The original owner's grandfather, Rong Tianhua, was over seventy years old. He had retired five years ago. Now, the person in charge of Rong Guogong's mansion is his uncle Rong Junmao. Yang Yan's arrival was treated with high standards, and the whole family was Extremely enthusiastic about him.

Unlike Rong Yinhua, the Rong family is very clear about it, and they know that the prince is the backing of their family's prosperity.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Yang Yan suddenly said: "I heard that Mr. Boss got an authentic painting of the former Zhang family. He came here uninvited just because he wanted to see it."

Rong Junmao was slightly startled. He had never heard that the prince also liked Zhang's paintings before?

Before he could say anything, Rong Tianhua already understood and said: "This painting was also acquired by the old minister by chance. Normally, if His Highness likes it, it should be sent to the palace for His Highness. However, the old minister's favorite one in his life is the Zhang family, and he couldn't let go of it for a while. I hope your highness will forgive me.”

"What are you talking about, Sir?" Yang Yan said with a smile, "A gentleman does not take what others like. I only need to be honored to see you, but I dare not ask Sir to part with me."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness," Mr. Rong stood up and said, "If Your Highness doesn't mind, could you please follow me to the study for a visit?"

"Zhenghe Guyi." Yang Yan smiled lightly and stood up leisurely to walk side by side with him. The two of them soon arrived at Rong Mansion's study.

Rong Tianhua rushed his servants out the door, personally took out the new painting and unfolded it in front of the table. It was the original work of Mr. Zhang, but at this time, neither of the two people at the table had the intention to appreciate it.

"Your Highness, if you have any questions, just ask," Mr. Rong said, stroking the scroll with one hand, "It is absolutely safe here."

"My lord is wise," Yang Yan said directly without being polite to him, "I want to know about the past of the deposed prince."

"This -" Rong Tianhua was startled and said subconsciously, "Since it is the past, why does Your Highness need to worry about it anymore?"

He had already begun to think about the reason why he suddenly mentioned the deposed prince. He was just out of curiosity and he didn't believe it. Could it be that the prince noticed something and was worried that he would follow in the same footsteps?

However, the Emperor has always loved His Highness so much that it would not cause him such a crisis.

"I'm just here to show my interest. I hope the boss can help me clear up my doubts." Yang Yan looked at him indifferently, her tone was not serious, but she didn't allow him to avoid it.

Rong Tianhua hesitated for a moment, but finally told what he knew.

The deposed prince Shao Yuqi of the former dynasty was the fifth son of the late emperor. His mother, Queen Renren, was of distinguished family background and had a close relationship with the late emperor's young couple. Unfortunately, the beauty was so unlucky that she could not even have two sons. After repeated blows, she gave birth to another son. The third son, Shao Yuqi, later died of blood collapse.

The late emperor was devastated at the time and took pity on Shao Yuqi, who had lost his mother when he was young. He took him with him and raised him personally. When he was able to stand upright at the age of three, he couldn't wait to make him a prince. His love for him was evident.

Shao Yuqi lived up to his high expectations. He was intelligent and eager to learn from a young age, and was good at both literature and martial arts. He was not only proficient in the classics of various schools of thought and poems of all dynasties, but was also proficient in bowing, horse riding, and archery. When he grew up, he was worshiped by future generations of emperors, and supervised the country several times, governing the country. His achievements were outstanding and he was well-known both inside and outside the court, which to a certain extent relieved the late emperor's burden. (Note: 1)

However, the good times did not last long. The late emperor lived too long and had the most children among all the emperors in the Dalin Dynasty. They were all smart and capable, which put great pressure on Shao Yuqi.

He slowly began to become anxious, his temper became more and more violent, his control over his subordinates weakened, and he made many wrong things under the joint attack of a group of brothers.

The late emperor gradually lost his tolerance for him and reprimanded him for the last time. After he talked back without any remorse, the relationship between father and son broke down. The late emperor angrily deposed him as prince and ordered him to be imprisoned.

When the prince fell, the most excited people were his brothers, who jumped up and down in an attempt to replace him. Unfortunately, those princes who participated in the heir apparent did not end well in the end.

Except for the two princes who were ranked fifteenth and had no interest in politics, all of them were imprisoned for life. It was not until today's accession to the throne that they were released one after another.

However, many years of confinement have destroyed these princes, and most of them died of depression within a few years. No one expected that the fifteenth prince, who had not shown any talent before, would become the final winner.

The late emperor imprisoned the deposed prince for five years before passing away. Before his death, he told the new emperor to treat him well. Unfortunately, shortly after Emperor Zhengrui ascended the throne, he died of illness in the confinement. He only enjoyed the honors after death and was allowed to use the title of prince. Identity buried.

What he said was only what everyone knew on the surface. Yang Yan was not angry after hearing this. He only asked lightly: "Did the deposed prince really die of illness?"

"Your Highness doesn't know something," Rong Tianhua replied calmly, "The environment in the confinement place is harsh. As far as the veteran knows, the deposed prince fell ill from time to time not long after he was imprisoned. Although the late emperor's benevolent faction I went to the imperial doctor for careful treatment, but it never got better. It was reasonable for him to die without treatment after a few years. "

"If you were truly merciful, how could you cruelly imprison your son who you have loved for many years in a harsh place?" Yang Yan shook his head and sighed, "The useless prince is also pitiful. He will end up like this. It's just because of the son's strong father's suspicion. That’s all.”

"Your Highness, be careful." Rong Tianhua was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He quickly walked to the door and looked around. When he didn't see anything strange, he felt relieved. He turned around and saluted, "No matter what the reason is, Your Highness is treating the deposed prince." I'm curious, but I think Your Highness should take a lesson from this and never act in a showy way."

"I know." Yang Yan nodded and said casually, "How did the Xiao family get involved with the deposed prince and end up with their property confiscated and exiled?"

Rong Tianhua didn't think much about it and continued, "The person in power at the time of the Xiao family was an old acquaintance of the old minister. This person has always been good at speculation. He attached himself to the deposed prince when he was in power. Later, when the deposed prince fell, he quickly drew a line and attached himself to the emperor."

"Isn't this a bit wrong?" Yang Yan asked calmly, "Before the prince was deposed, there were many people attaching themselves to him. If it was just for this reason, it would not only be the Xiao family, but I'm afraid half of the court would be cleared out."

"Your Highness is wise." Rong Tianhua smiled with relief, and his gray beard trembled as he spoke. "It's fine if the Xiao family wants to get close to him, but they should never help the deposed prince do something that is not good for the emperor, so they deserve this fate."

Yang Yan said unexpectedly: "The unfavorable things that the old man mentioned are about the life experience of the second prince?"

"Your Highness knows?" Rong Tianhua was stunned, and when he saw his understanding look, he quickly understood, "Your Highness lied to me!"

Yang Yan admitted frankly and said shamelessly: "Since the old man has said half of it, why not tell me everything!"

It's no use to hide it at this time. Maybe it will make the prince have a grudge against them. Rong Tianhua didn't want to see their biggest supporter separated from them, so he had to confess the past that had been concealed for nearly 20 years.

It turned out that Xiao Qi, the head of the Xiao family, originally intended to marry Xiao to the deposed prince as a concubine. When Shao Yuqi was proud, he was full of vigor and had an outstanding appearance. Although he was more than ten years older than Xiao, she had already had a crush on him.

The two had a verbal engagement, and Xiao often exchanged letters with him. The content of the letters was certainly full of love and longing, but these letters later became the death warrant for her and the Xiao family.

After Shao Yuqi fell, Xiao Qi regretted marrying his youngest daughter to the then fifteenth prince as a concubine. Xiao was the most beautiful woman in the capital at that time, and even the former prince who had seen countless beauties was fascinated by her. Her appearance and talent can be seen.

Shao Wenhao's main wife was still there, and the current queen also entered the mansion, but they and all the women in the mansion were not as good as Xiao. As soon as she entered the mansion, she was favored and soon became pregnant.

The queen was pregnant before she entered the mansion, otherwise there would probably be no current prince Shao Yangyan.

Yang Yan knew what happened later. The queen gave birth to the original owner a month earlier, and then Shao Yangji was born. Four years later, the previous emperor passed away, and Shao Wenhao ascended the throne as emperor. Not long after, the deposed prince died of illness.

The next year, the court requested to establish a crown prince. At that time, the former queen had passed away, and the most popular candidates were the original owner and the second prince. Among the two, Emperor Zhengrui preferred Shaoyangji, born to his favorite concubine Xiao.

Unfortunately, Rong Tianhua got the correspondence between the deposed crown prince and concubine Xiao and reported it to the emperor.

The deeper the love was, the deeper the hatred was. Therefore, the emperor raided the Xiao family and exiled all their family members. Concubine Xiao was stripped of her title and sent to the cold palace, and the second prince was also despised.

"So is the second prince the blood of the father or the deposed crown prince?" Yang Yan asked curiously.

"To be honest with you, Your Highness, I don't know this either, and I'm afraid even the Emperor doesn't know." Rong Tianhua said bluntly, "The timing of the Second Prince's birth is just too coincidental."

"Eight months after Xiao entered the palace, she gave birth to the Second Prince. It's possible that he is the blood of the deposed Crown Prince, and it's not an exaggeration to say that he is the Emperor's biological son."

"This is really complicated!" Yang Yan sighed, "I'm afraid only Concubine Xiao knows it best, but even if she says that the Second Prince is my father's, I'm afraid my father won't believe it."

"That's right." Rong Tianhua nodded, "It's a good thing that this happened, otherwise, with the Emperor's preference for Xiao, the position of Crown Prince would most likely fall on the Second Prince."

Yang Yan understood, He immediately thanked her, "I would also like to thank you for your help."

"Your Highness, you are too kind," Rong Tianhua saluted and said, "I was also thinking about my own family. Xiao Qi and I have an old grudge. If he gets the upper hand, I am afraid it will not be good for me."

"I and the old master are originally from the same family. It would be strange if we were too clear about it." Yang Yan smiled and said, "Anyway, I will remember the old master's kindness in my heart."

Rong Tianhua said he dared not to, and then said with some concern: "Your Highness does not treat me as an outsider, and I have some heartfelt words. No matter why Your Highness asks me about these past events, if it is not necessary, please do not mention it in front of the emperor."

"I will save it." Yang Yan nodded.

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