Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1639 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 72

Even if Shen Zuo was imprisoned in the East Palace, he still knew something about what Shen Li had done since he ascended the throne.

This younger brother, whom he has never seen in his eyes, is much better than he imagined.

Needless to say, he is a born emperor.

"How the uncle sees me, I don't need you to defend me."

Shen Li sneered, but there was jealousy in his eyes.

Even if he has already sat on the throne and is worshipped by thousands of people, there is only one person that he cannot get even if he becomes an emperor—

"Are you children?"

Su Yan said this sentence for no reason, got up and walked out.

Shen Zuo breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle Huang, walk slowly."

He looked at Su Yan's back for a long time, then leaned over and kowtowed.

Maybe, there will never be a chance to see it again in the future. So, I wish Uncle Huang can be safe, happy, healthy and smooth.

Shen Li took a step, and out of the corner of his eye saw the cloak hanging on the screen, and raised his hand to take it. The moment he turned to leave, he bowed his head.

Four eyes facing each other.

Shen Zuo gave him a gentle smile.

Shen Li pursed his lips, "I won't regret it."

Uncle, it can only be his.


"Uncle, be careful of catching a cold."

The young emperor quickly caught up with the thin person in front of him, and gently draped the cloak over her shoulders.

"Why didn't Uncle Huang come to the East Palace and tell me, so that I can accompany Uncle Huang for a trip."

"Okay," Su Yan squinted at him, "Don't play this game with this king."

In his heart, he might have long hated Shen Zuo.

This man is possessive.

"I don't quite understand what Uncle Huang is talking about." Shen Li smiled shyly, pretending to be innocent.

Outside the corridor, heavy snow was flying, covering up the dilapidation in the East Palace.

It seems that time has never changed, and the East Palace is still as usual with cool breezes in summer and snow in winter, and the scenery in all seasons.

"This look doesn't suit you, don't do it in the future."

She closed her cloak and walked into the vast snow.

Shen Li was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help touching his face, he smiled, was it really strange? Obviously, Uncle Huang likes this...

Or, she just simply doesn't like him.

He raised his eyes and saw that the white snow had dyed the man's hair white.

He hurriedly took the umbrella in Chunsheng's hand and chased after him, "Uncle Huang, you will catch a cold."

Su Yan silently hooked her lips, but did not refuse.

Longzhao stopped outside the East Palace, but no one sat up. The two walked quietly along the long corridor, their boots stepping on the snow and making a creaking sound. The red walls on both sides and the white snow are very beautiful.

Shen Li only felt extremely satisfied, and he followed Su Yan carefully.

I even hope that this road can be longer, as long as a lifetime.

The uncle was not angry, nor did he treat him badly.

This made Shen Li even have a feeling that, in fact, the uncle didn't hate him so much.

Self-deceiving, yet addicting.

Unfortunately, no matter how long this road is, it will come to an end.

Su Yan looked at the palace in front and suddenly said, "Let Shen Zuo go, and let him go wherever he wants with the little eunuch beside him."

Shen Li opened his mouth and lowered his shoulders in frustration, "Okay."

"That little eunuch is a woman, this king looks at it, the two of them may have a relationship. If you don't worry, you are worried that he will threaten your throne and order someone to stare at him."

Shen Li was stunned.

I can hardly believe my ears, Uncle Huang is explaining to him?

The starlight seemed to fall into his eyes, and the anger dissipated like a low tide.

"Listen to Uncle Huang!" He followed suit and was extremely flattering.

Su Yan curled her lips, "Last time, the cat, this king, looked very good, so I will send it back to this king."

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