The two of them were clinging to each other for a long time, and Shao Yangji finally learned from her how he had provoked this unprovoked disaster. He was a little amused: "Why do you believe everything others say?"

"This is not just nonsense from anyone!" Rong Yinhua said worriedly, "If the prince really mentioned your marriage to the emperor, and the emperor granted you the marriage, can you still disobey the order?"

Although she knew that the emperor would die in a month, her lover would ascend the throne, and the meddling prince would not have a good end.

But she wanted to be the queen in a glorious way, and didn't want an inexplicable woman to come between them.

It's not that she was worried that Shao Yangji would fall in love with someone else. After ten years of management, she was confident that she had completely occupied his heart.

It's just that if the emperor really pointed out a woman to him, even if she became the queen in the future, others would accuse her of stealing the queen position, which made her very uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Didn't this happen in the previous life? Could it be because of what that woman Shi Xiayue said to the prince?

She gave the prince to her, and she was not grateful, and she did such a disgusting thing to upset her!

Humph! When brother Ji kills the prince and ascends the throne, she must make him punish that woman, making her life worse than her in her previous life!

Shaoyang Ji saw that her face was changing, and thought she cared too much about him, and declared domineeringly: "My wife will only be you, I don't want anyone else, no matter who it is, I can't force me."

If other people heard him say this, they would definitely think he was shameless. An unpopular prince, who lives worse than an ordinary minister, how can he have the confidence to disobey the emperor's will?

But Rong Yinhua was reborn, and she knew very well that this man was the final winner. What prince, what emperor, will soon lie in the coffin and turn into dust.

So she was very happy after getting his assurance, but she didn't forget to pretend that she knew nothing about him, and said with emotion: "Just your words are enough, but your safety is more important, brother Ji. If the emperor really issues an order..."

Tears flashed in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth and made an extremely difficult decision, "Brother Ji, just accept it! Yin'er doesn't want you to be punished..."

Shaoyang Ji didn't expect that her feelings for him were so deep. She would rather wrong herself than want him to be hurt a little bit. His heart suddenly softened and he secretly vowed that he would never let down this woman who loved him more than anything else in this life.

He almost blurted out his plan, but he swallowed it back when it came to his lips. It wasn't that he didn't believe her that he concealed it. If such a woman who was wholeheartedly for him didn't believe it, who else would he dare to believe?

Although he had made preparations, he didn't dare to guarantee that it would be foolproof. He had to leave a way out for her, so that if he failed, she would not be implicated.

"Don't worry, Yin'er, I will marry you in a grand manner soon." Shao Yangji only said vaguely at last. He knew that with his superficial image, such a promise would sound perfunctory, but he also knew that his beloved girl would not think that way, after all, she loved and believed in him so deeply.

Sure enough, Rong Yinhua was only happy after hearing his words, and there was no haze on her bright smile: "Well, I'll wait for you."

The queen's position is hers, and she will be favored alone. She has no doubt about this. What a little maid in the previous life could do, how could she, the daughter of the Rong family, be compared with her?


The secret meeting between the male and female protagonists was soon reported to Yang Yan, but because of fear of alerting the enemy, his people did not dare to sneak too close, so it is unknown what the two talked about.

Yang Yan did not feel disappointed. First, he had expected that Shao Yangji would not be so easy to deal with. After all, he successfully concealed the eyes and ears of everyone in the previous life. It was not until the army broke through the palace that the ministers knew that he was not the straw bag prince they thought.

Moreover, the illness of Emperor Zhengrui was most likely his doing. Not only did he conceal it from the crown prince, but he also plotted against the ruler of a country. This was enough to show that his hidden power was extremely terrifying.

Second, he guessed from Rong Yinhua's actions these days that Shao Yangji had probably not told her the truth, so even if he knew about their conversation, it would probably be useless.

Yang Yan sent a lot of people to find out who in the army was colluding with him. After all, if you want to launch a coup, you can only really play a role if you have soldiers under your command.

Unfortunately, the original owner's memory only existed in this life after Rong Yinhua's rebirth. The previous life was all described in the storybook, which only mentioned that Shao Yangji led his troops to attack the palace. It was unknown which generals supported him and whose soldiers he led.

He was led into a trap by the heroine and shot at night. At that time, he only recognized half of Rong Yinhua's face by the firelight, and he didn't even see the man she was leaning on.

It was only after he died that he read the storybook and realized that it was his good brother. He still didn't know who set up the ambush with him.

So the original owner died in a really confusing way!

There was no ready-made answer, so Yang Yan could only check it himself. However, the original owner seemed to be in a glorious position as a prince, but in fact, in order not to touch the sensitive nerves of the emperor, he had always been cautious and never intervened in military affairs. It was too difficult to find out those people in a limited time.

So he thought of speculating from the few clues.

In the first life, it didn't take long for Shao Yangji to attack the palace. The storybook said it took from dusk to midnight, about three hours in total.

But as far as he knew, the palace guards were about two thousand people, occupying the advantage of the terrain, and the opponent needed at least five times the number to attack the Golden Palace in the middle in such a short time.

It was impossible for ten thousand people to enter the capital without alerting the palace in advance, so he was more inclined to believe that the number of opponents was no more than a thousand, and it was almost impossible for such a small number of people to defeat the palace guards head-on.

Therefore, the possibility that there was an insider in the guards was the greatest, and after Shao Yangji controlled the palace, he killed all the princes, including the crown prince, and even the clan members.

It should not be just because of his cruel temperament. His greater purpose should be to eliminate the royal bloodline and ensure that only he was qualified to ascend the throne.

So the power he secretly developed may not be as large as he imagined before, and the reason for his success was more of a trick.

First, the emperor was seriously ill, and the chaos in the palace gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it. Then, there was an insider who cooperated with him from inside and outside, and the original owner was killed by him without any defense.

The reason why Yang Yan was convinced of his speculation was that the heroine had done something. She used a trick to lead the original owner out of the palace at that time. It should be that the hero had told her something.

The two of them worked out this plan and easily killed him, which just proved that Shao Yangji did not have the ability to absolutely suppress him.

After thinking it through, Yang Yan marked two key points.

One is that Emperor Zhengrui suddenly became seriously ill. After secretly reading his pulse case, he found that his body was indeed very healthy. Normally, he should not die of illness within a few days.

And after the previous analysis, his serious illness was a prerequisite for Shao Yangji to succeed. The hero could start a rebellion the day after Emperor Zhengrui died. Who would believe that he had nothing to do with this matter?

The second is the insider in the Imperial Guard. This person (or more than one person?) must not be too low in status, otherwise he would never succeed in such a strict hierarchy in the army.

Yang Yan didn't have many people he could use. After thinking this through, he simply transferred back the people he had sent to spy on Shao Yangji, leaving only two people with Rong Yinhua.

Since the male protagonist was secretly planning such a thing, he would definitely be more alert. It would be difficult to find out any news in a short period of time if he continued to keep people with him, and there would be a risk of alerting the enemy.

It was different for the female protagonist. Although she was not involved in Shao Yangji's plan now, according to the original owner's memory before her death, she should still stand with him at the critical moment.

Moreover, even if the people he sent were discovered, he could say that it was because the prince cared about this cousin and secretly sent people to protect her. Even if the other party was skeptical, there was room for maneuver.

All the people were sent to investigate the personnel above the level of junior commander of the Imperial Guard, and to track and investigate the imperial doctors who usually diagnosed the emperor's pulse and prescribed medicine outside the palace. The palace arranged for reliable eunuchs and palace maids who had been selected with the Crown Princess in recent times to investigate.

After taking two approaches, although the imperial physician still did not find any suspicious points, several people in the imperial guards were found to have expenses that were obviously not proportional to their income.

Yang Yan asked people to further investigate the identities and backgrounds of several people, and unexpectedly found that one of them had some connection with the deposed prince of the previous dynasty.

Things have come back to him in a roundabout way. Yang Yan is sure that his previous feeling is not wrong. To find out the power under Shao Yangji, he really needs to find out what happened that year.

What kind of involvement does the Xiao family have with the deposed prince? Was Concubine Xiao deposed and the second prince rejected just because of the wrong decision made by the mother's family?

There are too few people who know about these past events now. In addition to the emperor and the queen, probably only the original owner's grandfather, the former patriarch of the Rong family, knows the most.

It is impossible for him to ask the emperor. From his reaction when Shao Yangji's marriage was mentioned last time, it can be seen that he still has a grudge about it. If he suddenly asks about the past without giving a reason, he will probably be punished.

But as for the reason, Yang Yan couldn't just say that he suspected the second prince was planning a rebellion, otherwise how could he explain how he knew it? It would be terrible if his cover was revealed!

I asked the queen last time, and if I ask again, I have to explain the whole story, and after that, my mother might have to discuss it with my father and brother.

Yang Yan thought he might as well ask the old man of the Rong family directly.

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