Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 254: The Cold Sect Leader 20

The demon world is actually not much different from the cultivation world. The only difference is that cultivators are used to living in houses, and many majestic buildings have been built in the Taoist temples. However, demon cultivators advocate nature, and most of the caves are original colors and built according to the terrain.

For example, the foxes live in caves, which are decorated with stone tables and stone beds, and the teacups and other objects they use are also made of wood and bamboo, full of rural flavor.

As early as when he regained his inner elixir, Bai Feng passed the news to the tribe and told his parents and tribesmen everything that happened to him. Therefore, Yang Yan received extremely high courtesy in the fox tribe.

"Thank you, Immortal, for saving Bai Feng's life. Immortal, you are the great benefactor of our entire tribe." A group of young, middle-aged and elderly human-shaped foxes knelt in front of him, and behind them, more than a dozen fox cubs with fox ears on their heads and furry tails shaking on their buttocks also learned to bow and kneel like their elders.

"What is a great benefactor?" A little fox asked his little friend in a low voice.

"I don't know either, maybe someone who looks very good?"

"Oh... Then I want to be a great benefactor when I grow up."

"I want that too."

"I want that too."


A group of furry creatures began to discuss how to become more beautiful. Some said they should take more baths, some said they could put flowers on their heads, and some said adding fur would make them more beautiful...

They thought their voices were very quiet, but they didn't know that their childish words were all heard by the elders.

The fox elder who was in the lead said awkwardly: "Excuse me, Immortal, these children don't know etiquette."

Having said that, he didn't scold them out loud. The fox tribe advocates nature, and they will educate their children, but they won't be too restrained. The little cubs were just playing by themselves, and they didn't do anything bad.

But he was still worried about making the Immortal unhappy, so he carefully watched his face, ready to ask the fox to take the little guys out if he saw him showing dissatisfaction.

Yang Yan was not disgusted, he smiled and said, "It's okay, they are very cute."

Having lived for who knows how many years, he would always be more tolerant of the cubs, and these furry foxes are just very smart, not particularly naughty.

As long as parents love their children, there is no one who doesn't like to hear others praise their babies. When Yang Yan said this, the fox elders looked at him more eagerly. Before, they regarded him as a benefactor and were grateful, but now they regarded him as their own family.

Yang Yan had experienced the secular world, and he couldn't stand his excessive warmth. He hurriedly said, "Feng'er received a letter from the tribe for help before, but it was not clear. What happened, please tell me as soon as possible."

The fox elders then stopped smiling and became worried.

When Bai Feng went to look for her missing fiancé, in order not to worry the tribe members, she left a message when she left, so she never returned, but the prince came back in one piece, and the tribe leader immediately went to find out the truth.

Unexpectedly, Hongyu acted very surprised and said that he had never seen Bai Feng. Later, he sent people to look for her together with the people of the fox tribe, just like a good demon who was worried about his fiancée.

At first, the people of the fox tribe were also confused, but soon they found that the prince who said he was worried about the safety of his fiancée was involved with a human female cultivator.

The two often went out together, and the demons in the palace also respected the female cultivator very much. Although Hongyu explained that he had received the favor of the female cultivator, looking at the affectionate look of the two, only a blind person could not guess that their relationship was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

After that, the tribe members who went to the cultivation world to look for the young patriarch found some clues. They confirmed that Hongyu was lying. He definitely met Bai Feng, and her disappearance was related to these two people.

Unfortunately, they had no evidence. The fox tribe was not as powerful as the blue bird tribe in the demon world. Hongyu denied it, and they had no way to deal with him.

However, the fox clan leader and the elders were unwilling to give up. Bai Feng was not only a member of their clan, but also shouldered the hope of revitalizing the entire clan. They would never allow her to be harmed in such an unclear way.

After internal discussion, the fox clan decided to go all out and secretly contacted those monsters who were dissatisfied with the Demon King, wanting to unite everyone's strength to put pressure on the Demon King and seek justice for their young clan leader.

But at this time, Bai Feng sent back the news that she was safe and sound, so the fox clan temporarily suppressed it and prepared to discuss what to do after she returned to the clan.

But before they waited for Bai Feng to return, they received the order of the Demon King. Prince Hongyu celebrated his thousand-year birthday and invited all the monster clans to celebrate.

Although the young clan leader reminded them to be careful of Prince Hongyu, they had not yet torn their faces with the Demon King and maintained superficial harmony. Naturally, they could not go against his order. After preparing some gifts, the clan leader took several clan members to congratulate in person.

But they lost contact soon after they left. The elders secretly found out that the demons they had contacted before had also disappeared without a trace. They immediately became suspicious. The foxes with the highest cultivation in the tribe had all gone to the Demon King's Palace. They had no choice but to ask for help from the young clan leader.

"I'll go to the Demon King to ask for people now!" Bai Feng couldn't sit still when he heard that it was related to the safety of his father and the tribe members.

"Wait!" Yang Yan quickly stopped him, feeling a little helpless.

His second disciple was extremely talented in cultivation, but he was too simple and straightforward as a person, uh, a demon. He clearly noticed the affair between Hongyu and Lou Yuzhen at the beginning, but he thought he had misunderstood after being denied several times.

Now that they heard that their clan members were in trouble, their first reaction was to go directly to the Demon King to ask for someone. They didn't even think about the Fox clan leader and others being detained or worse, being assassinated. It was all just their guesses.

She boldly went to the door to ask for someone. If the Demon Emperor denied him, what could she do to others? Even if the Demon King admitted it directly, had she ever thought about whether she could beat him?

The Demon King's own cultivation level is not low, not to mention that he has a large group of defenders, and now the fox clan is probably in the wrong place (secretly colluding with the demon who intends to rebel), so she just ran over, and she was the only one delivering food. share.

After listening to Master's analysis, Bai Feng realized that she was indeed too reckless. She was anxious but helpless. The expression on her face looked like she would cry in the next moment: "Master, what should I do, disciple?"

"It's useless for you to be anxious now," Yang Yan pondered for a moment and said, "If the Demon King has already taken action against your people, it's too late to rush over now. If he just detains people, then think of a way. Let him cast a rat-proof weapon and not dare to hurt anyone."

"Master, is there any solution?" Bai Feng's face turned happy, and his eyes were like small animals, looking at him trustingly.

Yang Yan thought of her original appearance as a little white fox, and her fingers couldn't help but feel itchy. Everyone likes to stroke furry things.

He coughed lightly to suppress his inappropriate thoughts, nodded, and said: "You should send someone to the Demon Palace now to send a message, saying that your Nine Tails has turned into a shadow and will be promoted soon. Please come back to the clan leader and elders. "Dharma protector."

"But I just made the Eight Tails!" Bai Feng blinked in confusion, "Didn't Master say that I need to practice hard for at least five years before I can make the Nine Tails?"

"The Immortal Chief's move is to intimidate the Demon Emperor," the fox clan elder already understood his intention and helped him explain to the young clan leader, "Fortunately, the clan leader and others have not been harmed yet, if the Demon Emperor wants to attack them, he will also You have to weigh one or two.”

"The elder is right." Yang Yan nodded slightly. Not all of the Fox clan were upright girls like his own apprentices. Otherwise, they would not have been suppressed for thousands of years and the clan has not yet been exterminated.

"Then what if the Demon Emperor knows that we are lying to him?" Bai Feng was still puzzled, "He will definitely send someone to investigate after receiving the news. Will the secret be revealed as soon as he sees me? And even if If I hide from people, they will be suspicious, right?"

"Whether he believes it or not, all we want is to buy time. When he hesitates, it is our chance to save people." Yang Yan smiled faintly and said, "You have lived in the Demon Palace for hundreds of years. You should be familiar with that place, right?”

Bai Feng finally understood the master's intention, his eyes suddenly became bright, and he nodded vigorously and said: "It's familiar! When I was a child, Hongyu thought that I always ignored him while practicing, so I had to follow him around for a while, and I was so embarrassed. I visited the entire Demon Palace!"

She had complained secretly in her heart before that having this fiancé delayed a lot of her cultivation time, but she didn't expect that that unwilling experience would actually help a lot now.

But she won't be grateful to Hong Yu for this. After all, he will be the initiator of this crisis in the Fox clan. At most, she will give him a happy time when she seeks revenge from him in the future.

Bai Feng made this decision in his heart. If Hong Yu knew about it, he would probably be grateful to the naughty and willful Xiong himself when he was a child... What a p!

After the matter was agreed upon, the Fox Clan's messenger quickly set off for the Demon Palace. Yang Yan and the others also left the Fox Clan at the same time. Because they were faster, they finally arrived one step ahead of the messenger.

Before celebrating the birthday of Prince Hongyu, he was probably on guard. The clan leader had already brought most of the masters in the clan there. There was only one elder left in the clan who was relatively capable of fighting. He needed to protect the clan and could not leave, so he came to rescue him. The only ones left were Yang Yan and Bai Feng.

As soon as the master and disciple approached the Demon Palace, Bai Feng noticed something was wrong, pulled the master's sleeve and said: "The security here is much tighter."

Yang Yan didn't find it strange. He pointed at the two little demons who had just come out of the palace gate and said, "Is it feasible for us to capture the demons and sneak in in their appearance?"

Bai Feng shook his head and said: "The Demon Palace is guarded by a formation. In addition to tokens, passwords are also required to enter and exit. Once you say the wrong thing or delay in saying it, you will be judged as an intruder. The guards in the palace will immediately Will come out in droves.”

Without waiting for the master to speak, she added: "The spiritual perception of the demon clan is far better than that of humans. If we use the soul-obsessing technique, I am afraid that we will be discovered immediately."

Yang Yan chuckled and said: "There is no need to capture the soul, I have a way to get the password."

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