Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 904: Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager 94

But for Duchuan, she seems to be extraordinarily different.

Su Yan casually played with a few small gold ingots, as if she hadn't heard Chunnuan's words.

At this moment, Dong Nuan came in from outside, and said softly, "Niangniang, crossing the river is coming."

Su Yan lifted her eyelids and glanced outside the door.

"Let him go back."

Su Yan was too lazy to care about him. According to the ability of crossing the river, it was just a kitchen knife. Could it hurt him? Even if you are not careful, it will definitely not hurt so badly.

He knew that he was different, but this greedy kid still had to make a dent, constantly testing Su Ro's bottom line.

If you get used to him, next time he will be able to go to heaven.

Su Yan hummed and didn't bother to pay attention.

Dong Nuan opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words for Du Chuan. Seeing Chun Nuan winking at her, she pursed her lips, and could only helplessly turn around and go out.

Seeing that Su Yan didn't want to talk just now, Chun Nuan knew that she was still angry, even if she didn't show it, she would definitely be in a bad mood now.

Now let Duchuan in, but let him hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Duchuan, Niangniang told you to go back and rest." Dong Nuan shook his head helplessly at him.

Du Chuan's eyes sank, his eyebrows lowered slightly.

He laughed and said, "Isn't this the original story? With the master's temper, she should let me go."

However, he couldn't figure out why the master was so angry.

But what Duchuan knew was that he couldn't leave. Once she left, it was unknown whether she would be able to return to her side.

Dong Nuan paused and smiled bitterly, "Sometimes it's not a good thing to be too smart. I think the empress is really angry, so you should go back first."

Du Chuan shook his head and squinted to look inside the hall. At this moment, the aura around him was extraordinarily different. Quiet, with a sense of incomprehension.

"I do not go."

He lightly opened his lips and spit out three words.

Lifting the hem of his clothes, he slowly knelt in front of Weiyang Hall.

The last time I knelt down here, it was still winter, a world of ice and snow.

That time he knelt outside for more than half an hour before the other party finally came out and told him to get in.

What about this time? How long will he have to kneel?

"Duchuan...Why are you doing this?" Dong Nuan shook her head, helplessly.

But seeing that Du Chuan was so paranoid and seemed to not listen to anyone, she couldn't do anything about it.

He could only go in again and said to Su Yan, "Niangniang, the servant told Duchuan, but he didn't want to go, and was still kneeling outside."

He had shed so much blood that Dong Nuan felt scared when he looked at him, but he was still kneeling outside like a normal person, begging the goddess for forgiveness.


It wasn't his intention either, Dong Nuan didn't understand.

Naturally, she wouldn't be as transparent as Su Yan. She still thought Duchuan was an innocent little pity.

Hearing this, Su Yan sneered and glanced at her, "Then let him kneel, and when he faints, carry him back."

Su Yan did what she said, and really didn't care about Chuanchuan anymore.

The sky was getting darker, and Su Yan drove everyone out, not letting anyone watch the night.

In the middle of the night, Su Yan woke up groggy and saw a dark figure in front of the bed.

She raised her brows and turned over. Seeing that the man was frightened, she turned and was about to run.

Su Yan snorted softly, propped her chin with one hand, and said in a leisurely manner: "What are you running for? You have the courage to break in, but don't you dare to be seen by this palace?"

The figure paused for a while, then slowly turned back.

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