Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 930 Targeting the Mid Laner 11

Seeing her childish behavior, Su Yan couldn't help but bend her eyes, and followed her slowly.

Every time Qin Yun turned her head, she saw that person walking slowly, like an old lady walking. She rolled her eyes and muttered in her mouth how troublesome it was, but she couldn't help but slow down.

She didn't know why, but looking at Su Ya's pale face, she couldn't vent her anger no matter how much.

Forget it, who made her kind? Don't care about patients!

"Hey, can you walk faster?"

Now is the new semester, and there are many parents of students coming and going. They all brought their children to report. With a faint smile on Su Yan's lips, she quickened her pace slightly and walked to Qin Yun who was deliberately waiting for her. She tilted her head and said softly: "Thank you just now, if I have a chance, may I treat you to dinner?"

Have a meal?

Qin Yun raised her eyebrows, with a half-smile, "Do you have money to hire me? Huh?"

She lowered her head suddenly, and stared at Su Yan's pair of dark and lustrous eyes carefully. They looked clean, but in fact all her thoughts were unpredictable.


Su Yan tilted her head uncomfortably, and took two steps back as if frightened.

Her sick complexion was dyed a light red, and her curled and thick eyelashes trembled, "You, you don't get so close."

"Why?" Qin Yun squinted at her, watching her react like a frightened rabbit, couldn't help laughing.

"Su Yan, Su Yan, why didn't I realize that you are so funny? Huh?" Qin Yun laughed loudly, reached out and touched Su Yan's small face, surprised by her delicate skin, but think about it carefully She was so close just now, her face was so delicate that she couldn't even see an obvious pore, she was so good, "Why are you blushing, are you shy?"

Qin Yun teased.

Su Yan blushed, and suddenly covered her face with her hand, lowered her head and said softly, "Qin Yun! Stop playing!"

Her tone was embarrassing and sullen, but her soft and innocent voice, in Qin Yun's ears, sounded like a baby.

Qin Yun laughed more and more, she stretched out her hand and hugged Su Yan's shoulder domineeringly, and walked towards the gate of the university.

Suddenly the mobile phone in her pocket rang, she took it out to look at it, raised her eyebrows, and was happy.

"Baby, let's go! Today's dinner is settled!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but drag Su Yan away.

Su Yan had no choice but to follow.

There are people coming and going at the gate of the school, but there is a place in it that forms a natural vacuum. The young boy had a cropped cut, and his hair was very stiff and stood on end. Sword eyebrows are thick and black, sharp and narrow eyes, high nose and thin lips, sharp-edged facial features. At this time, he was frowning, his thin eyelids were drooping, and he was lazily leaning on the side of a car, staring at his mobile phone, and his whole body exuded the aura of'I'm not easy to mess with, don't mess with me! '

The fusion of the original body's memory made Su Yan somewhat resistant to approaching such a sharp-edged person.

This kind of aura that looks like a school bully, who is invincible all over the world, who may be chatting and laughing with you one second, but can hit someone the next second, makes Su Yan stay away.

But her eyes just flickered, and she was dragged by Qin Yun to walk towards the boy obediently.

The boy shook out a cigarette from the box and bit it in his mouth, squinting at Qin Yun getting closer.

"Yo, that came quickly? I thought I'd have to stay here till dark before someone thought of my poor brother."

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