Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 923 Targeting the mid laner 4

In a foreign country, Su Tian, ​​who has reformed himself, met a rich second-generation boyfriend. From then on, he lived a sweet and happy life.

But in Su Yan's view, where is Su Tian awakened? She just has ghosts in her heart and is afraid!

Like this kind of ungrateful girl who knows that her sister who loves her has heart disease and it is not easy to earn money, but she desperately sucks blood, how can she have a heart?

As long as she has the slightest affection for the original body, she will not wake her up because of a joke in the middle of the night, and will not ask the original body for money again and again!

These memories are very long, but in Su Yan's mind, it only takes a few seconds to recall them all.

She blinked and looked at the game interface on Su Tian's phone.

This game is called Glory of Kings, and it is popular all over the country. From three-year-old children to middle-aged men, you can find figures in these age groups in the Canyon of Kings.

Coincidentally, Su Yan also played, but it was all in the world she lived in.

"Hurry up, sister!"

Su Tian was dying of anxiety. Seeing that her game interface was black again, she threw her phone on the table angrily.

This is the latest fruit phone. It has just been launched and the original price is more than 9,000 yuan. In order not to lose face in front of her friends, Su Tian cheated two thousand yuan from her parents, and the rest of the holes were filled by her original body.

Su Yan moved her eyes, looking very dull and dull.

There is still her mobile phone on the table, which she bought with savings when she was a sophomore. The reason is that teachers and classmates need to contact her, but because she doesn't have a mobile phone, she can't always be contacted.

It's an old model, and I bought it for only 2,000 yuan at the time.

Su Yan picked up the phone and glanced at Su Tian's hero, Wang Zhaojun——

Her dark eyelashes were drooping, her pale skin was slightly purple, and it was because of a bad heart.

"Sister, hurry up, guard the tower first!"

Su Tian urged, but Su Yan was not angry, she quietly manipulated the character out of the crystal, to guard the high ground.

I took a moment to open the equipment store and took a look, and saw that Su Tian's economy was only 6500, and he bought three equipment.

Sprinters, the Holy Grail, and a staff.

Su Yan looked at the Holy Grail, and found that the Holy Grail hadn't been strengthened at this time, and it couldn't be used as the core equipment of a mage at all, which was very tasteless.

With this equipment, it is strange to be able to output output. What's more, Wang Zhaojun, a mage, is a hero who needs to be able to predict. If you can't control people and your teammates can't keep you, the opponent's assassin will probably cut you off in all likelihood.

The high underground tower has been dropped, and the pawn line has been pushed to the middle high ground.

All the teammates died, only Su Yan was left.

Teammates are still cursing.

Han Xin: [Shabi mid laner, Cai Cheng still has the face to grab the position like this? 】

Xiang Yu: [I shouldn't have given in. 】

Descendants: [This id looks like a girl at first glance, if you meet someone who can only play in the middle lane, just wait to lose! 】

Han Xin: [Voted, don't waste time. 】

Sun Bin: [Sima Zhongdan, you are blown up! 】

"Damn! These idiots don't even look at their own record, they still have the face to scold me?!" Su Tian poked his head, watching Su Yan use skill 1 first, knocking out half of the pawn line.

She blushed with anger and had a thick neck, and she didn't feel how rubbish her 0-7-3 record was.

Those who are rubbish are teammates, who can't fly and curse at others!

Su Yan frowned, her voice was quiet and gentle, with a peace that dispelled impetuousness in people's hearts.

"Girls don't swear."

As she said that, she started to sell the Holy Grail, plus the remaining money, it was just enough for her to buy an 1800 Huiyue.

"Hey sister, what are you doing? Buying Huiyue is better than buying resurrection. I think this is over. I asked you to help!"

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