Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 903: Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager 93

"what happened?"

Su Yan squinted, standing at the door holding Chun Nuan's hand and did not come in.

The house was not big, but it was cleaned very cleanly, exuding the fragrance of acacia.

Du Chuan lowered his head, blood dripping all over the floor.

The medical officer was bowing his head, wrapping his palm in circles with a white cloth. Although Su Yan didn't see the wound, just listening to Qiu Nuan's words and the large area of ​​undried blood on the ground, he could see how serious the injury was.

Du Chuan saw Su Yan coming, and his eyes lit up.

He laughed heartlessly, and he bent his eyes at Su Yan and said, "Master, are you here?"

After not seeing him for a few days, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and looked at Su Yan with more paranoid eyes.

Su Yan glanced at him lightly, then suddenly turned and left.


Chun Nuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly stepped up to catch up.

Du Chuan was stunned, turned and left without looking at the other party. From beginning to end, he never said a word of concern.

This made Duchuan, who was accustomed to Su Ro's gentle appearance, a little at a loss.

He lowered his eyes and withdrew his hand indifferently.

The wound had not been bandaged yet, and half of the white cloth was still in the doctor's hands.

The blood that had been stopped suddenly poured out again, dyeing the white cloth red.

"This...why are you messing around?"

The young medical officer glared at Du Chuan and complained, "Do you still want your hand? It hasn't been bandaged yet, why are you moving!"

As he said that, he wanted to pull Du Chuan's hand back.

To be honest, before coming in, when he saw Du Chuan's first glance, he couldn't help showing an astonishing expression. There is no other reason, this little eunuch looks too good, even the sons of the princes and nobles, he has never seen such a person with such an extraordinary bearing and such a beautiful face.

The beauty that does not pass through the river is not the kind of feminine feeling.

He's the type that's beautiful, blatant, and smiles clean and harmless.

It is completely different from his nature. Anyone who sees him will have a kind of feeling. This person is too clean, so he is suitable for walking in the sun and being seen by everyone.

"No need."

Du Chuan casually lowered his eyes, pulled the other end of the white cloth out of the medical officer's hand, and wrapped it around his palm a few times at will.

When the master is not here, who will he pretend to be pitiful?

"Hey you—"

The medical officer stared blankly, but there was nothing he could do about crossing the river.

He frowned, "If you don't take care of this wound properly, don't blame me if it's abolished in the future!!" He pretended to be a vicious threat.

It's really that Du Chuan gave him a good impression at first, which also led him to have a feeling of treating his younger brother to this young eunuch.

"I see, is there any problem?"

Du Chuan was very annoyed, he raised his eyes indifferently and stared at the doctor. A pair of amber eyes shone with a dim light that was unpredictable.

The medical officer was taken aback by his sudden change of face.

In response, he shook his head with hatred for not being steel, and fluttered his sleeves angrily and left.

Just a little eunuch, this sympathy will not let him stay here and continue to waste time.

Du Chuan hooked his lips sarcastically, stood up and strode towards the door.

"Niangniang, why did you just leave without saying a word?" Chun Nuan was puzzled.

When she heard the news of Du Chuan's injury, Niangniang even dropped the earring in her hand. This is the first time Chun Nuan has seen Su Yan with such an expression. She always seems to be calm, and few people can touch her heartstrings.

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