Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1644 The Regent and the Dog Emperor 77

But that little song with a narrow meaning, and his soft words with a hint of alcohol: "This king likes you." It made Shen Xin burst into ecstasy, and since then, a heart fell on him involuntarily.

Sweet as candy.

Yes, it is sweet.


Shen Li suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and raised it high.

"If Uncle Huang is still unhappy, or if he doesn't want to see me again, then kill me!" Shen Li revealed, his hands held high, but his voice was full of paranoia, "But if Uncle Huang doesn't kill me, As long as I'm alive for a day, I can't tolerate others around Uncle!"

Use the most obedient attitude and say the harshest words.

Su Yan was about to laugh at Shen Li, and she kicked over.

"Who gave you the courage to take care of me? You really think the throne is secure, don't you?"

Shen Li sat on the ground with bright eyes, watching the exiled figure float away.

He slowly raised the corners of his lips.

"Uncle, you are reluctant to kill me."

Admit it, I still have a place in your heart.

Just a little is enough.


After that, Shen Li probably figured out Su Yan's temperament, and as long as it didn't violate her bottom line, as long as it was okay, he would come to the palace to harass her.

Even if Su Yan closed the door and said that he was ill and would not go out, he could climb over the wall in the middle of the night and come in.

He didn't do anything else, his attitude was still respectful, but occasionally, when Su Yan didn't notice, his eyes would be extraordinarily arrogant and aggressive.

A slight noise came from behind, Su Yan drooped his eyelids, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Sure enough, the next second, Shen Li's voice sounded.

She quietly turned a page of the book, propped her forehead down and lowered her eyes.

"Uncle Royal."

There is grievance in this voice today.

A pair of big hands gently landed on her shoulders, without the slightest ambiguity, with excellent strength, pinching her shoulders.

"In the early morning today, those ministers asked for orders to let their nephew open the harem draft."

He lowered his eyes, kept his hands, and focused all his attention on Su Yan.


Unfortunately, he did not wait for any response.

Su Yan's attitude was always indifferent, even when he heard the news that he was going to be drafted, he didn't stop turning the book.

Really don't care.

"It's fine, let's go."

Her black hair was hanging down behind her, and the candle shadow swayed and fell on her face, making it hard to see her expression.

"There are so many beauties in the world, and the emperor is a beautiful woman. I see less of them. When I see more beauties in the spring draft next year, I will feel that this king is nothing more than this. At that time, my mind can also be removed from this king, which is very good. ."


Shen Limei's heart skipped a beat, he looked at Su Yan hurt, "Could it be that in Uncle Huang's heart, am I just someone who values ​​appearance? I once said that no matter what the identity of Uncle Huang is, whether he is a man or... I don't care!"

As long as there is no one else around her, Shen Li can bear it.

Su Rou's low smile was particularly moving at night.

"Then after the draft, you can come back and talk to this king."

Her tone was cold and indifferent, neither light nor heavy, with a careless laziness.

Shen Li's eyes were slightly red, and he coldly retracted his hand.

Very low voice.

"There is no draft, and there is no harem."

After all, he threw his sleeves away.

This was the first time that he clearly expressed his dissatisfaction and grievance to Su Yan.

04 As soon as it was repaired and launched, and before it could connect to the main system, I felt the oppression from all sides of the system space.

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