Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1640 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 73

Shen Li was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes brightened.

"Yes, my nephew will order someone to carry it to the uncle!"


On the second day, the sky was bright, and the mist in the morning had not dissipated, and the sky and the earth were white.

A carriage quietly left the small gate where the palace staff was in charge of purchasing, without a sound.

On the same day, bad news came from the palace that the former prince Shen Zuo died of a sudden illness in the middle of the night. The emperor remembered his old love, and he was buried in the tomb of the emperor.

The snow has hardly stopped recently, and the sky is getting colder.

Ling Xue looked at Su Rou who was leaning against the window and looked at a daze in the distance. She gently hugged the fox fur and walked over, gently draping it on her shoulders.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the scene," Su Yan changed her posture, propped her jaw lazily, and the cat on her knees lazily turned over and arched into her clothes, "Life is really boring."

After looking for Shen Li for so long, back and forth, it's not interesting at all.

Ling Xue was helpless, "Or else, my subordinates will send some invitations for you and hold a lively banquet?"

"That's it."

The palace is becoming more and more cold now. I don't know how many of the guests she invited before have become those idiots.


Ling Xue sighed, she didn't know what deal the master had done with the emperor, but only knew that the next day, the prince left the capital.

"What about him? Where is he?"

Ling Xue knew who she was referring to, "His Royal Highness went all the way to Jiangnan, and he seemed to be in a good mood. He even wrote a letter and came back. Would you like to take a look, Master?"

"Too lazy to watch."

Su Yan yawned, squinting a little sleepy.

Ling Xue was really helpless this time. She felt distressed for Su Yan. Like her, she was afraid that she would not be able to recover her daughter's body in this life, let alone find someone to be with her?

Now that the door is cold, how can the master who has always liked liveliness bear it?

Fortunately, there is a cat for company, so I won't be too lonely.

"Ling Xue, go and pack up and prepare the carriage. Let's go to the outskirts of the city to stay for a few days."

Ling Xue's eyes lit up, and when she saw her spirit, she immediately agreed.

As soon as she left, the room became quiet.

Only the snow fell silently.

04 will be online soon.

[Lord Host, I don't understand, why did you let the Soul Fragment leave alone? Are you not afraid of mission failure? 】

Su Yan propped her cheeks up, her jet-black eyelashes drooping, "Oh? I failed? 】

04: […]

[You are really bad at learning, 44. 】Su Yan sneered without spirit, 【Perhaps you can use your detection system to test it, as long as I want, Shen Zuo will give up on me all his life. Guess what he is thinking now, what did I pay in exchange for his freedom? 】

[Don't worry, he will come with me——]

Su Yan licked her lips, her brows and eyes confident and assertive.

04 The speed of speech is a bit fast, [but...]

[44, I don't want to see you lately~] Su Yan gave a warning with a half-smile but not a smile. As soon as this sentence fell, huge pressure suddenly appeared in the system space from all directions.

04 was suddenly crushed to the ground, and the body that had just been repaired began to collapse again...

04: [The host is big...]

Before he could finish speaking, his eyes lost light, cutting off contact with the system space.

"Ah... I'm so sorry, I accidentally started a little harder~"

Su Yan gathered the fox fur and got up, her fingertips as white as jade fondly touched the tip of the white cat's nose, "Baby, let's go, I'll take you to play something different."


The little milk cat rubbed her fingers reliantly, her voice whimpering and sweet.

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