Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1642 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 75


The original body is a person who can enjoy, and Emperor Jing has ulterior motives for her. Before he gets it, he is a bit more special than others.

This other courtyard was built by Emperor Jing.

Because of a little secret thought, not only every part of this courtyard is beautiful, but the hot spring pool is even more wonderful.

The plain yarn used for the base of the screen, under the illumination of the candlelight at night, seems to be covered with a soft light. A pair of splendid peacocks are embroidered on the top, and the silk thread reflects different colors in the candlelight.

The pond is built with a whole piece of white jade, and there is a small golden table next to it, and food can be placed on it.

Not only that, but there are soft houses for rest in this room. Presumably if you want to do something, from the outside, the picture should be very beautiful.

Su Rou found a random reason and sent Ling Xue away. Only Feitao was left to serve, and the servants in the other courtyard thought that the master wanted to have fun, so naturally they would not disturb him at this time.

On the contrary, he was very considerate and took away the servants who were guarding outside, and only guarded the gate of the yard from a distance.

"Master, is this strength okay?"

Feitao held her breath, the skin under her hands was as delicate as jade, extra smooth.

"Well, yes."

A low hum, lazy and elegant, especially demagogic.

Feitao's eyelashes trembled, and she lightly squeezed Su Yan's shoulders while looking at her without a trace.

The woman crouched beside the Baiyu Pond, her black hair soaked with water, her eyelashes fanned like a fan with her breathing. She is a very peculiar person, wearing men's clothes, no one will doubt her identity. But now, the amorous feelings and coquettishness exuding from the bones, no other woman in the world can compare with her.

Fei Tao's heart was pounding, and she couldn't help but stare blankly.

She pinched Su Yan for a while, then waited for Su Yan to eat something, and Su Yan let her go.

Before leaving, Feitao was still a little reluctant to part.

"Master really doesn't want me to serve you?"

"Go back and rest, this king wants to be alone."

Feitao also knew from Ling Xue's mouth that Su Yan was not in high spirits recently. She didn't dare to make trouble unreasonably, and left obediently. She thought that His Royal Highness still had some status in the mind of the master. He died suddenly, and the master's mood also went down.

Shen Zuo didn't die, only Ling Xue knew about it, Feitao really thought that Shen Zuo was dead.

When Feitao left, the yard was empty, and there was not even a servant to serve. She didn't pay attention either, thinking that all this was the master's order.

But she didn't know that not long after she left, the door of the bathroom was violently pushed open.

In the fog, Shen Li's face was gloomy and scary.

He stared at the woman with his back turned to him, Mo hair was held in front of him, so Shen Li could see the exquisite curves that belonged to a woman.

The fists on the side of the body were clenched, and the blue veins on the back of the hands bulged.

"Who gave you the courage to touch Uncle Huang?"

His stride was great, and he walked even faster.

Bending down, he was about to pull the shoulders of the woman in the pool, but before he got close, his hand was mercilessly opened.

He was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect a woman to be so bold.

In the next second, when the cold and lazy tone sounded, Shen Li only felt a thunder blast above his head.


"The emperor is really powerful, but you think this world is yours? Even in this kind of place, do you want to break into it?"

Shen Li was so shocked that his pupils shrank, and the exquisite curves kept floating in his mind.

"Uncle, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already received a slap on the face.

"Get out."

Reader: Stepmother! They have tortured Shen Li for so long, and they still want to beat him!

Dog Emperor: You know shit! Uncle hits me for fun! Uncle, do your hands hurt? I will blow you

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