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At first, only a few people came to ask, but after receiving a positive answer, dozens more people soon came. Yang Yan simply announced that he would teach in front of the cave at sunrise every day, and any sub-beasts who wanted to learn could come at any time.

So every morning the tribe could see a group of sub-beasts gathered in the open space in front of the cave, gesticulating with their hands and legs raised, and sometimes there were even half-grown orcs who looked interesting and ran to practice with them.

It's a pity that after about ten days, the sub-beasts have more or less sense of energy, but the orcs don't feel it at all. In comparison, they are not happy to come.

And the sub-beasts are happy. Those who are talented can obviously feel that their physiques have made a qualitative leap. In the past, they were not so weak that they would gasp after walking a few steps, but they would never be able to carry slightly heavier things. If you want to move, you have to ask the orcs for help.

But now they can easily lift one-third of the weight of objects that the orcs can lift. If they continue to practice, sooner or later they will be as strong as the orcs, or even bigger than them. It is not impossible.

The beasts became even more excited when they thought that they would no longer be trapped in the tribe's hill, but could go out like orcs and experience the beauty and danger of the world.

After seeing the results of the first few people who started learning, the Yashou who were hesitant at first also made up their minds to join in. They didn't have that big ambition, but they saw what happened to the group of Yashou who were kidnapped by the Jackal Clan. , I feel that it is good to have some ability to protect myself.

So later on, more than half of the sub-beasts in the entire tribe became students of the "Martial Arts Class" run by Yang Yan. The remaining half were not unwilling, but these sub-beasts had little orcs and little sub-beasts at home that needed to be taken care of. , I can’t get away for the time being.

But they had already inquired secretly and knew that this teaching would continue, so they no longer worried and decided that it would not be too late to learn from him after he could let go.

Just when martial arts practice was booming in the tribe, Yong, Cheng Leyu and others who went to participate in the Autumn Book of Changes finally returned.

This time they went there for nearly a month. When they left, the weather had just turned cold. When they came back, it had really started to get cold. After the orcs turned into beasts, the long hair covering their bodies did not have much impact. , but Cheng Leyu almost wrapped himself into a ball.

The group of giant tigers all carried large packages when they left. When they came back, those things were no longer there, but turned into a group of hundreds of animals, following them in a mighty manner.

Among them were cows, sheep, horses, monkeys and other animals, and even two wolves and a lion. Compared to the strong and vigorous giant tigers, they looked a bit pitiful, all of them skinny and skinny. The hair is sparse and dull.

These are their biggest gains from this trip. The slaves that other orcs exchanged for them, despite how tortured they are now, are actually much better than when they were first exchanged.

The world of orcs is not a peaceful world. Powerful tribes will attack weak tribes and rob their food and beasts, while the orcs will become slaves.

The fate of the orcs who became slaves was basically miserable. They did the hardest work, but did not get enough food to eat. They were often beaten and scolded until they were drained of their last strength and died miserably.

Although the Khajiit tribe is not too big, due to their powerful beast form, it is not as cost-effective as dealing with tribes with weaker combat capabilities. Moreover, they are worried that they will retaliate afterwards.

Therefore, when they did not take the initiative to attack other tribes, they barely maintained peace. Not many people dared to challenge them. Only desperadoes like the Jackal Clan would attack them without any scruples.

Cheng Leyu needed manpower to expand production. During the Autumn Yi Conference, he exchanged almost all the slaves for exchange. At first, he was worried that these slaves would run away, but after meeting the people, his worries disappeared.

Those orcs really don't regard slaves as human beings. It would be difficult for them to reach their tribe alive after being tortured like this, let alone have the strength to escape. And even if they do escape, they probably can't survive in the wild based on their physical condition. Not going down.

Originally, the Autumn Yi Conference ended more than half a month ago. In order to bring these orcs back, they had to stay there for a few days, give them enough food and rest, and then set off on their return journey after recovering a little.

Moreover, they didn't dare to walk too fast along the way, lest they exhaust the orcs who had already damaged their foundations to death. That's why it took so long to return to the tribe.

When they reached the entrance of the tribe, the giant tiger turned into a human form. They looked a little tired, but with bright smiles on their faces. They were finally back to a familiar place after being away from home for so long, and everyone was in a good mood.

The group of animals also transformed into human beings. Like their animal forms, they also looked very weak in their human form. They looked at this strange place somewhat blankly, their faces full of uncertainty about the future.

The orcs on the watchtower had discovered their traces long ago and spread the news to the entire tribe. As soon as they entered the tribe, a large group of people came to greet them, including orcs and sub-animals, and even newlyweds couldn't help but greet them. The joy of meeting again after a long separation, they hugged each other passionately in public.

Cheng Leyu could not bear to see it and avoided his sight. Although he knew that in this world, it was as normal for orcs and sub-beasts to be together as it was for men and women to fall in love in his world, he still felt uncomfortable with the scene of two men hugging each other.

However, other people were used to it, and some lively orcs even whistled. For a while, the entrance of the tribe was full of joy.

When everyone helped to move things, the orcs who had just returned from outside were slightly surprised to see that the sub-beasts had a lot of strength.

The sub-beast who showed off in front of his lover immediately said proudly: "Yan taught us, I may be more powerful than you in the future!"

Who knew that the orc was not as shocked as he imagined, but showed a look of understanding on his face: "Yan taught me! He must have learned it from the envoy of God."

This scene happened between several couples. On the way to the Autumn Exchange, the orcs had seen the power of the envoy of God, so they were not too surprised to learn that the sub-beasts had learned the thing called "martial arts".

So Cheng Leyu was given another achievement without realizing it, and even if he explained to the tribesmen that he learned it from his childhood friends, no one would believe him, because he was the envoy of God.

Everyone shared each other's joy. At this time, a middle-aged sub-beast searched back and forth in the orc team several times, but he couldn't find the familiar figure.

He suddenly panicked and ran to the leader Yong to ask: "Where is Zhe? Why is he not here?"

"Father Ye, Zhe..." Looking at the sub-beast who was worried about his son, Yong didn't know how to say it for a while.

"Did Zhe get into trouble?" Ye Yafu shook his body, tears welled up in his eyes, and his words became a little sharp, "What happened? Tell me, Zhe is the most powerful orc in the tribe. You all can come back safely, why is he the only one gone?"

Yong lost his Yafu when he was young, and became friends with Zhe when he was young. He always respected his Yafu. Although he knew that Zhe was to blame, he couldn't say it when facing him. The young man's face flushed for a while, and he seemed very helpless.

Ye Yafu originally questioned because he was too worried and excited. Seeing his reaction, he really became suspicious and began to distrust him.

Zhe was pursuing Yan before he left. Could it be that Yong was not satisfied with him, so he deliberately did something to hurt him when he went out this time? How could he do this? Aren't he and Zhe good friends?

Ye Yafu's eyes began to grow angry, and Yong felt a little wronged, but he didn't want to tell everyone what Zhe had done. If the tribe knew about his mistakes, they might vent their anger on his beast father, Yafu and brothers, and he didn't want to see them in a difficult situation.

But Ye Yafu didn't know his concerns, and said aggressively: "What did you do to Zhe? Where is he, tell me quickly!"

In his heart, he had already determined that Yong had harmed his son, and his face was no longer kind, as if he wanted to pounce on him and bite him to death.

The movements of the two had long attracted the attention of the people around them. At this time, an orc couldn't bear it and came over and said: "Zhe did something wrong himself, don't blame Yong."

"Impossible!" Ye Yafu lost his voice, "Zhe is a powerful orc, how could he make a mistake?"

The orc was a little speechless. He admitted that Zhe was very powerful, but who said that powerful orcs would not make mistakes? What kind of logic is this? He glanced at the messenger of God, hesitating whether he should tell the truth.

"I killed Zhe, don't make things difficult for Yong." Cheng Leyu has already taken the initiative to stand up.

"You, you killed Zhe?" Ye Yafu originally had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but now he was completely desperate. He shouted angrily, "Why did you do this to him? Even if you are a messenger of God, you can't kill beasts casually!"

"He was rude to me." Cheng Leyu said coldly.

He was in no good mood now. As long as he thought of what Zhe did, his scalp tingled and his body was nauseous. At this time, he was very glad that he had learned martial arts from his friends, otherwise he didn't know what would happen.

As for Zhe, who was killed by him, although he was very scared for the first time to end a person's life with his own hands, he didn't regret it at all. He dared to do such a dirty thing, and such a person didn't deserve to live.

"No, I don't believe it!" Ye Yafu shook his head vigorously, "How could you, a weak sub-beast, kill the powerful Zhe? You must have joined forces to kill him together!"

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