Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1641 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 74

It was already evening when Su Yan arrived at the courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing.

The entire sky was shrouded in thick fog, and the black ground seemed to fall.

"Master, it's here!"

The girl with almond eyes and peach cheeks has smart eyes, she jumped out of the carriage first with the cat in her arms, and said playfully.

Ling Xue was the second one to come down. She gave Feitao an angry look and scolded, "Be disciplined."

Then he turned his head respectfully, his hands protruding from the carriage were slender and well-proportioned, his skin was as cold as jade, white and flawless.

"Master, be careful."

Ling Xue gently helped her down.

Su Yan was holding the heater in her hands, but she was still shivering from the wind blowing from all directions.

She sighed, "It's so cold."

A smile flashed in Ling Xue's eyes, and while tightening the fox fur for her, she ordered the servants to quickly move the things they brought in.

"It won't be cold when you go in. Master, please bear with it."

The servants and housekeepers in front of Zhuangzi had already greeted him at the door, and when they saw Su Yan approaching, they had to kneel and salute.

Su Yan didn't lift her head, her voice was very low: "Forget it, it's cold, let's go back."

Rare to speak well.

Fei Tao was younger, so she was naturally more lively than Ling Xue.

She was wearing a red cloak, with a charming little face, and her eyes wandered when she spoke, which was very seductive.

"Does the master feel cold? Otherwise Feitao will sleep with you at night and warm the bed for you!"

After speaking, she made herself laugh, covering her mouth and laughing non-stop.

Su Yanyao slanted her, like a smile but not a smile, "Is this king warming the bed for you, or are you warming the bed for this king? Every time I dig into this king's arms, I can't push it away."


Feitao blushed, and her shy eyes were watery.

She raised her eyes and looked over, the face on the other side was beautiful and delicate, and her temperament was like an exile. Her skin was white and almost transparent, and the fox fur on her neckline was against her cheeks. At this moment, her pink lips were lightly hooked, and she was looking at her with interest.

Rao knew that the person in front of her was actually the same woman as her, and Fei Tao still couldn't help being hooked by her heart pounding.

Just ask the world, how can there be a prince who understands women so well and hurts people?

If she wanted to, whether she was a boy or a girl, Feitao would be willing to accompany her for the rest of her life.

"Go, cook a few dishes that you are good at, this king is hungry."

"Eh...I know, I know!"

Feitao wrinkled her nose and handed the cat to Su Yan reluctantly.

Seeing her leaving, Ling Xue said helplessly, "Master, you are too used to her."

"It's okay."

Su Yan pursed her lips, scratched the cat's chin, and smiled ecstatically, "Ling Xue is delicious? This king also loves you, don't worry."

The voice was clear and clear, deliberately suppressing the feeling of ambiguity.

With the heat rising, Ling Xue quickly looked away and bowed her head respectfully.


As soon as she left the imperial city, she seemed to be in a much better mood, even making jokes about her and Feitao.

Moreover, does the master know that her attraction to people has nothing to do with gender at all!

The housekeeper followed behind with a group of servants and women, bowing his head respectfully, thinking he was blind and deaf.

He didn't step forward until they had finished speaking.

"My lord, are you tired from the journey? Your yard servants have been sent to clean up, and the charcoal and bedding are all new. Do you want to go back to rest now?"

Su Yan listened quietly, turned her footsteps, and headed towards Wentang.

"There is nothing left or right, this king will go to soothe and soothe. Ling Xue, the side dish is ready, just ask her to bring it over."


As long as Su Yan is happy, she can do anything.

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