Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1643 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 76

The fog in the hot spring pool was dense, and Shen Li didn't know where to put his eyes. He only felt a burst of heat rushed to his head, and his breathing lost its regularity and became a little heavier.

"Uncle...don't be angry, I, I'll go now..."

His head seemed to be filled with paste, and he walked out chaotically, not knowing how he got out.

The cold wind from outside the door poured in, making him shiver and wake up instantly.

Chunsheng supported him worriedly, "Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

What's wrong?

Shen Li didn't know how to tell, and he didn't want to tell either.

At this time, even he himself didn't react, how could he tell others one, two, three or four?


His thin lips pursed lightly, and a pair of phoenix eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

Quietly drove everyone away.

Then, he stood straight at the door, like a stone statue, looking into the distance.

Clouds and mists are surging, and the sky and the earth are all white. After watching it for a long time, the eyes of those who have been stabbed hurt.

Shen Li heard the sound, which came out of his chest.

Plop, plop, plop...

Vigorous and powerful.

The starlight fell into his eyes, terrifyingly bright.

He didn't know how long he had been standing, the wind and snow made the seams of the bones hurt, but Shen Li didn't feel it. He was hot all over, and the hottest place was in his heart.

Snow covered the boy's shoulders and hair in a thick layer at the door, like a snowman.


The door opened behind him, and Shen Li quickly turned his head away.

The first time she met her eyes, she was still indifferent and cold.

Shen Chen was in a panic, fearing that the relationship that was finally eased would freeze again because of today's events.

His knees softened, and as an aloof emperor, he willingly knelt at Su Yan's feet.


"What is the emperor doing? I can't stand it when I kneel."

After that, she snorted coldly and walked past Shen Li.

Shen Li's already hanging heart plummeted, shattering in an instant.

"Uncle! I don't care!"

At that moment, he didn't know what he was thinking, and almost instantly, he said what was in his heart.

The figure in front stopped, but did not look back.

"Uncle, no matter what status you are, I don't care. As long as that person is you, it can only be you."

The boy's voice was hoarse. Since Su Yan said that he didn't like him and then deliberately imitated Shen Zuo, he dressed according to his own preferences. Every time I see him, he is dressed in black.

At this time, his eyes were burning, kneeling in the snow and raising his head high, his hot eyes were magnanimous, without the slightest falsehood.

Su Yan's light red lips pursed lightly, "So what?"

"Does the uncle know? You know my heart for the uncle."

Shen Li walked forward on his knees, he didn't feel that he was humble at all. Facing the person in front of him, he was only full of joy.

"I know that I have done too much, and the uncle must be annoyed. But I really can't stand the uncle's side with other people, even if, even if she is the same as you, the same-"

"shut up!"

Su Yan's calm eyes finally became sullen, her long and curly eyelashes drooped down, and she looked down at Shen Li, "Why, the emperor has discovered the truth now, do you want to question me?"

"Nephew dare not!"

Shen Li smiled bitterly, "I swear, I will never deal with Uncle Huang in this life. Uncle Huang can be the same as before, if you want, you can do anything."

This is the person he put on the top of his heart when he was on the verge of death.

Even if she only gave him alms, treating him as a gadget.

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