Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 177 Primitive Orcs 17 (1/2)

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As soon as the words "weak sub-beasts" came out, the expressions of the orcs in the tribe were a little strange. They used to think so too, and sub-beasts were all weak and needed protection.

But after witnessing Yan harvesting the lives of the jackal orcs like chopping melons and vegetables, and seeing Zhe being hacked to death by a divine envoy, no one would have such thoughts anymore.

Besides, has Ye forgotten that he himself is also practicing martial arts with Yan, and now he is out of the category of "weak", and these were taught by the divine envoy he accused (Dawgy), how could he himself be weak?

Although Cheng Leyu understood his feelings very well, after all, any mother, er, sub-father would not be able to bear the thought of a living son dying as soon as he went out for a trip.

But as a victim, he really couldn't sympathize with him. Besides, he didn't want to recall the experience of that day, so he could only be annoyed with him.

Just at this time, Shi came back with the orcs from the hunting team. He casually told him to deal with it, and left with the anxious orc slaves and the things they had obtained in exchange.

Ye still wanted to stop him from leaving, but under the intimidation of the clan leader and the obstruction of the clansmen, he could only watch him leave, looking at his back with eyes that almost burst into flames.

"Why are you stopping me?" He roared with grief, anger and despair, "Is it true that just because he is an envoy of God, he can take the life of whomever he wants? Did Zhe's death like this be in vain?"

"What? Zhe is dead?" An orc appeared at the end of the hunting team. He was Zhe's beast father, Yuan. He heard the bad news just after returning to the tribe, and his tall figure instantly became rickety.

Shi patted his shoulder comfortingly and asked his son with his eyes. Yong said helplessly: "Zhe did something bad, but the envoy was not wrong."

Although he didn't understand what Zhe had done to make the always kind-hearted envoy angry, after hearing what Yong said, Shi understood that the matter must be serious, so he told the clansmen to disperse, and he took Yuan and Yeji to Qiuyi this time. The orcs who met returned to the cave.

This time Yong didn't hide it anymore and told what happened on the road.

It turned out that they passed a steaming small pool on the way to Qiu Yihui. The orcs were curious and in awe, but Cheng Leyu knew that it was a hot spring and happily said that he wanted to go down and take a bath.

Although the clan leader had already said that God did not distinguish between orcs and sub-beasts, the orcs saw that he looked like a sub-beast, so of course they were embarrassed to accept his suggestion and hang out with him, so they left him there alone. , others came to watch nearby.

As a result, not long after, they heard screams coming from the direction of Xiaotan. When they passed by, they saw a naked Zhe lying on the ground covered in blood, and the divine envoy was holding a bone knife in his hand and his face was full of anger. .

He didn't need to explain. Everyone knew what happened as soon as they saw this scene. They angrily rebuked Zhe and said that when they returned to the tribe, they would declare his crime and drive him out.

But Zhe didn't say a word to defend himself. The orcs thought he was ashamed at first, but later they noticed something was wrong and went to check and found that he had died.

In panic, Cheng Leyu stabbed him with his backhand, but he didn't expect it to hit his vital point. I'm afraid Zhe never thought until his death that he would die in the hands of a sub-beast that he thought was easy to control.

Although Zhe paid the price with his life for his actions, it could not offset Shi's disgust towards him, and he actually did something coercive to a sub-beast that had pursued his son before.

Shi was also a little unhappy with his beast father and Yafu. He asked with a stern face: "Do you still think Zhe died unjustly?"

The couple never expected that the truth of the matter would be like this. The orcs were far stronger than the sub-beasts, so any violent behavior they did to the sub-beasts would be despised, let alone forcing such a thing to happen.

Even if Zhe was bullying an ordinary sub-beast, he would be expelled if he caused trouble, not to mention that he was attacking a divine envoy who was loved by his tribe!

"Zhe damn it!" Yuan said immediately.

It's not that he doesn't feel sorry for his son, but he knows very well that Zhe's crimes are intolerable to the tribe. Since he can't avenge him, he might as well admit his mistake quickly. After all, they and their two remaining sons still have to live in the tribe. .

"But how could he, a weak sub-beast, kill the powerful Zhe?" Ye Que was still unwilling to give in and looked at Yong pointedly.

Shi Wenyan showed displeasure on his face, but before he could get angry, Yuan Yuan had already shouted: "Shut up! Could it be that the forty orcs here will unite to lie to you?"

"Don't forget how powerful the things you are learning from Yan are now. Yan can defeat the orcs of the Jackal Tribe, and the envoy who teaches him will definitely be even more powerful!"

Ye then fell silent, and Yuan asked the orcs present with a shy face not to spread the word. He knew very well that once the tribe knew the consequences of what Zhe had committed, he and Ye would definitely be isolated, and even The two sons will also be looked down upon.

"I want to ask the divine envoy for instructions." Shi did not agree immediately. In fact, looking at the divine envoy's previous attitude, he guessed that he didn't want more people to know about it, but he was a little concerned about Ye Mi's allusion to Yong, so he thought Tell them to worry.

Yuan and Ye really looked worried when they heard this, especially Ye. Although he still resented the divine messenger for killing his son, he had begun to regret his previous attitude.

Cheng Leyu brought the exchanged slaves to the cave that had been prepared for them. After getting along with them all the way, these orcs have discovered the friendliness of their new masters, which is completely different from the orcs who enslaved them to death in the past.

"God's messenger," a sheep orc asked tentatively, "What should we do?"

"First, take care of your body!" Cheng Leyu said bluntly, "I didn't exchange you to enslave you. Our tribe is developing and needs more people. If possible, I hope you can stay and become a member of the tribe."

"Of course, if you still want to return to your tribe, you can also tell me, I will calculate your worth, and let you go when you have done enough work."

"Really?" Almost half of the orcs were excited. Since they were captured and became slaves, they never thought that they would be able to return to the tribe alive, but the words of this sub-beast undoubtedly gave them hope.

"In the name of the beast god." Cheng Leyu is now accustomed to pretending to be a charlatan. He showed a gentle smile, and with his handsome face, he was still very credible.

At least the slaves all believed his words at this moment. The orcs who were originally lifeless suddenly had the desire to live. Even the lion orc who had been silently lowering his head since he was replaced looked up at him.

After communicating with these orcs, Cheng Leyu's mood was much better. Others became slaves and still had hope. He was almost raped by a man!

What's the big deal? Even if he was really succeeded, it would be just like being bitten by a dog, not to mention that he hadn't succeeded yet!

Cheng Leyu, who had figured it out, regained his spirits. After settling the new orcs, he took the other things he got back to the cave where he and Yan lived together, intending to deal with them slowly.

Although they didn't bring much back on this trip, they really gained a lot. Not only did they find the salt he had been thinking about, but they were also lucky enough to find a salt field about two days away from the tribe. At least they don't have to worry about running out of salt to eat in the next few decades.

The rest were mainly plant seeds. After going out for a walk, Cheng Leyu found that this world was not as barren as he had imagined. It was just that he had been struggling in his own small piece of land before, so he had not seen so many things.

In just a small autumn exchange meeting, he exchanged more than a dozen seeds that were not available in the tribe, but the species in this world were completely different from what he knew, and he needed to spend time to confirm whether they were useful.

He did not find anything valuable in other things. Some people brought colorful gems to trade, but he was not very interested in these decorations. They could not be eaten or used as tools. It would be better to find a way to build a beautiful house first than to put them in the cave!

He originally wanted to see if anyone in this world had made clothes. Unfortunately, the orcs in other tribes also wore animal skins. He could only study it slowly in the future. He hoped that he could make cotton and linen cloth before his two sets of clothes were worn out!

While Cheng Leyu was counting the harvest of this trip, Yang Yan came back from a day of collecting herbs. As soon as he arrived at the tribe, he heard that Zhe had died at the hands of his friends.

He was a little surprised. The hero died so easily? He had made many plans, waiting for him to come back and slowly stir up his ambitions, and then expose them after he took action, so that the people of the tribe could not tolerate him and drove him out or executed him!

But thinking about it again, it was not surprising. Although Zhe was one of the two heroes in the book, he died at the hands of Cheng Leyu in the end, so there should be only one true son of Tiandao.

I just don’t know what he did to make Cheng Leyu, a modern man in a peaceful era, so cruel to kill people. Could he want to use force on people like in the book?

Soon Yang Yan learned from Yong that he had actually guessed it right. Of course, Yong didn’t say what he wanted to say, but was unknowingly tricked by him.

This big orc didn’t want his brother to be affected by such dirty things, but he didn’t know that the sub-beast he wanted to protect knew much more than him.

I didn't expect that I guessed it right. Zhe's methods were still as disgusting as before. Unfortunately, after Cheng Leyu was bullied by him, he was no longer the person who allowed others to bully him in his previous life.

Yang Yan sneered in his heart and lit a whole row of candles for him.

Zhe's death did not cause any waves in the tribe. Although he was known as the strongest orc of the younger generation, such an orc would appear in the tribe every few years, but few could really make it to the end. The tribesmen had long been accustomed to it.

As for why he died, because Shi had issued a gag order, the orcs who were traveling with him were very secretive about it, so everyone finally knew that he was guilty of the beast god and was executed by the god's messenger.

This did not cause trouble for Cheng Leyu. On the contrary, it cast a mysterious veil on him. The people in the tribe were more awed by this messenger sent by the beast god.

As the weather became colder day by day, this matter was gradually covered up, and no one mentioned it slowly, as if such an orc had never existed.

But Yuan, Ye and their two remaining sons were still affected to some extent. Although they were not excluded to the extent of being ostracized, they could clearly feel that the tribesmen were much colder towards them.

This kind of indifference will not affect normal life, but it makes people in it very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, they have no way to deal with it. Slowly, they began to resent their eldest son. If he had not made such a big mistake, how could they be treated like this?

After the first snow of winter fell, the tiger tribe stopped going out hunting. In this weather, many animals have begun to hibernate. It is dangerous to go out reluctantly.

The cave is very cold, but because there is no good exhaust system, Cheng Leyu dare not make a fire or a kang in the cave. He can only shiver in thick animal skin all day long.

At this time, he envied the sub-beasts who lived with the orcs. He could nest in their warm fur after they turned into giant tigers. What a pleasant thing it is in this cold season!

However, he just thought about this idea. When there was a giant tiger in front of him, he wanted to be eight feet away.

The main reason was that Zhe's sneak attack had left him with a deep psychological trauma. Now he fully understood the difference between sub-beasts and orcs, and would never treat them as men of the same gender again.

Of course, during the nearly three months of severe winter, everyone was not completely idle.

Most of the sub-beasts insisted on participating in the martial arts training every morning. When the snow piled up to more than a foot thick, which seriously affected their movements, they changed the outdoor group activities to indoor practice.

Cheng Leyu had explained various tools to the tribesmen before. Taking advantage of this period of free time, everyone thought about making some. Because no iron ore was found, most of them were bone products, wooden products, and a small number of stone products.

The first ones to be made were bone saws, bone planes, bone axes, etc. After having these tools, the orcs first made a bed with the stored wood. Cheng Leyu, as the respected first user, can responsibly say that it was really too comfortable!

The stone bed was extremely hard, and in winter, lying on it and feeling cold was only slightly better than sleeping on the ground. It almost killed him!

Although the wooden bed was not very soft, it was covered with thick leaves and a few layers of animal skins, and the comfort level was much better than the stone bed.

For a single orc who could transform into an animal, this wooden bed was not very practical, but for those who had sub-beasts at home, it was very useful. As for the reason, you can understand it.

Along with the popular wooden bed, furniture such as coffee tables, stools, and cabinets were also made, and slowly wooden cups, wooden bowls, wooden teapots, and even wooden vases were placed.

Cheng Leyu felt that the atmosphere of life in the cave became richer, and even the anxious feeling of being impatient to go home and return to the familiar world was relieved.

When the cave of the two people began to feel like a home, the thick snow on the mountain began to melt, and spring came.

This winter was the happiest winter for the Tiger Tribe. They stored enough food for everyone to eat and even had surplus. Everyone was fat and strong, and even the hundred orcs who were originally slaves were well-fed and radiant.

And fortunately, no orcs came to rob food this year. They had a peaceful and peaceful winter. The beginning of spring was when animals began to move, but it was not a good time to hunt.

Most of the animals that had been hungry for a whole winter had little meat on them, and they were particularly difficult to deal with. The tribesmen who still had surplus food in the cave did not rush to go out, but waited patiently.

When the snow completely melted and the brown land underneath was exposed, the grass sprouted green tips, and the spirited orcs and sub-beasts began to farm diligently.

Soon the green covered the entire land again, and the animals grew fat, and the hunting team began to go out again. Unlike previous years, this year, sub-beasts appeared in their team for the first time.

Originally, the orcs were worried that the sub-beasts who had never experienced killing would not adapt, but they soon found that they were overthinking. The sub-beasts who joined in were not scared by the bloody scene.

On the contrary, they were small in size and agile in posture, and they could often attack in places that the beasts could not take care of. The hunting team gained more than before, but it took less time.

The tribe gradually recognized the combat power of the sub-beasts, and at this time, Shi's kindness to the outside world also brought them rewards. Some small tribes that had received favors learned that the tiger people were taking in stray orcs, and they brought their families to join.

In just two years, the tribe expanded from the original five or six hundred people to nearly three thousand people, which made Cheng Leyu very happy. The small town he had been thinking about could finally start construction.

After such a long period of growth, he was no longer as simple as he thought at the beginning. He first checked the terrain around and finally decided to build the city in another place half a day away from the tribe.

There is a strategic terrain to rely on, which is convenient for defense in case of enemy invasion. There is a water source and flat land, which is convenient for future farming. It is also close to the place where the salt well was discovered.

It happened that the brick kiln finally successfully fired hard bricks after a long period of tinkering. After discussing with Shi and others, Cheng Leyu started to build the city.

He didn't understand architecture. He only knew that the foundation needed to be laid to build the wall. However, the primitive people had their own wisdom. They figured out a way to keep the wall upright without any guidance. They also used a kind of fruit juice that becomes particularly sticky after heating and mixed it with clay instead of cement to firmly stick the bricks together.

At this time, the tribe's livestock and planting industries had developed to a large scale, and only one-third of the people continued to work to ensure that the entire tribe had enough food and clothing.

Shi mobilized one-third of the orcs and sub-beasts to build the city, and the remaining one-third was led by Yan and Yong to guard the safety of the tribe.

Since the tiger tribe began to develop, the largest lion tribe nearby has been eyeing them covetously. People would come to harass them every once in a while. Although they were all blocked, they knew that the two sides would have a war sooner or later.

Sure enough, when the wall of the new city was half built, the leader of the lion tribe could not help but lead the orc warriors of the tribe to launch a large-scale attack on the tiger tribe.

They planned to launch a sneak attack at first, but unfortunately all their actions did not escape the eyes of the orcs on the lookout tower. When they touched the tiger tribe's station, what was waiting for them was the tiger warriors who were ready for battle.

"Hahaha——" The leader of the lion tribe was not panicked, but pointed at the other camp and laughed, "You tiger tribe really have no one left. You actually sent sub-beasts to the battlefield. Are you hoping to lure the warriors of our tribe to let you go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tiger tribe shot a bone arrow with a "whoosh——" sound. It brushed past his ear and nailed to the tree behind him. Half of the arrow was deeply embedded in the tree trunk. If he hadn't dodged quickly, this arrow would have killed him.

The leader of the lion tribe looked in the direction of the arrow with a gloomy face. His yellow pupils shrank suddenly, and he said with a little surprise: "It's you? You sword species are not dead yet!"

The one who shot this arrow was the lion-shaped orc slave that Cheng Leyu had exchanged before. At the beginning, he promised that they could regain their freedom as warriors for five years, and they could leave on their own after working in the tribe for ten years. Song chose to become a warrior without hesitation.

At this time, he put down the bow and arrow with some regret, and replied coldly: "I said that one day I will take your life myself."

"Just you?" The leader of the lion tribe was angered by his words, "You are really not like my kind at all. Now you have fallen into the mix with sub-beasts, as useless as your sub-father."

Yang Yan raised his eyebrows. It turned out that Song was the little prince of the lion tribe who appeared in the book, but the little prince had no status. After all, his beast father had dozens of sons.

The attitude of the lion tribe towards sub-beasts is not as respectful as that of the tiger tribe. In their eyes, sub-beasts are equivalent to goods. The leader of the lion tribe monopolized more than a dozen sub-beasts. Song's sub-father was robbed by him, and his life in the tribe has never been good.

Song did not regard sub-beasts as animals that could be beaten and scolded at will like other tribesmen. He cherished his sub-father and tried his best to protect him, but his behavior angered his beast father.

In order to correct his temper, the leader of the Lion Clan treated his father even more harshly, and finally tortured him to death. As a result, the father and son turned against each other, and Song failed to assassinate the beast father, and was sold to another tribe as a slave.

In the book, the Tiger Clan did not participate in the Autumn Exchange, and Cheng Leyu naturally did not buy him. It was not until a few years later that the two met for the first time.

At that time, Song had already gathered a group of people, and the Tiger Clan also confronted the Lion Clan like now, so the two hit it off and joined forces to kill the Lion Clan.

Yang Yan remembered that it was said in the book that Song actually admired Cheng Leyu, and he didn't know if he had the same feelings now. If so...

Cheng Leyu is now very afraid of beastmen. If he knew, I wonder how he would react?

Thinking of the terrified expression that his friends might have, Yang Yan smiled unkindly.

However, his smile was mistaken by the leader of the lion tribe as a mockery of his inability to control his son. He immediately jumped up in anger and loudly ordered the orc warriors to attack.

The two sides quickly fought together. Like their leader, the lion tribe orcs also looked down on the sub-beasts, but soon they paid the price for this contempt.

They had never seen such a powerful sub-beast. When they were pressed to the ground and rubbed, they even suspected that these were not sub-beasts at all, but smaller orcs.

However, the fact is that some tiger tribe orcs transformed into their original forms and fought with them, while none of those who they suspected were also orcs had ever transformed. They only roamed among them with their small bodies. Their small bodies contained greater power than them, but they were lighter than them.

This battle undoubtedly ended in a tragic defeat for the lion tribe. The leader of the lion tribe also died at the hands of his son, whom he had always looked down on. He was stabbed in the chest by Song Yidao and turned several times fiercely. He died more than he could die.

Most of the lion tribe orcs were killed or injured, and the rest were recruited by Yang Yan and handed over to Song for transformation. The territory of the lion tribe also belonged to the tiger tribe. From then on, the tiger tribe became the largest tribe in the land that could be reached within ten days and nights.

After a few months, the first city on the orc continent was finally completed. Cheng Leyu named this city "Xu", which means the rising sun, and also symbolizes the rise of the entire orc tribe.

Afterwards, just as he expected, the tiger tribe, perhaps at this time it should no longer be called the tiger tribe, there are all kinds of orcs in Xucheng, and the tiger tribe orcs account for less than one-tenth of them.

After the establishment of Xucheng, the orcs and sub-beasts knew for the first time that life could be so beautiful. The tall city walls protected them from wild beasts, the spacious houses were cool in summer and warm in summer, and they could have enough food to fill their stomachs without going out to fight with wild beasts.

Under the propaganda of the tiger people, they knew that all this was brought by the messengers sent by the beast god. The simple orcs and sub-beasts accepted it without any doubt. In their hearts, only gods can understand so many things and only gods have such great abilities.

Cheng Leyu was placed on the altar, and a huge statue of him stood in the center of the city. Every day, people spontaneously sent flowers, knelt under the statue and worshiped at its feet.

Cheng Leyu felt extremely ashamed when he saw this scene, but unfortunately his dissuasion did not have any effect. The tribe leader Shi and even his friend Yan were happy to see it happen, so he had to let everyone go.

Now the population of the city has exceeded 5,000, and it is obviously not appropriate to continue to eat in a big pot like in the tribe. It happened that the kiln finally fired porcelain, so the houses were divided according to the family unit, and each family cooked their own meals.

There are many orcs and a small number of sub-beasts in the city who are alone, so the market planned by Cheng Leyu when building the city came in handy, and the first restaurant in primitive society was born.

Shi is no longer the leader, but officially took office as the city lord. He originally wanted to ask the envoy to take this position, but Cheng Leyu insisted on not doing so. He thought that the envoy might be taken back by the beast god at some point, so he gave up.

After that, there was no longer any talk of tribesmen. The orcs and sub-beasts living here were collectively called Xucheng people. They brought the friendship of the city lord to the tribes they had been friends with, and conveyed the glory brought by the envoy. More and more tribes joined in.

There are more and more people in Xucheng. When the population is saturated, Shi will send people to locate and build a new city. As one orc city after another stands in the forest, the orc kingdom is naturally established, and Shi becomes the first orc king.

Cheng Leyu thought he could retire after success, but when the orc kingdom walked out of the forest and included the prairie in its territory, the so-called beast god never meant to take him away.

He didn't know how many times he asked his friends, but Yan still said to him: "It's not time yet."

Cheng Leyu was surprisingly angry for a while: "When will it be time? Didn't you say that I was sent to lead the orcs? Isn't it enough now? Do I have to lead the orcs out of the planet and into the universe?"

Yang Yan was also helpless about this. Who knows why the heaven of this world is still holding on to the protagonist?

The two parted unhappily for the first time. Cheng Leyu unilaterally started a cold war with his friends who he had known for twenty years. People around them were very worried, and even Shi, who had entered old age, was alarmed.

Although his reputation as a god is far greater than that of the beast king, Cheng Leyu still respects this elder. Moreover, he knows that this matter cannot be blamed on his friend, so under Shi's persuasion, the two quickly reconciled.

Yang Yan also gave him a definite word: "You can definitely go back, in the original way."

Cheng Leyu's eyes widened instantly. Does his friend mean that no matter how long he stays here, when he returns to the original time and space, it will still be the moment he came?

He looked at his middle-aged friend seriously, fearing that he would see traces of lying in his eyes, but fortunately there was no trace of lying in his eyes, and he only responded to him with openness.

Out of trust in the best friend in the world and because of the expectations in his heart, Cheng Leyu finally chose to believe that he would stay in the Orc Kingdom in the future, continue to assist the Beast King, and bring a better life to the orcs.

There were many people who admired him in his life, including orcs and sub-beasts, and there were many outstanding people among them, but he could never accept people with the same physical characteristics as him, and he remained single until his old age.

Cheng Leyu lived in this world for a full seventy years, far longer than the time he lived on Blue Star. Sometimes he was a little confused, wondering whether he really came from another world, or whether his eighteen years of life were just a dream.

When he was dying, suppressed crying could be heard everywhere in the temple, but he was extremely relaxed as he was about to die, because the answer he had been waiting for all his life could finally be revealed.

At the moment when his breathing was completely cut off, a dazzling light appeared in front of Cheng Leyu's eyes. His friend who had left earlier turned into a young man, walked on the light, and waved to him gently.

He widened his eyes, but before he could say a word, he suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness under him. He subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he saw the blue sky and a few familiar faces deep in his memory.

"Dajun, Ayuan, Xiaosheng..." He read out the names of several good friends one by one, and his already vague memories suddenly became extremely clear. On the contrary, the experiences in the Orc Country were gradually fading away, as if it was just a dream.

"Cheng Leyu, are you stupid? You can fall down while walking. Let me show you! If there wasn't a platform next to you, you would probably fall to death. Do you know that?"

Before he could fully wake up, he was met with a series of angry scoldings, but it was not difficult to hear the concern in them. Cheng Leyu was not angry, but grinned and smiled very happily.

He is back! He is really back! In his original appearance, he returned to the moment when he crossed over. It is great that his friends did not lie to him!

"Is he stupid?" Seeing this, several friends looked at each other worriedly, and decisively lifted him up and prepared to send him to the hospital. It was better to check before they felt relieved. What if he hit his head?


In the orc country of another world, a huge white light suddenly appeared in the temple, which was connected to the sky. It only lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared. Then the gods were surprised to find that the gods who had lost their breath disappeared without a trace in such a short time.

The first unified kingdom in the history of orcs existed for a thousand years before being overthrown by the new king. Unfortunately, many precious texts were destroyed in the war, but people passed down the legendary story of the beast king stone and the gods' language working together to establish the kingdom through word of mouth.

Among them, the most talked about is the white light that appeared at the end of the gods' language. People in later generations made countless speculations, among which there are two that are most recognized by people.

One is that he was really sent by the Beast God to lead the orcs, and he was taken back by the Beast God after he retired.

The other is that he is actually an alien who accidentally drifted to this planet and finally contacted his companions after decades of hard work. The white light was actually caused by an alien spaceship picking him up.

One of the two theories belongs to theology, and the other comes from science. The supporters of both firmly believe that their own is correct, and often cause text wars on the Internet, but in the end no one can convince anyone.


Yang Yan groaned and opened his eyes. What caught his eyes was the yellow gauze curtain for workmanship inspection. He rubbed his temples and complained about the unreliability of System Xiaoyi in his heart.

He promised him to find a way to send Cheng Leyu back to his world, but he had to deal with it himself. The injury he suffered from fighting against the Heavenly Dao last time has not yet fully recovered!

Although the Heavenly Dao of this orc world is obviously much weaker than the Heavenly Dao of the Xiu □□, it is their territory after all. A strong dragon should not suppress a local snake. It is not easy for him to be alive now after he was snatched away from under its nose.

The soul was injured again, which made Yang Yan's head ache slightly. He didn't know how long it would take to recover this time, but he didn't regret it.

Cheng Leyu had his own life. It was wrong to be forcibly captured by the Heavenly Dao to promote the development of his own world. It was even more excessive to refuse to let him go after the matter was done. Even if he met a stranger, he couldn't help but intervene in his business, not to mention that the one who was treated unfairly was a friend he recognized.

It's a pity that the Heavenly Dao failed to steal the chicken this time. The little spiritual intelligence that had just been born was dispersed by him. It is unknown how long it will take to regenerate spiritual intelligence, and even if the new spiritual intelligence is born, it will not be the original Heavenly Dao.

"Your Highness is awake?" The waiter in the room heard the noise and pulled open the bed curtain, then walked forward carefully to help him up.

Yang Yan said "hmm" softly, followed his strength and sat up, lifted the quilt and stood up.

Soon a group of waiters came in with toiletries, each with their heads down and not daring to look around, putting down the things lightly, bowing and quickly retreating, without making any sound during the action.

Yang Yan opened his arms and let the waiters, whose heads were only up to his chest, help him put on the cumbersome clothes, washed his face, cleaned his hands and teeth, and sat in front of the mirror. The bronze mirror reflected a resolute face.

With deep eyebrows, high nose peaks and slightly thin lips, he looked like a handsome guy. With the original owner's height of more than 1.8 meters and powerful but not exaggerated muscles, this figure and appearance can completely beat any modern traffic star.

Unfortunately, his appearance does not conform to the mainstream aesthetics of this world. If he goes out and is seen by others, he will only be evaluated as an "ugly man", so the original owner has always been somewhat inferior to his appearance.

"Your Highness, what kind of bun do you want to wear today?" Seeing him staring at his reflection in a trance, the little servant quickly interrupted his thoughts, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Yang Yan recalled the hairstyle that the original owner usually combed, and the corners of his mouth twitched almost invisibly, and said: "Comb up the upper part and fix it with a hairpin, and let the rest hang loose!"

"This..." The little servant hesitated, "Isn't it too simple?"

Yang Yan said lightly: "Simplicity is the best, just be comfortable, why do you have to pursue complicated beauty?"

Seeing this, the little servant didn't persuade him anymore, and followed his instructions to make a bun with both hands, but when choosing a hairpin, he didn't ask again, and directly took a particularly complicated and gorgeous hairpin inlaid with jewels and inserted it into his hair.

Seeing that the hairpin matched his clothes, Yang Yan did not force him to change to a simple one. He rejected his intention to put on makeup for him, and only applied some moisturizing cream on his skin, then stood up.

The light yellow robe fell straight to the instep, and outside was a gauze dress of the same color embroidered with phoenix patterns. He was tied with a palm-wide belt embroidered with phoenix patterns around his waist, which made him look slender, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, and he had a sense of elegance and elegance.

The little servant was a little stunned. Although his face was still the same, he didn't know why, but he felt that the prince looked particularly good today!

Yang Yan looked at him strangely. In the original owner's memory, this personal servant usually talked a lot. Why was he so silent today?

However, it is normal for people's personalities to change. He didn't mean to delve into it, and said lightly: "Let's go."

Then he took the lead and walked out of the house in big strides.

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