Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 100 The Doomsday Boss 4

"Then just take out the phone card and plug it into your phone later. When the sound lures them away, we will take the opportunity to bring Xiaoxue out without having to fight them." Yang Yan said nonchalantly, "No." Talk to him about the future.

Sun Junhao was a little unhappy, but at his urging he took out his phone, pulled out the phone card and started to set the alarm.

After the two set the time to five minutes, they hung up their mobile phones on the left and right in a high place as agreed upon (Yang Yan set it unilaterally?), and then left and found a place to hide.

When the time came, the ringtones of the two mobile phones indeed attracted the attention of most of the zombies, and they slowly followed the sound and left the door of the library. However, a small number of them, perhaps smelling the smell of flesh and blood inside, still patted persistently. Hold the door.

Yang Yan rushed over with his hand in hand, waving his hands at the zombies who had not yet reacted, as if the god of death had come to the world.

However, only the first few were able to deal with it more smoothly. The remaining dozen or so smelled his scent and swarmed up. He had to dodge and fight back at the same time. The efficiency was much slower, but the number of zombies was still gradually decreasing. among.

"It's my brother!" Qin Guxue had been observing the situation outside by the window. The two of them were far away before and they didn't recognize him. When he came closer, he shouted happily.

"This is your brother!" Yin Bingxuan came to her curiously and praised, "He is so handsome!"

And he looked very powerful. He dared to fight against the zombies and firmly gained the upper hand, unlike the men in the room who didn't even have the courage to go out.

Thinking of this, a desire arose in her heart. If she could charm this man, someone would be able to protect her in this crisis-ridden time.

But it's a pity that he still has a sister. Yin Bingxuan's eyes flashed at his "good friend". Seeing him risking his own life to come here, he knew that this sister's status in his heart was not low. It was a pity.

"Of course, you don't even know whose brother it is!" Qin Guxue raised her eyebrows proudly, immediately ran to the door and greeted everyone, "Hurry up and move these bookshelves away, my brother is here Save me!"

Someone came to the rescue, and she naturally felt that she should open the door. Unfortunately, the people in the room looked at each other, and except for Yin Bingxuan who walked over obediently, no one else moved.

If the police or the military came, they might open the door and go out to seek shelter, but there were only two people outside. Who knew whether they were here to save people or to deliver food?

What if they open the door and a zombie takes the opportunity to run in?

What's more, this woman's brother is here. She is so annoying, and her brother is definitely not a good bird.

"What do you mean?" Qin Guxue became anxious when she saw that they were not moving, "Come here quickly and help!"

There were so many zombies outside, and her brother definitely couldn't deal with them alone. She had to go out quickly to help.

"No!" The boy who was slapped by her before was the first to object, "What if a zombie is let in?"

Although the others didn't speak, you could tell from the expressions on their faces that they all had the same idea.

"Are you blind?" Qin Guxue laughed angrily, "Didn't you see that most of them were lured away? How many of us are afraid that we can't defeat the remaining few?"

Most of the zombies outside the door were lured away, leaving only a dozen or so. Yang Yan killed five or six by himself, Sun Junhao killed one, and now there are only eight or nine.

There are a total of sixteen or seventeen people in their room. If two people fight against one, as long as they are not too weak, it can be said to be a complete victory.

But others don't think so. There are viruses in zombies. They have seen people climb up trees after being bitten, and after a while they turned into zombies.

What if they get bitten accidentally? And although the zombies have been lured away now, what if they come back during their fight?

To put it bluntly, everyone cherishes their lives and no one dares to take that risk.

Qin Guxue cursed again and again, but unfortunately none of the people were moved. They were so angry that they cursed and had no choice but to push the bookshelf by themselves.

But that thing was too heavy. Even if she reacted and threw all the books on the shelf, it was still not something that the two girls could shake.

Qin Guxue was so regretful that her intestines were green at this time. If she had known that her brother would come so quickly, why would she have spent so much effort blocking the door?

After struggling for a long time, there was no result at all. Instead, she was exhausted. She could only lie weakly by the window and watch her brother being chased by zombies.

She looked at their waving fingers, which were covered with sharp claws. The blade in her brother's hand was too short, so it was difficult for him to hit their heads without being injured, and hitting other places would have no effect on them. The impact is too great, so dangers abound.

In fact, Yang Yan had already mastered the rhythm. Although he did not completely kill the zombies when he struck, most of them landed on their joints, gradually disintegrating their combat effectiveness.

However, Qin Guxue didn't just say that, she only watched with fear. She was afraid that he would be caught or bitten by accident. The more she watched, the more anxious she became, and she suddenly pushed open the window and gently knocked on the glass.

The sound was not loud, but it was enough to attract the nearest zombie. It stopped suddenly, twisted its stiff head left and right, and slowly turned in her direction.

Qin Guxue was delighted and was about to continue knocking when a boy suddenly rushed over and pulled her away from the window.

"Are you crazy? What if the zombies are attracted here?" The boy lowered his voice and growled.

"You won't open the door, and you're not going to find a way to help my brother?" Qin Guxue glared at him, "I will control the volume, but if you make trouble for me again, I will shout loudly and attract all the zombies."

"You——" The boy was about to curse, but was interrupted by the blue-gray claws that suddenly stretched out from the security net. He was almost caught and screamed in fear and took a few steps back.

It turned out that the zombie just pounced in front of the window. I don't know if it was attracted by the smell of flesh and blood inside, or stimulated by the boy's voice, it behaved particularly violently.

A pair of sharp claws scratched forward desperately, with a big mouth full of sharp teeth, and a terrifying roar came from the throat. The movement here attracted the attention of the zombies chasing Yang Yan, and two more left the team and walked over.

The number of zombies suddenly decreased by one third. Yang Yan took the opportunity to kill two of them and looked back at the situation in the library.

The brother and sister looked at each other through the window. He took the time to smile at his sister and said, "Xiaoxue, wait a minute. I will kill them all right away."

Qin Guxue saw that he was fighting dangerous zombies and still had the mood to talk to her. Her heart was about to jump out of her throat: "Brother, be careful."

"Don't worry." Yang Yan comforted him, and suddenly turned around and cut the nearest zombie's head. At the same time, he turned his body to avoid the mouth of another zombie and gave it another backhand.

Now there were only two zombies chasing him and wanted to bite. He moved flexibly, knocked them down one by one, and soon knocked them to the ground.

The three zombies by the window didn't know that all their kind had died. They were still fiercely stretching their claws to try to scratch the prey inside. He was attacked from behind, and all their brains burst and died silently.

"Brother, you are awesome!" Qin Guxue's eyes suddenly turned into stars, looking at her brother who seemed to be radiating light all over his body, and then glanced at the weak chicken in the house, and snorted from his nose with disdain.

At this time, Sun Junhao, who had been chased by a zombie, finally solved it and came over, saying nervously: "Xiaoxue, come out quickly, let's leave here quickly."

As he spoke, he looked vigilantly at the zombies that were led away by the bell in the distance, fearing that they would suddenly lose interest and turn back.

"I also want to come out, brother Hao," Qin Guxue crossed his arms and looked at the people in the room with contempt, "but we pushed the bookshelf and blocked the door before, and these people refused to help. Only Axuan and I couldn't move away."

Yang Yan looked at the group of people in the room after hearing this, and they all avoided his sight.

This incident had happened in the original owner's previous life. He used the same method as him to lead most of the zombies away, but his skills were not as good as Yang Yan, and he was almost bitten to death by a group of zombies.

In the end, it was Qin Guyu who cleverly smashed the top glass window, came out with a rope hanging from inside and pulled them in, saving the two lives.

After that, everyone was trapped in the library for a whole day and night. Later, they found that there was no rescue and they would only starve to death if they continued to be trapped inside. A group of people suppressed their fear and found a way to kill the zombies outside and left this place.

For these selfish people, Yang Yan was too lazy to talk and said lightly: "It's safe outside for the time being. Can you open the door?"

Now everyone had no objection, and quickly moved the bookshelf away and opened the door.

"Brother!" As soon as Yang Yan walked in, Qin Guxue threw herself into his arms, not caring at all about the filth on his body that had just been stained in the fight with the zombies.

Yang Yan patted her back comfortingly, closed the door with his backhand, and said seriously: "It's very chaotic outside now, and the police can't handle it. I'm afraid we can only take care of ourselves in the short term. You have to be mentally prepared." Qin Guxue's face turned pale, but she was not afraid: "I know, brother, what should we do next?" "Let's leave here first and find a way to get back to City A as soon as possible. I didn't get through to my parents' phone before, and I don't know how they are now." "Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Guxue said without hesitation. "Brother, I want to go to City A too, can you take me with you?" At this time, someone in the crowd came over timidly.

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