Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 929 Targeting the mid laner 10

But Qin Yun quickly caught the flash of sadness in his eyes.

Qin Yun rolled her eyes, dragged Su Yan out, and at the same time told the clerk at the back, "I've seen everything clearly! I'll kick this stinky girl out when she comes to the store again from now on! She's blocked!"

Su Yan was dragged out of the milk tea shop, she was still not used to being touched by others.

Carrying a canvas bag, she quietly followed Qin Yun.

But she is tall, and her steps are big, striding like stars.

Su Yan just followed silently, trying to keep up with her pace. It's a pity that she overestimated herself too much, and her physical condition did not allow her, so she started to have heart throbbing within a few steps of walking. She smiled bitterly, took out the medicine from her pocket, poured out a pill and pressed it under her tongue.

Qin Yun walked a long way without hearing Su Yan's voice, turned her head and found that she was still pacing slowly tens of meters away.

She is angry and funny, why didn't I realize before that this roommate is not eccentric and gloomy, but dumb?

Qin Yun turned around and ran back. Seeing that her face had turned paler and her body was filled with a faint smell of medicine, she raised her eyebrows.

"You haven't told me yet, you are going to persuade her, in what way? How?"

Su Yan frowned, and said calmly: "Tell her the truth, she should be able to listen."

Qin Yun was defeated by her innocence, and she laughed back in anger, "With your attitude of being so weak that you can pinch water with a gentle voice, how can you persuade her?"

It's her, she not only doesn't listen, but even worse.

This is completely a free cash machine, and it's the kind that doesn't have a temper!


Su Yan blinked, looked up at Qin Yun blankly, and asked pitifully and innocently, "What should I do?"

"I'm so...cough..."

Qin Yun has lived in a large courtyard since she was a child, and her companions are all boys, so her personality is naturally carefree, basically how she feels comfortable.

But looking at Su Yan's eyes, she insisted on holding back all the remaining swear words.

She put her hands in her pockets, walking slowly, her heart was irritable.

"Why don't you pretend to be pitiful with her and move her with tears?"


Qin Yun turned her head, and saw that the other party was listening to her with his head tilted seriously, as if he believed her words.

Qin Yun: "..."

She breathed a sigh of relief, rolled her eyes suddenly, and said speechlessly: "Sister! Big sister! Don't you really believe it? Like this kind of stinky sister, she has no heart, do you understand? Follow my way, then call first She beat her up and beat her until she was subdued, and I will train her well! Even if she is crooked to the bone, I can straighten her up! What's wrong with her, she's so vain at such a young age!"

"'s not good."

Su Yan frowned, her skin was very fair, and she seemed to be evaporated under the sun. The extreme contrast between black and white, she shook her head, her hair swaying slightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yun frowned, obviously not thinking there was anything wrong with her.

"Beating is not good. She has grown up, it will hurt her self-esteem, and children of this age are prone to extreme things. I don't want to irritate her."

So the best way is to be reasonable.

Qin Yun was almost pissed off by her logic, after talking about it, she finally went back——

You can only talk about reason, not hands-on topics.

She folded her arms and walked faster and faster, "Idiots like this would have been beaten to death in my family long ago! No—our family can't produce such waste."

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