Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 101 The Doomsday Boss 5

In the end, there were nine people on the road together. One car was obviously not enough. Fortunately, Yang Yan found the car keys on the zombies outside the library, and the transportation was successfully solved.

However, Qin Guxue was very dissatisfied with her brother's agreement to bring others with him: "They just see how powerful you are, brother, and they want to follow you so that you can protect them. Brother, why did you agree?"

Although they were all classmates, the behavior of these people really made her look down on them. Not to mention their poor combat abilities, she herself was not necessarily much better, but she was as timid as a mouse and didn't even have the courage to fight zombies. No, what are teammates like this used for?

"I told them that we can go on the road together, but I am not responsible for their safety. Didn't you hear it with your own ears? Why did you bring it up to me?" Yang Yan said helplessly.

He naturally has his own plans. These people are all on the original owner's revenge list. If he doesn't go with them, how can he find an opportunity to cut off the possibility of them awakening their powers?

Death is not scary in the apocalypse. What is scary is living in pain and numbness without seeing hope. Everyone is responsible for his sister's death. The original owner wants them to experience his sister's fear before she dies.

"That's what I say, but with those people's peeing habits, they will definitely bite you when they are in danger. Will you just sit back and ignore them?" Qin Guxue looked at him with suspicion.

"I can really do it. It's not just me, you have to do it too." Yang Yan became serious when he said this. "There will definitely be some unevenness along the way. No matter what happens, what you have to do is to give priority to protection." Take care of yourself, you know?”

Qin Guxue was originally talking about him, but in the end she was educated. She was a little confused for a moment, but seeing that her brother didn't look like he was joking, she nodded seriously and replied: "Yes, I remember."

"Don't just answer with your mouth," Yang Yan pointed at her heart from afar, "Keep it in your heart that no one else, or your best friend, is as important as your own safety."

"Don't act impulsively when encountering something. Think more about your parents. They don't know what the situation is yet. If you can't go back, who will take care of them?"

"Look at what you said, brother, do you think your sister is the kind of person who would sacrifice herself for others?" Qin Guxue hugged his arm helplessly, "You are the only one in this world who can let me risk my life to protect her. With my parents.”

This is impossible to say. In the memory of the original owner, this stupid girl almost lost her life twice because of her best friend. There is no guarantee that she will not be stupid again one day.

Thinking of this, Yang Yan emphasized again: "I will never need your help, anyway, you should take care of yourself!"

"Okay, okay! I know!" Qin Guxue shook his arm, "Brother, if you keep nagging like this, you will look more and more like dad!"

Looking at her look like this, it was obvious that she still didn't listen, and Yang Yan couldn't do anything about it. Some people always have to suffer losses before they can make progress. Anyway, he will look after her from now on, so let her go for now!

However, he had thought before that he should get rid of her bad bestie as soon as possible, but now it seems that he should keep it for now!

It just serves as a whetstone for my sister, so that she can see what it is like to have a sinister human heart, so that she can be more defensive in the future.

Yang Yan glanced at the girl with rolling eyes next to him and thought to himself.

Yin Bingxuan was mentally evaluating her best friend's brother, whether it was worth her bet on him. Suddenly, a chill rose from the back of her tailbone. She felt like she was being targeted by some large beast, and she couldn't help but shudder. Got a shiver.

Nowadays, all mobile phones have no signal, so the navigation is naturally unusable. Fortunately, the place they are in is the library, and there is no shortage of maps.

Seeing Sun Junhao and others planning the route with the map, Yang Yan did not interrupt. The original owner had post-apocalyptic situations in his memory, and he knew exactly which path was more suitable, but he had no intention of going with them all the time. So I don’t want to say more.

Several people discussed it, and the final decision was the same as in the previous life, to avoid the highway and take the national highway.

This was undoubtedly a smart choice. Many drivers also experienced changes at the time of the incident. Many vehicles on the highway lost control and overturned. By this time, there was already a traffic jam.

But this does not mean that there are no accidents on national highways. It is just that there are more forks on national highways, making it easier to make U-turns and diversions.

After each finding some handy weapons, the group cautiously walked out of the library door.

Probably influenced by Yang Yan's words before, in addition to them going to City A together, the others also gathered up the courage and decided to leave instead of staying here and waiting for rescue.

They didn't have much friendship with each other, so they nodded to each other at the door and parted ways.

Yang Yan took his younger sister, Yin Bingxuan and another girl to wait in the car parked at the school gate. Because it had been cleaned up on the way here, they only encountered a few zombies along the way, and he dealt with them all with one blow. .

Sun Junhao and his group took four boys to the parking lot to pick up the car, but things didn't go so smoothly. When they came out, a large group of zombies were following behind the car. Seeing how the car was driving crookedly, it was obvious that he had been frightened.

Yang Yan stepped on the accelerator without them having to say hello, and drove the car onto the road ahead of them. The two cars sped away, and the zombies followed tirelessly for a while, until they could no longer hear the sound. Stopped, then dispersed blankly.

The situation outside was definitely not better than inside the school. Qin Guxue and other girls were a little scared when they saw the corpses that were gnawed to pieces on the street, and the car frames that had obviously exploded and burned on the roadside. They huddled together in silence.

Yang Yan glanced at his sister's pale face and didn't comfort her. It was just the beginning. There would be more crises in the future that she would have to face. Sooner or later, she would get used to it.

Everyone was from another place and was not very familiar with the city, so they could only walk along the route on the map.

Now the end of the world has just begun. Because the communication was cut off very early, most people didn't understand the situation. They thought that the chaos was only in their own place. After surviving the initial wave of riots, they chose to find a temporarily safe place to wait for rescue.

Only a few people who happened to be watching the news knew that the same thing had happened all over the country at this time. Even many police stations and troops had fallen. The rescue they expected was destined to be gone.

But because of this, there were not many cars and zombies on the road, and the two cars were relatively smooth along the way. They only got stuck in one place and took a detour. Although they encountered zombies blocking the road, they just ran over them without causing any trouble.

After driving for half an hour, Yang Yan saw a gas station and turned on the double flashes to indicate that they didn't know how long they would have to go. They needed to prepare some gasoline and food.

The gas station was built next to the national highway. It was usually quiet in the place where cars came and went. There was no guide for the refueling boy and girl. Only two cars with their doors wide open were seen, a refueling gun was thrown on the ground, and there was an ominous bloodstain next to it.

It was obvious that an accident had also happened here. Yang Yan told his sister to follow him closely, then carefully opened the car door and walked down. Sun Junhao and others got out of the car behind him. Everyone winked at each other and approached the two cars with weapons in hand.

There was silence all around. Sun Junhao was fine, after all, he had fought zombies head-on. Everyone else was very cautious, their hearts were beating non-stop, and their ears were filled with their own nervous breathing.

Yang Yan walked to the front of the car first and looked in from the open passenger seat. It was empty, but there was a person lying on the driver's seat, with his head tilted, looking like he was dead.

He did not relax his vigilance and suddenly opened the back door, but it was still empty.

Just when the girls behind him breathed a sigh of relief, the figure in the driver's seat suddenly roared and pounced on them, scaring them to run back screaming.

Only Qin Guxue remembered her brother, and grabbed his clothes and dragged him back, trying to help him avoid the attack.

But soon she found that her actions were unnecessary, because the zombie was firmly tied to the seat by the seat belt and could not pose any threat to them.

"Scare the uncle." Qin Guxue breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest and said.

Uncle? Yang Yan raised his eyebrows, pushed her, and said, "Go and deal with it."

Qin Guxue's face was visibly stiff, but she did not refuse. She took a deep breath, picked up the hammer in her hand (which she found in the library), and walked around the front of the car to the driver's seat with murderous intent.

She opened the car door with her eyes wide open, and smashed the zombie inside that was still struggling to pounce and bite people.

She had seen her brother beat the zombie with her own eyes, and knew that only the head was its fatal point, so the hammer went straight to its head.

However, the first hammer hit the zombie's hand, causing no damage. The second hammer hit its face, knocking its head crooked, and then the third hammer hit the top of its head.

But the strength was not enough, and the zombie was still grinning at her vigorously. She was furious, and smashed its forehead four or five times, finally smashing its brain and killing it thoroughly.

"Not bad." As she leaned on her knees and panted, Yang Yan walked over and patted her shoulder approvingly.

"This thing won't work," Qin Guxue straightened up and shook the iron hammer in her hand, "It's too short, it's easy for zombies to grab it, and I don't have enough strength. If we really fight, which zombie will stand still and let me hit it?"

As expected of the girl who took care of the original owner in the previous life, she is brave enough and not stupid, but she is too naive, so she was calculated and lost her life.

"Let's see if there are any weapons here later." Yang Yan nodded.

Yin Bingxuan and the other girl came over at this time, looked at the dead zombie, and then looked at Qin Guxue who looked calm, and both of them looked embarrassed.

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