Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 924 Targeting the mid laner 5

Su Tian muttered, Su Yan's face remained unchanged.

She was standing behind the tower, and a yellow exclamation mark suddenly jumped above her head, which meant that King Lanling was near her.

The mage and assistant on the opposite side are dead, there is no shooter, and the remaining three are Xiahou, King Lanling and the old master.

Even though the phone was in Su Yan's hands, it couldn't stop Su Tian from yelling. She desperately said: "Get out of here! My God, didn't you play well before, why now... oh, I'm speechless," she complained, scratching her hair irritably, "King Lanling I’m definitely going to beat you! If you lose, you lose, return the phone to me, I’ll call myself!”

She held out her hand, but Su Yan didn't give it.

At this moment, Xiahoudun suddenly opened the door, leaping over the tower and rushing towards her.

At the same time, the old master also flashed in, ready to tie her up.

The yellow exclamation mark above the head kept flashing, Su Yan looked calm, and quickly threw a second skill at her feet, and at the same time opened up the big, opened Huiyue.

Immunity to damage.

She was tied up, while the old master and Xiahou were also frozen.

With Su Tian's economy, it's still not enough to kill people with 8,000 economy, but now add the damage of the defense tower. Their blood plummeted, Huiyue disappeared, and Su Yan quickly added skills one by one.

Take away two heads at the same time.

【Double Kill】

Double kill!

At the same time, teammates are revived one by one.

【Triple Kill】

Three kills!


Su Tian was stunned for a moment, pointing to Sansha English and said in astonishment: "Where did this Sankill come from?"

She was so excited that she didn't ask Su Yan for her mobile phone, her face flushed with excitement, as if she had taken the triple kill by herself.

Su Yan opened her lips and moved her fingers. She hasn't played for a long time, and she doesn't feel anything.

"Lanling King."

Her short answer.

Su Tian blinked and looked carefully, only to find that next to the corpses of the old master Xiahou Dun and others, there was a corpse of King Lanling.

Han Xin: [? ? ? 】

Sun Bin: [? ? ? 】

Xiang Yu: [Suddenly opened and hung up? ? Or outperform? 】

In the beginning, everyone kept telling Su Tian to buy Huiyue quickly, and the descendants sold half of their meat to save their lives, and even made a famous knife in advance. But that's the case, he also died under the Highland Tower just now, and was forcibly killed by King Lanling.

Everyone's mentality of being killed by King Lanling on the opposite side collapsed.

But now, King Lanling has been terminated?

Then wait? Go! !

Three people died on the opposite side, and it took more than 20 seconds to revive.

Just as the pawn line went out, Han Xin took advantage of the opportunity to take out a tower in the middle of the opposite road.

The mage on the opposite side is Diao Chan. She has 9,000 money, took 6 heads in total, and died 2 times.

When I saw them, I didn't hesitate, and I started to show directly after opening the university.

Su Yan hid behind Xiang Yu, seeing that everyone started to run back, she frowned.

For a hero like Diao Chan, the more you run away, the easier it is to be caught by her alone to die. The best way is to attack her in groups. A group of people will kill her directly.

Picking one by one, plus her skill damage, is simply impossible to pick.

"Damn, how arrogant."

Su Tian plucked at his hair, extremely irritable.

Su Yan made several attacks in a row, but seeing that no one came up, she frowned and rushed forward.

Han Xin: [Retreat! 】

Xiang Yu: [The economy is backward, don't join us! 】

【retreat! retreat! retreat! 】

The teammates all thought that Su Yan was crazy, just took the triple kill and swelled up, right? Faced with Diao Chan, she dared to rush up without running.

Su Yan rushed forward, first threw a skill at Diao Chan, and tricked her into purifying her. Then she lost a big and one skill to slow down Diao Chan's movement speed. Without the help of her teammates, Su Yan also lost a lot of blood. When there was only half a tube of blood left, she handed in Huiyue.

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