncle, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time."

He said so.

Su Yan curled her lips into a low smile, "I want to come here, why? Is the emperor worried that this king will unite with the former crown prince to rebel? You have lifted your throne?"

"Uncle can't be!"

Shen Zuo gave a wry smile and hurriedly stopped, "Seven... the emperor is very good, uncle, don't get angry with me and the emperor, it's not worth it."

He is cowardly and incompetent. As a prince, he cannot protect his subjects, nor can he redress the wrongs.

I drank some wine, dizzy

If I write something wrong, I must be drunk

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